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Western European Civil War Phase 2

Consolidating European conservative organisations

Under construction – not edited


3.101 The cultural Marxist war against God and the Church in Western Europe leads to spiritually bankrupt countries lacking civilizational goals 1221

3.102 USA – a dying European Empire: lack of monoculturalism/ethnocentrism results in a breakdown of social cohesion – the objectives of the Conservative Revolutionary Movements. 1223

3.103 The Fall of the EUSSR, the Rise of the new nationalist European World Order 1226

3.104 Pro-African nationalism: deportation and/or segregation is the most anti-racist approach. 1232



3.105 A new conservatism/nationalism - Vienna School of Thought 1235

3.106 Creating patriotic youth movements in phase 1. 1238

3.107 Consolidating moderate (non-military) European cultural conservative organisations – phase 1 and 2. 1243

3.108 Europe, Anti-immigration parties/orgs – Nationalist parties/orgs. 1245

3.109 European protectorates. 1250

3.110 Pan-European Movements. 1252

3.111 National Anarchists (Anarcho-nationalists, certain ACAB-, oi-, RAC-, 14/88 nationalists) 1253

3.112 Estimating Western European battle-ready cultural conservatives 2009. 1257

3.113 Assistance from our European-American/Canadian/Australian brothers in the European civil war 1259

3.114 Participation from conservative individuals among the minority groups – Hindus, Buddhists and Christians. 1260

3.115 Defeating multiculturalism within the next 7 decades will involve the synchronised and combined efforts (unofficial) of 8 political fronts 1261

3.116 An official request/plead to all European patriots - Required administrative high priority tasks/objectives. 1264

3.117 Using Facebook and other social networking sites as a platform to consolidate and grow the European resistance movement 1267

3.118 Online “recruiters” for patriotic armed resistance movements/8th front – a primary administrative tasks. 1270

3.119 Teach your children the truth and do not allow them to be indoctrinated by cultural Marxist/multiculturalist propaganda. 1271

3.120 Christian/nationalist consolidation and considerations in Muslim-dominated Western European prisons. 1271



3.121 From clandestine cells to more advanced military movements. 1274

3.122 Objectives in Phase 2. 1275

3.123 Creating a PCCTS/Knights Templar political wing. 1276

3.124 A politically incorrect guide to the lynching of multiculturalist traitors (phase 2 and 3) 1276

3.125 Investments and wealth protection in Europe during phase 2 and 3 – civil war, how to protect your wealth. 1278

3.126 Building a cultural conservative paramilitary/militia organisation. 1281

3.127 A full or partial pardon may be granted to many category A, B and C traitors in phase 2. 1286

3.128 Preparation for Phase 3 (2070-2083) Coup d'état 1287

3.129 Recommendations for cultural conservative senior and junior military officers (phase 1, 2 and 3) 1289

3.130 The political landscape in W. Europe, 2070-2080, before the initiation of Phase 3. 1291


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