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Cover-acquirement phase

B. Credit acquirement phase

A. Financing phases

Preparation phases

Quick summary – overview of the planning and operational phases for your mission



The Ideological Journey - Knowledge is Power


Reading the compendium: 2083 – A European Declaration of Independence, provides you with a large portion of the knowledge and education required to understand why we, the cultural conservatives, fight and lists many of our goals and intentions when we seize political and military power within a few decades.



Accepting your duties, embracing your destiny as a Justiciar Knight


See 3.65 Knights Templar Oath – Initiation Rite


This includes formally choosing the “Path of the Perfect Knight” which involvesembracing an ascetic lifestyle, agreeing to voluntary poverty and accepting and swearing allegiance to the PCCTS, Knights Templar principles.




Length of phase: 6-12 months

Goal: providing funding for your operation, anywhere from 30 000 to 200 000 Euro + depending on your existing financial platform/job/career/education.


Work full time (preferably more) for 12 months to acquire enough capital to fund your operation and to reach a scenario where you will have the possibility to apply for and acquire credit card financing (multiple credit cards).


This phase may obviously be ignored if you have other sources of funding such as real estate which can be converted into liquidity etc.


See: 3.25 for more information.




Length of phase: 2 weeks to 2 months

Goal: providing additional funding for your operation, anywhere from 10 000 to 100 000 Euro depending on several factors.


You will, under normal circumstances, need a good and credible income history for the full previous fiscal year (Jan-Dec of that year) in order to be able to apply for a high credit card limit for multiple cards.


Start the credit acquirement phase BEFORE you quit your job, as the credit card company will need to be assured that you will have a stabile income for the future.


This phase may obviously be ignored if you have other sources of funding such as real estate which can be converted into liquidity etc.


See: 3.25 for more information.


Length of phase: 1 month to 3 months

Goal: to avoid suspicion (or to create a reasonable doubt) by creating credible covers


Create and establish credible and smart covers which will result in you avoiding suspicion from relatives, neighbours and friends. This phase also includes deliberate and gradual “de-socialisation” which means you will gradually isolate yourself from your traditional social networks if you haven’t already done this.


See “Planning the operation” for more information.


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