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Creating a “European Federation”, economic, cultural and military alliance


It may be constructive to consider creating a federation (just like the early days of the EU/NATO) with secondary membership (A and B members) based on fixed factors (ranging from cultural, economical etc.). However, this will depend heavily on if each newly liberated sovereign country will allow an open border policy. It is likely that regional open border policies will be allowed based on historical cultural and economical factors (f example the Nordic countries are very close culturally and may allow this).


The European Federation of the future must no longer be envisaged in the mushy, ungovernable forms of the present European Union, which is a powerless Medusa, unable to control its borders, and dominated by the mania of cultural deconstruction, free-trade, and subject to American cultural domination. We need to imagine a grande monocultural Europe, based on the cultural and economical cooperation of independent countries that will in a larger degree be inseparably linked to Russia. Having no need to be aggressive toward its neighbours because it would be un-attackable, such a bloc would become the premier world power (in a world partitioned into large blocs), self-centered, pan-nationalistic and opposed to all the dangerous dogmas now associated with globalism/multiculturalism. The new European Federation will be much more isolationalist with a policy of economic nationalism (protectionism). It would have the capacity to practice the 'autarky of great spaces' (economic self-sufficiency and independence from foreign markets) whose principles have already been worked out by the Noble Prize winning economist, Maurice Allais. The destiny of the European peninsula cannot be separated from continental Russia, for both ethno-cultural and geopolitical reasons. It’s absolutely imperative for America’s mercantile thalassocracy (naval supremacy, in either military or commercial senses of the word) to prevent the birth of the culturally and ideologically confident European Federation.



- Current EU countries (+ Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Andorra etc.)

- Russia (Their partnership, friendship and support is essential).

- Belarus (potential admission)

- Ukraine (potential)

- Moldova (potential)

- Georgia (potential)

- Croatia

- Serbia

- FYROM (potential)



Non-European territories/countries that may seek admission:


- Armenia

- Israel (potential)



And the following potential European and non-European territories:



- The Serbian/Croatian territory currently known as Bosnia Herzegovina

- The Greek/Croatian/Serbian/Albanian territory currently known as Albania

- The Greek territory currently known as Western Anatolia (Turkey)

- The Greek-Cypriot territory currently known as Northern Cyprus (Turkey)

- The Armenian territory currently known as Eastern Anatolia (Turkey)



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