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Preserve or replace the European monarchies?


European constitutional monarchies:



- Belgium

- Denmark

- Luxembourg

- The Netherlands

- Norway

- Spain

- Sweden

- United Kingdom



How do the majority of cultural conservatives view the current state of the European royal families and their future? What is the attitude towards the institution of Monarchy in general? Does it have a future, perhaps even an extended role under a cultural conservative government?


The constitution of most European countries declares that the various governments of Europe and the commander in chief of the military forces are vested in the specific king or queen.


More democratic than republic

The king or queen of a country is more democratic than a president ever could be because he or she represents all citizens. An elected president would owe his selection to a political faction, and this would publicly divide him from many of his countrymen and would make his claim to represent "the people" less convincing. Frequent selections of presidents would interrupt the continuity essential for an effective head of a country. An elected president will always be partisan, whereas a monarch will not be. The king/queen and her heirs have been trained from birth for one vocation -- that of discharging the duties of sovereign of the country. Therefore, they are the only citizens fit to assume this important position.


Most of the world's democracies are constitutional monarchies, whereas the majority of undemocratic nations in the world are republics. Of course there are exceptions. Such nations as France, and the USA are democratic republics, but by far, the majority of republics are undemocratic. The residual powers of the King/Queen make the monarchy more democratic. The king/queen for example, has the power to dismiss a prime minister who is doing something illegal or is tampering with the democratic machinery in the country. Upon the dismissal, the king/queen can call a quick election to promote democracy.


Monarchical Government

Constitutional monarchy alone is capable of integrating the executive, legislative and judicial functions of government. The crown's authority lends a universal legitimacy to the many particular decisions made by and at different levels of government. Constitutional monarchy allows the celebration of public social events, such as the marking of collective anniversaries and the bestowal of honours, theoretically at least to be free of the taint of partisan politics. In a world of rapid social change, where there is a price to be paid for uncertainty, be that price only economic, constitutional monarchy provides continuity, especially at time of political transition. As well, the monarchy gives each country a distinctive political system at a time of strong international trade, social and cultural influences.


Monarchy for the 21st Century

Most of the stable and prosperous democracies in the world today are constitutional monarchies. On the other hand, most of the unstable countries in the contemporary world are republics, many of which have overthrown their monarchies. There is a sense of easy communication between monarchy and people, which politicians by nature are unable to develop. Citizens participate fully in their king or queens life; they are involved in their activities during home-comings and through the media. The colour and ceremony which surround the monarchy attract the interest of the citizens, especially young people, in our process of government. Through their office and person, the king/queen reflects a civilised cultural character that embodies nationalism.


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