Two-syllable words with weak first syllable and stress on the second syllable
about [q'baVt]
ahead [q'hed]
again [q'gen]
obtuse [q'btjHs]
oppose [q'pqVz]
offend [q'fend]
suppose [sq'pqVz]
support [sq'pLt]
suggest [sq'Gest]
forget [fq'get]
forsake [fq'seIk]
forbid [fq'bId]
perhaps [pq'hxps]
percent [pq'sent]
perceive [pq'sJv]
survive [sq'vaIv]
surprise [sq'praIz]
survey (v) [sq'veI]
Two-syllable words with weak second syllable and stress on the first syllable
ballad ['bxlqd]
Alan ['xlqn]
necklace ['neklqs]
melon ['melqn]
paddock ['pxdqk]
purpose ['pE:pqs]
hundred ['hAndrqd]
sullen ['sAlqn]
open ['qVpqn]
circus ['sE:kqs]
autumn ['Ltqm]
album ['xlbqm]
tankard ['txNkqd]
custard ['kAstqd]
standard ['stxndqd]
juror ['GVqrq]
major ['meIGq]
manor ['mxnq]
longer ['lPNgq]
eastern ['Jstqn]
mother ['mADq]
nature ['neICq]
posture ['pPsCq]
creature ['krJCq]
ferrous ['ferqs]
vicious ['vISqs]
gracious ['greISqs]
thorough ['TArq]
borough ['bArq]
saviour ['seIvjq]
succour ['sAkq]
colour ['kAlq]
Three-syllable words with weak second syllable and stress on the first syllable
workaday ['wE:kqdeI]
roundabout ['raVndqbaVt]
customer ['kAstqmq]
pantomime ['pxntqmaIm]
perjury ['pE:GqrI]
venturer ['venCqrq]
standardise ['stxndqdaIz]
jeopardy ['GepqdI]
wonderland ['wAndqlxnd]
yesterday ['jestqdeI]
Exercise 2 Close front vowels
Listen and repeat:
Weak initial syllables
Weak final syllables
excite [Ik'saIt]
resume [rI'zjHm]
city ['sItI]
many ['menI]
exist [Ig'zIst]
relate [rI'leIt]
funny ['fAnI]
lazy ['leIzI]
inane [I'neIn]
effect [I'fekt]
easy ['JzI]
only ['qVnlI]
device [dI'vaIs]
ellipse [I'lIps]
busy ['bIzI]
lady ['leIdI]
Exercise 3 Syllabic [l]
Listen and repeat:
bottle ['bPtl]
bottled ['bPtld]
bottling ['bPtlIN]
muddle ['mAdl]
muddled ['mAdld]
muddling ['mAdlIN]
tunnel ['tAnl]
tunnelled ['tAnld]
tunnelling ['tAnlIN]
wrestle ['resl]
wrestled ['resld]
wrestling ['reslIN]
Exercise 4 Syllabic [n]
Listen and repeat:
burden ['bE:dn]
burdened ['bE:dnd]
burdening ['bE:dnIN]
frighten ['fraItn]
frightened ['fraItnd]
frightening ['fraItnIN]
listen ['lIsn]
listened ['lIsnd]
listening ['lIsnIN]
Exercise 5 Transcription
Transcribe the following words, giving particular attention to the weak syllables. Each word will be said twice (1…10).
Exercise 1 Stress marking
When you hear the word, repeat it, then place a stress mark (') before the stressed syllable.
enImI enemy
sqbtrxkt subtract
kqlekt collect
elIfqnt elephant
kxpItl capital
qbzE:vq observer
kRneISn carnation
prPfIt profit
pxrqdaIs paradise
entqteIn entertain
Exercise 2 Pronouncing from transcription
The following are British place-names. When you hear the number, pronounce them with the stress as marked. You will then hear the correct pronunciation, which you should repeat.
1. 'SrqVzbrI
6. 'bE:mINqm
2. pPl'perqV
7. nL'Tqmptqn
3. xbq'dJn
8. dAn'dJ
4. wVlvq'hxmptqn
9. 'kxntqbrI
5. xbq'rIstwqT
10. 'beIzINstqVk
Exercise 3 Placing stress on verbs, adjectives and nouns
When you hear the number, pronounce the word with the appropriate stress. You will then hear the correct pronunciation, which you should repeat.
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