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European Federation military campaigns against Muslim Bosnia Herzegovina, Muslim Kosovo, Muslim Albania, Turkey, Syria (Lebanon), Jordan and Egypt

Create a Zoroastrian State in the Middle East (Northern Iran)

Creating an African strategy (tertiary claims)


Assist our Christian African brothers, especially in Kenya, Sudan, Nigeria (Biafra), Cote d'Ivoire, Togo, Liberia, Ethiopia, Angola and Eritrea against the ongoing Jihads.


Emphasis should be put on reversing historical Jihadi demographical warfare.


- Create a Christian nation of Sudan.


In Sudan, the stated objective of the ruling regime is to Arabise and Islamise the African Christian and Animist population of the south. Particularly since 1992, the Sudanese government has been waging a military campaign aimed at dispersing, enslaving, and subduing the southern Blacks. There are ongoing Jihadi Genocides being waged against Sudanese Christians and animists and smaller Jihads in other African countries.


A complete Africa strategy will have to be drawn up once we have completed our primary and secondary territorial claims.






1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoroastrianism




Several issues will have to be clarified before initiating a campaign of this magnitude. A thorough military and logistical strategy will have to be developed.


Campaign one – reconquista of Europe (West/East)



1. Western European countries

2. Balkans



When a large part of Western Europe (and the Balkans) is liberated from cultural Marxism, wait for the rest of the nations to join the alliance. The US will implode eventually and no measures should be taken (depending on several factors) against Turkey and the liberation of our Middle Eastern Christian cousins before the US civil war P2 or P3 starts.


The US government will do EVERYTHING to prevent Europe from forming the European Federation with Russia, as it would mean the end for the US as the world’s primary cultural and military superpower.


Also, before engaging Turkey or any Middle Eastern country the most important thing is to launch a military campaign against Pakistan taking their nuclear capabilities away from them. If this is not done they will surely transfer the technology to Turkey and other Muslim countries. No Muslim countries will be allowed to have nuclear weapons! This is the most important principle. It may come to a situation where we will be forced to delay our Anatolia campaign for up to a few decades, in order to prevent an armed confrontation with the US. The US is in a process of rapid cultural and cohesional disintegration so a window of opportunity will eventually arise. We should strive to include the new nationalistic minded leadership of the US in to the European Federation after the multiculturalists have lost power.



Campaign two – secondary claims (Cyprus, Anatolia)



A military campaign should be launched against Turkey with the goal of liberating Greek Western Anatolia, Northern Cyprus and Armenian Eastern Anatolia.


Biological and chemical attacks might prove useful as it will leave the infrastructure intact.


The US will use threats and will perhaps attempt to militarily defend Turkey, Kosovo, Bosnia Herzegovina, Lebanon or Syria.



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