![]() КАТЕГОРИИ: Архитектура-(3434)Астрономия-(809)Биология-(7483)Биотехнологии-(1457)Военное дело-(14632)Высокие технологии-(1363)География-(913)Геология-(1438)Государство-(451)Демография-(1065)Дом-(47672)Журналистика и СМИ-(912)Изобретательство-(14524)Иностранные языки-(4268)Информатика-(17799)Искусство-(1338)История-(13644)Компьютеры-(11121)Косметика-(55)Кулинария-(373)Культура-(8427)Лингвистика-(374)Литература-(1642)Маркетинг-(23702)Математика-(16968)Машиностроение-(1700)Медицина-(12668)Менеджмент-(24684)Механика-(15423)Науковедение-(506)Образование-(11852)Охрана труда-(3308)Педагогика-(5571)Полиграфия-(1312)Политика-(7869)Право-(5454)Приборостроение-(1369)Программирование-(2801)Производство-(97182)Промышленность-(8706)Психология-(18388)Религия-(3217)Связь-(10668)Сельское хозяйство-(299)Социология-(6455)Спорт-(42831)Строительство-(4793)Торговля-(5050)Транспорт-(2929)Туризм-(1568)Физика-(3942)Философия-(17015)Финансы-(26596)Химия-(22929)Экология-(12095)Экономика-(9961)Электроника-(8441)Электротехника-(4623)Энергетика-(12629)Юриспруденция-(1492)Ядерная техника-(1748) |
Фонетика 1
Ex. 4 Ex. 3 Ex. 2 Ex. 1 Ex. 4 Ex. 3 Ex. 2 Ex. 1 Ex. 4 Ex. 3 Ex. 2 Ex. 1 Ex. 4 Ex. 3 Ex. 2 Ex. 1 Ex. 4 Ex. 3 Ex. 2 Ex. 1 Ex.4 Ex.3 Ex.2 Ex. 1 sı: fı: bı: hı: pı: nı: fı:l 'bı:ıŋ 'ı:gə sı:d fı:d bı:d hı:d pı:z nı:z fı:ld 'sı:ıŋ 'ı:zı sı:t fı:t bı:t hı:t pı:s nı:s mı:l '|ı:vnıŋ 'tı:mstə
Ap'peal. E'teem. 'East 'Side. Re'deem. In'deed. 'Submarine. 'Leadership.'Wind-screen. 'Seaman. 'Reading. 'Frequency. Re'treave. Re'veal. 'Meeting. 'Feeling. Ma'chine. Ex'tremes. 'Creature. 'Healing.' Stealing. 'Freeman.' Meaning. 'Feeding. 'Leaflet. 'Leavings.
The eagles. The easel. The evening. The East. The epoch. The easiness. The emu. The East end. The eaves. The easterness. The eels. The ease..
[ı] - краткий ненапряженный нелабиализованный гласный (монофтонг) переднего отодвинутого назад ряда высокого подъема (полузакрытый) широкой разновидности; short lax unrounded front-retracted close (high) monophthong of broad variation.
ıt ıs ız ın pın pıl bıd tın tıp dın sıt – sı:t sık – sı:k fit – fı:t ıl fıl tıl pıl bıl mılk lıst sın zıŋk kıŋ lıp – lı:p kıl – kı:l lıd – lı:d 'lıkıŋ 'klıpıŋ 'drıpıŋ 'vızıtıŋ 'prıntıŋ 'fıksıŋ kın – kı:n bıt – bı:t pıl – pı:l In'finitive. 'Immigrant. Impossi'bility. In'scription. In'difference. In'finity. In'dignity. 'Institute. The Indies. The industry. The insects. The issue. The impulse. The imports.
True insight. Primary interest. Deadly illness. New issue. Steady income. Lovely image. Mighty ocean. Filthy abuse. Clumsy effort. Primary object. Costly operation. Deadly accuracy.
[e] - краткий ненапряженный нелабиализованный гласный (монофтонг) переднего ряда среднего подъема (полуоткрытый) узкой разновидности; short lax unrounded front mid-open monophthong of narrow variation.
end eb eg elm end els 'eni 'epik beg – bæg bed – bæd bend - bænd men sed bed beg keg ges felt pebl 'pepə den – dæn pet – pæt lend - lænd 'betə 'bedıŋ 'merı 'menı 'redı 'refərəns ded – dæd ten – tæn ges – gæs
Ef'fect. E'jection. E'lection. Epi'demic. E'xecutive. In'tention. Re'ception. De'tection The editor. The elders. The elements. The elephant. The emblem. The emperor
Silly error. Busy editor. Grumpy elder. Extra effort. Bony elbow. Happy end. Smoky ember. Primary element. Dirty entrance. Military escort. Mighty empire. Ugly episode.
1. 'Edgar ·said he’d 'wait for her at the mentrance. 2. 'When did you 'last ·tell your 'friend to msend it? 3. Is 'that the 'gent who 'sent you the kletter? 4. I 'think you’d better ·tell the mrest of 'them. 5. There’s 'plenty of 'time to 'get it ksettled. 6. You'mustn’t ·think 'Geoff 'read me 9everything. 7. He’s 'telling me he 'isn’t mready kyet. 8. ·Ed mcouldn’t 'mend it kvery ·well.
[æ] - полудолгий напряженный нелабиализованный гласный (монофтонг) переднего ряда низкого подъема (открытый) широкой разновидности; half-long tense unrounded front open (low) monophthong of broad variation.
dæd læd sæd lænd stænd æt læs bæd – bed 'lætə - 'letə bæn - b۸n sæd – sæt pæd – pæt 'sændı tæn - ten 'kætl - 'ketl tæk - t۸k æd – æt tæg – tæk 'dædı mæn – men 'bætə - 'betə læk - l۸k æz – æs læb – læp 'lædə bæk – bek blænd – blend sæk - s۸k
A|cademy. At|tachment. At|tack. A|nalogy. Un|natural. A|nalysis. Inter|national. |Fantasy. E|lastic. Re|action. |Gallery. An|tagonism The atmosphere. The altitude. The abstract. The attitude. The antonym. The adjective.
Easy access. Beastly appetite. Silly ass. Deadly accuracy. Literary amateur. Easy atmosphere. Lively action. Icy anger. Dusty attic. Deadly arrow. Filthy alley. Far-away ancestor.
[a:] - долгий напряженный нелабиализованный гласный (монофтонг) заднего продвинутого вперед ряда низкого подъема (открытый) широкой разновидности; long tense unrounded back-advanced open (low) monophthong of broad variation.
a: ba: ka: sta: a:m ba:d ka:d sta:v pa:k - p٨k ka:t - ko:t fa: - fa:m – fa:st t∫a: - t∫a:lz - t∫a:t ma:k - m٨k ba:n – bo:n ta: - 'ta:dı – ta:t ka: - 'ka:bən – ka:p da:k - d٨k fa:m – fo:m ska: - 'ska:lıt – ska:f ka: - 'ka:gəu – 'ka:kəs la:st - l٨st pa:t – po:t
A'partment. Mous'tache. E'xample. 'Sharpness. Com'mander. 'Argument. Dis'armament. 'Bar-room. ‘Cardinal. 'Darling. The armament. The architect. The artery. The Argentine. The article. The artist.
New art. True artist. Tiny artery. Gloomy Arctic. Heavy arm-chair. Low archway. Enemy army. Crafty architect. Showy article.
1. 'Archie ·asked to 'wait for him in the mpark. 2. 'Hasn’t ·Father 'asked ·Martin to 'mow the kgrass? 3. I 'think I’d 'rather 'ask my maunt. 4. We’ve 'asked the 'Archers to 'come to the mparty. 5. 'Father ·asked him mnot to 'park his 'car kthere. 6. 'Garth’s the 'last ·person to 'want to 9bargain. 7. The 'barman was ksmart, | but 'not so ·smart as mCharlie’s 'aunt. He 'asked ·Parker to 'drive the 'car as 'fast as he mcould.
p٨n b٨n d٨l t٨n k٨p k٨t d٨st 'm٨nı b٨k – ba:k k٨b - kæb '٨∫ə '٨glı '٨lsə '٨ŋkl ٨p'set ٨n'waız 'h٨nı l٨k – la:k s٨k - sæk b٨d - b٨t d٨g - d٨k h٨g - h٨k 'd٨stı m٨t∫ - ma:t∫ t٨n - tæn k٨d - k٨t m٨g - m٨k h٨n - h٨∫ 'f٨nı l٨st – la:st f٨n – fæn
'Grudge. 'Lumber. 'Puddle. Lunch. 'Function. 'Submarine. 'Hurry. 'Mutton. A'bundance. 'Bungalow. 'Summit. 'Number. The uncle. The umbrella. The usher. The upland. The undercoat. The Underground.
Wealthy uncle. Hilly upland. Slow upgrowth. Low undertone. Very unjust. Horribly ugly. Cruelly unjust. Sadly unhappy. Shyly uneasy.
1. 'Ask 'Buck if he’d 'like a(nother 'lump of 'sugar. 2. 'Rutt (won’t ar'rive before 'lunch on &Sunday. 3. 'Mother ·told her 'not to (come. 4. Don’t 'touch this 'money till 'next (month. 5. She was as 'snug as a 'bug in a (rug. 6. ·Something (must be 'done to 'save the &funds. 7. With 'utmost &care | my 'uncle un'rapped the (bundle. 8. There 'wasn’t much (sunshine in 'London 'last &Monday.
1 Слово, в котором больше букв, чем звуков: А) гроза В) чудесный С) ровесники Д) фестиваль Е) ветер 2. Укажите, в каком слове звуков больше, чем букв: А) рев В) Юра С) ров Д) Шура Е) брат 3. Слова, в которых происходит оглушение звонких: А) сбить, сгоряча В) узкий, скользкий С) сбор, отдых Д) сделать, отдых Е) сжечь, сжать
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