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Creating Lokis Armour System (heavyweight version) – 27 kg



Figure 1 illustrates SWAT armour (Special Weapons and Ammunitions Team) and its vulnerabilies when facing a Justiciar Knight with Lokis Armour (figure 2). Red indicate areas on the body with NO protection, yellow indicate vulnerable areas (soft armour is vulnerable to assault rifle fire), light green indicate protected areas (level IIIA with anti trauma protection should be able to withstand limited MP5 fire) while darkgreen indicate safe areas.



This is a guide to acquire/create superior ballistic armour with up to 90% frontal level IIIA to level IV coverage and 60-70% level IIIA to level IV back coverage.


This custom made/designed and partially improvised armour, also known as Lokis Armour consists of various parts (bought from multiple suppliers and brands or created from base materials) which are finally put together to form the best and most superior body armour available today.

- Provides 90% level IIIA ballistic protection frontal coverage, 60-70% back coverage.


- Provides 60% level III ballistic protection frontal coverage, 30% back coverage.


- Provides 40% level IV ballistic protection frontal coverage, 30% back coverage.



Note, to dramatically decrease weight and create a light weight version of Lokis armour just ignore the chest rig with the 4 ESAPI plates (total weight of 13 kg). By doing this, your armour (lightweight version of Lokis armour) will weigh 14 kg. If you are going for the lightweight version you should seriously consider using your Damascus FX1, Flexforce chestpiece (take of the hard shells though) to provide anti-blunt trauma protection (in which case you must buy a vest in size XL or higher so that you can fit the FX1 chest piece under your vest.


If you are unable to buy military grade armour kits, like I was, then I would highly recommend choosing the strategy I chose. Simply buy a military grade vest with as much level IIIA coverage as possible like the IDF official vest.


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