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Main prosodic peculiarities of the publicistic (oratorical) phonostyle

When more excited

When emotionally neutral

· Nuckeus: LF, LR

· Heads: low, falling

· Pre-heads: low

· Pitch: patterns are narrowed

· Nucleus: HF, HR, RF

· Scales: stepping, sliding

· Pre-heads: higher

· Pitch: patterns are widened

· Accidental rises are often in use

Conversational (familiar) - this kind of English is a means for everyday communication, heard in natural conversational interaction between speakers. This style occurs mainly in informal external and internal relationships in speech of relatives, friends, well - acquainted people and so on. So this is spontaneous, colloquial, informal, everyday speech.


The term "publicistic" serves for many kinds of oratorial activities, that is why this intonational style is often called "oratorial. There is a great deal of overlap between academic, publicistic and declamatory style when the basic aim of the speaker is to extend persuasive and emotional influence on the listeners and, of course, volitional and desiderative information is predominant in the texts. But in publicistic speeches it is achieved not only through argumentation as in the academic style or imagery as in the declamatory style, but through all sorts of direct oratorial performances. These performances are de-signed to entertain the public thus accomplishing the purpose of imposing the speaker's ideas on listeners. prosodic peculiarities: -Timbre authoritative, imposing, edifying, instructive, self-assured

- Delimitation phonopassages— phrases — intonational groups - Loudness increased, sometimes to forte - Levels and ranges -remarkably varied with the passage segments; gradual decrease within the supraphrasal unity- Rate is as flexible as the lecturer wishes it to be- Pauses - rather long, especially between the phonopassages; a large proportion of pauses serving to bring out communicatively important parts of utterances; occasional use of breath-taking pauses - Rhythm - properly organized, especially while giving the rules, reading the laws.So publicistic style is commonly called by phonostylistsoratorial, volitional and desiderative. Its manifestation can be heard in political, judicial, oratorial speeches, in sermons, parliamentary de bates, at congresses, meetings, press conferences and so on.Publicoratorial speeches are so removed from everyday informational narratives and so vividly marked on the grammatical, lexical and prosodic levels that are immediately recognized by listeners and labelled as oratorial skills and exercises. As there is a very strong concern on the part of the speaker about the effects achieved by his speech on the listener, the former uses all kinds of oratorial performances which on the pro sodic level are characterized by the incomparable variations and con-trasts within the systems of pitch loudness, tempo and timbre accompanied by kinesiccomponents.

These prosodic contrasts, very expressive facial mimics and gestures identify certain oral texts as belonging to publicistic in-tonationalstyle.It is undoubtedly clear that volitional.and emotional function of intonation is predominant in this register against the back ground of other functions. As any publicistic speech is fully prepared and even re hearsed, it usually goes smoothly and with ease, without hesitation devices. It is marked by its dignifed slowness, careful articulation and impressive resonance on the most important communicative centres and properly rhythmically organized. A certain amount of style variations is a must when we perform within publicistic discourse. Publicistic speakers are usually very enthusiastic about what they say and how they say, so they may go to extremes by enormously increasing the loudness and alternate it with whis per or by pronouncing very long breath groups and suddenly in terrupt the phonation by using the rhetorical silence. These and other prosodic contrasts produce great effects and captivate the attention and interest of the listener.The greatest single stylistic characteristic of publicistic speeches is the large amount of parallelisms on any level, pro sodic features including.All the above-mentioned general characteristics serve to pro duce a complex vocal effect called "oration", designed to make the listeners respond to the publicisticspeech-maker.


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