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Economic solidarity/future welfare state

Future cuts in public sector to balance massive in-sourcing of new private sector jobs

Future economical model/public sector model/welfare program/economic zones/servant class


As mentioned several times, the ongoing European civil war is not a class war, and as such it is not a war between socialism and capitalism. It is a cultural war between cultural conservatives and cultural Marxists (nationalism vs. internationalism). Nevertheless, we, the cultural conservatives must ensure that we continue to have a sustainable economy based on many free market mechanics. Although globalist capitalism is a destructive concept does not mean that localised capitalism mechanics are. There must always be potent incentives for individuals who create work places. A socialist or even a planned economy must be avoided at all costs.


Laissez-faire is often used to refer to various economic philosophies and political philosophies (liberalism) which seek to minimise or eliminate government intervention in most or all aspects of society. Pure Laissez-faire capitalism is a globalist concept (no government intervention) and has several drawbacks. Many economical protective measures must be in place securing the economical sustainability of our cultural conservative economic zone (European Federation).


Super inflated Western European bureaucracies/public sectors should be cut from the current average 50-60% down to aprox 25%. There will be a buffer consisting of a pool of public work places equivalent to an additional 10% which can be created temporarily during recessions (from 25 to 35% of all jobs). These significant cuts will have a huge impact on many Western European public structures that currently have massive and super-inflated public sectors. However, millions of new work places will be in-sourced as a result of our future plan to implement significant toll barriers for non-European Federation economical zones. There will be a European anti-globalist shift of gigantic proportions which will result in the re-creation of former work places previously outsources to non-EF countries. The future Western European public sector vs. private sector models re-introduces the concept that a state should serve its citizens, not the other way around. The future state which has undergone a significant diet will be better suited to spearhead the focus of the furthering of civilisational goals.



It is unrealistic to think that there will be complete economic equality in nations who have free markets. However, we should attempt to follow the Scandinavian welfare model to a certain degree to ensure a solid welfare program to all European citizens. Maintaining a sustainable solid welfare system depends on hard working individuals and social cohesion/a monocultural society. Welfare expenditure should not take precedent over the 20% fixed sum dedicated to science/technology, research and development. The furthering of long term European interests and securing the long term sustainability of our European civilisation must always take precedent over short term excessive welfare expenditure (greed).



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