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The Dive

In its shortest form this tune consists of a fall rather high to low and then a rise to about the middle of the voice.


Five. Why?


This fall-rise is connected with the stressed syllable of the last important word, like the fall and the rise of the other tunes. But it is only completed on one syllable if that syllable is final in the word group:


She was quite kind.


If there is one or several syllables following, the fall and the rise are separated. The fall is on the stressed syllable of the last important word and the rise is on the last syllable of all. This variant of the fall-rise is called Fall-Rise Undivided and we put () before it in simpler intonation marking.


Twenty. Twenty of them.


If there are stressed (but not important) words following the fall, the rise at the end starts from the last of the stressed syllables. This variant is called Fall-Rise Divided and we mark the fall with () and we put () before the last stressed syllable of all; any other stressed syllables have () before them.


That wasn’t very friendly.

Other intonation marks are the same as for the Glide-Down and Glide-Up.

Words or syllables before the fall are said in the same way as for the Glide-Down and Glide-Up: unstressed syllables at the beginning are low, and there is a step at the stressed syllable of each important word. Notice that the fall of the fall-rise always starts from a fairly high note.


I may be able to come on Monday.


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