

Архитектура-(3434)Астрономия-(809)Биология-(7483)Биотехнологии-(1457)Военное дело-(14632)Высокие технологии-(1363)География-(913)Геология-(1438)Государство-(451)Демография-(1065)Дом-(47672)Журналистика и СМИ-(912)Изобретательство-(14524)Иностранные языки-(4268)Информатика-(17799)Искусство-(1338)История-(13644)Компьютеры-(11121)Косметика-(55)Кулинария-(373)Культура-(8427)Лингвистика-(374)Литература-(1642)Маркетинг-(23702)Математика-(16968)Машиностроение-(1700)Медицина-(12668)Менеджмент-(24684)Механика-(15423)Науковедение-(506)Образование-(11852)Охрана труда-(3308)Педагогика-(5571)Полиграфия-(1312)Политика-(7869)Право-(5454)Приборостроение-(1369)Программирование-(2801)Производство-(97182)Промышленность-(8706)Психология-(18388)Религия-(3217)Связь-(10668)Сельское хозяйство-(299)Социология-(6455)Спорт-(42831)Строительство-(4793)Торговля-(5050)Транспорт-(2929)Туризм-(1568)Физика-(3942)Философия-(17015)Финансы-(26596)Химия-(22929)Экология-(12095)Экономика-(9961)Электроника-(8441)Электротехника-(4623)Энергетика-(12629)Юриспруденция-(1492)Ядерная техника-(1748)

Территориальный принцип

Put in the right prepositions for this sentence;

Choose the necessary word;

Choose the correct lexical unit;

Put in the right prepositions for this sentence;

Insert the article where it is necessary;

Choose the necessary grammar form;

Choose the necessary word;

Choose the correct lexical unit;

Choose the necessary modal verb for this sentence;

Choose the correct lexical unit;

Put in the right prepositions for this sentence;

Choose the correct grammar form;

What sentence contains a grammar mistake;

Fill in the blank with a necessary word;

Match a verb in A with a word in B;

Ann Quinn




Exercise 1. Speak on the profession of a teacher. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this job? Would you like to work as a teacher? Why/why not?

Exercise 2. Speak on the following topics.

a) What kind of work do you think you’ll be doing after you finish your university?

b) What do you think is an ideal job? Give reasons.

c) Would you prefer a dangerous but well-paid job or a safe but less paid job? Why?

Exercise 1. a) Look at the following model of RESUME.

A resume presents information in inverse chronological order, that is, beginning with the most recent item and moving back through time. The resume begins with your name and address, followed by your job objective. Then it lists your employment and education experiences. Read the example below.

14 Cherry Street

Saginaw, MI 48606


Job Objective: Marketing Researcher

Work Experience:

2004-2006, Marketing Researcher,

Sagnaw Plastics Co., Sagnaw Michigan

- Developed and administrated surveys to consumers and distributors

- Collected and interpreted data from salespeople.

2002-2004, Sales Department Assistant,

Polonia Chemicals, Inc., Clare, Michigan

- Prepared scheduling of products-Presented firm at trade


B.S., Central Michigan University, 2002

Marketing major

b). Write a resume.

Exercise 2. Comment the following statements:

1. Some people prefer to have a dangerous but well-paid job, others think that it is better to have safe but less paid-job. What do you think about it? Give your reasons.

2. The most popular professions nowadays are the professions of a lawyer, a bookkeeper, a journalist. What’s your opinion? What professions are the best from your point of view? Give your reasons.

TEST “Future profession”

1. to accept 2. to fill 3. to gain 4. to make

A. a vacancy B. an interview C. a career D. a job

Japanese car makers have built factories in Britain and now … many people.

A. employ; B. give up; C. look for; D. offer;

A.Children are not legally allowed to work until they are 13 in the UK.

B.Under-15s can work up to five hours on Saturdays, to a maximum of 25 hours a week during school holidays.

C. They work only can two hours maximum on schooldays and Sundays.

D.Over-15s can work eight hours maximum on Saturdays and school holiday weekdays, and up to 35 hours a week during the holidays.

Much attention is given to school-leavers, students, and graduates who … jobs now.

A. seeks; B. sought; C. are seeking; D. have sought;

The British government has introduced a large number... programs to give school-leavers and young people a better chance... getting full-time or part-time jobs.

A. of, of; B. of, in; C. of, at; D. of, for;

The education of children in their … years is a difficult and important task, which places a considerable burden of responsibility on the teacher.

A. form; B. formative; C. formation; D. formalistic;

Career is more than just a job. It is something that … include many separate jobs.

A. must; B. should; C. may; D. need;

In most parts of the world, it's … to submit a typed CV (curriculum vitae -British English) or resume (American English).

A. common; B. often; C. always; D. rare;

… you must assess your interests and abilities. Self-assessment is useful in helping you decide what to look for, what career to pursue.

A. firstly; B. one; C. the first; D. for the first;

Now the labour market in Britain is highly competitive and it … competitive for the years to come.

A. remains; B. has remained; C. will remain; D. remained;

… sectors with … highest concentrations of self-employed people are agriculture and construction.

A.–, the; B. A, the; C. The, a; D. The, the;

He is … to graduate with a degree … economics and he has taken a special computer course.

A. at, for; B. on, in; C. about, in; D. with, for;

British students have learned to live with failure, they do not …; do not feel depressed and embarrassed.

A. lose heart; B. lose temper; C. lose fears; D. lose conscience;

Many companies … all your personal information to be entered on a standard application form.

A. expect; B. apply; C. encourage; D. get;

Interviews may take many forms …business today: … the traditional one-to-one interview, to panel interview where several candidates are interviewed …a panel of interviewers, to’ deep-end' interviews where applicants have to demonstrate how they can cope in actual business situations.

A. at, in by; B. in, from, by; C. on, from, at; D. from, by, with;



номер ответ балл
Всего 15  



1. Hello, Miss Bruge. This is Clare Glenn from Glasgow. I’ve had a hard day interviewing three people for you. You see, two of them were just hopeless. Insufficient level of language knowledge, one of them has not professional experience at all. Well, the best was Julia Kelly, I’ll spell it: J-U-L-I-A-K-E-L-L-Y. She is 27, married, no children. Lived in Brussels. Excellent knowledge of English and Spanish (mother is Spanish, father is English), a good command of French. She graduated from London University, economic department. Has a bachelor’s degree in economics. After graduating went to her husband in Brussels. She worked in a lending bank for three years. Several times went on business trips to Ethiopia. A month ago her husband was transferred to London branch of the company. So she needs work in London. She is full of confidence, very sociable, has got a good sense of humour. Her address is 10 Bedford Street, London. The zip is WC2E9HE. Shall I repeat? The phone number is 01714208. Is it all right? Then till tomorrow.


A: Julia Kelly

B. 27

C. London University, economic department, bachelor’s degree

D. English, Spanish – excellent, good command of French

E. a lending bank

F: sociable

G. 01714208

2. He entered my life 20 years ago, leaning against the doorpost of Room 202, where I taught fifth grade. He wore sneakers three sizes too large and checkered pants ripped at the knees. He seemed so nervous that he kept sniffing even when he was introduced himself.

I supposed this scruffy, smiling boy who was from an emigrant family, had no idea that he had been thrown into … I would say, a den of lions, who had never before seen torn pants, and I was afraid that they would make him feel unwelcome. If he noticed someone giggling, he didn’t show it.

Daniel made this undistinguished entrance in the school of a lakeside village which was known for its old money, white colonial homes and brass mailboxes. I wouldn’t say that the villagers were very rich, but at the same time I can’t think of anyone who would be desperately poor. So having introduced himself the boy told us matter-of-factly that his last school had been in a neighbouring county where his family had been picking fruit.

Twenty-five children eyed Daniel suspiciously until the baseball game that afternoon. He hit the ball and with it came a bit of respect from the wardrobe critics of Room 202, that’s how I called my students that day.

Next was Charles’s turn. Charles was the least athletic, most overweight child in the history of fifth grade. This made him an easy target for mockery. After Charles’s second strike, amid the rolled eyes and groans of the class, Daniel edged up and spoke quietly to Charles’s back. I heard him say: “Forget them. You can do it.”

Charles warmed, smiled, stod taller and promptly struck out anyway. But at that precise moment, challenging the social order of this jungle, this den of lions which could be merciless at times, Daniel gently began to change things, and what was more important he began to change us.

By autumn’s end, we had all gravitated to him. Nobody could remain indifferent to his kindness. He taught us all kinds of lessons: how to call a wild turkey, how to tell whether fruit is ripe before that first bite, how to deal with others, even with Charles. Especially with Charles.

The day before Christmas vacation, the students always brought gifts for the teacher. It was a ritual to open each gift and to thank each child for an expensive perfume or scarf or leather wallet.

That afternoon, Daniel walked to my desk and bent close to my ear. Without any emotion he said that they were leaving the next day. As I grasped the news my eyes filled with tears. Then as I regained my composure, he pulled a grey rock from his pocket. Deliberately and with great style, he pushed it gently across my desk.

I sensed that this was something remarkable, but all my practice with perfume and silk had left me pitifully unprepared to respond adequately. Frankly, I was amazed. I guess least of all I had expected to get a rock for a gift. Fixing his eyes on mine he said that it was for me. Then he added that he had polished it up special. I have never forgotten that moment.

Years have passed since then. Each Christmas my daughter asks me to tell this story. It always begins after she picks up the small polished rock that sits on my kitchen table and constantly reminds me of Daniel. Then she nestles herself in my lap and I begin. The first words of the story never vary. “The last time I ever saw Daniel, he gave this rock as a gift. That was a long time ago. He’s a grown-up now”. We wonder where he is and what he has become. My daughter is sure that he has become someone good and asks me to do the end of the story. Again and again she wants to hear a story about a lesson of love and caring learned by a teacher from a boy with nothing and everything to give.

Answers: 1 – 2, 2 – 2, 3 – 1, 4 – 3, 5 – 1, 6 – 3, 7 – 2.

1. Лицо, совершившее преступление на территории Российской Федерации, подлежит уголовной ответственности по настоящему Кодексу.

2. Преступления, совершенные в пределах территориального моря или воздушного пространства Российской Федерации, признаются совершенными на территории Российской Федерации. Действие настоящего Кодекса распространяется также на преступления, совершенные на континентальном шельфе и в исключительной экономической зоне Российской Федерации.

3. Лицо, совершившее преступление на судне, приписанном к порту Российской Федерации, находящемся в открытом водном или воздушном пространстве вне пределов Российской Федерации, подлежит уголовной ответственности по настоящему Кодексу, если иное не предусмотрено международным договором Российской Федерации. По настоящему Кодексу уголовную ответственность несет также лицо, совершившее преступление на военном корабле или военном воздушном судне Российской Федерации независимо от места их нахождения.

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