Практическая: формирование языковой, учебно-познавательной компетенции –
организовать ознакомление с новой лексикой involve и include;
организоватьтренировку продуктивного навыка употребления ЛЕ
развивать умение работы с англо-английским толковым словарем
развивать умение догадываться о значении новых ЛЕ из контекста
развивать умение анализировать ЛЕ
развивать умение делать выводы о значении и употреблении ЛЕ на основе анализа контекста
развивать умение сравнивать
развитие филологического кругозора: развитие умений сопоставлять языковые единицы в 2-х языковых системах
развитие сообразительности, взаимопомощи
Оснащение урока:
УМК New Millennium English 9 класс, словарь
Этап урока и его задача
Деятельность учителя
Деятельность учащихся
1. Warm-up (brainstorming)
To introduce the topic
What jobs do you know in English? (The teacher writes the suggested list of jobs on the board. If the list is too short the teacher adds some words)
Have you ever thought of taking up one of the jobs?
Students brainstorm the names of jobs: an artist, a teacher, a police officer, etc.
St 1: I’ve dreamt of becoming a footballer.
St 2: I’ve thought of taking up the job of a journalist.
T- Class
T- S1, S2, etc
2. To motivate Ss for learning new vocabulary
Look at the pictures on p.96-97. How difficult may these jobs be? Work with your partner and prepare to answer this question.
It’s time to answer the question. Who is ready?
Ss work in pairs.
St 1: I think the job of a bus driver might be tiring.
St 2: I suppose the job of a footballer is very stressful.
St 3: I guess the job of a nurse is low-paid.
S1 – S2
T- S1, S2, etc
3. To introduce new vocabulary in context (deducing the meaning of the words from the context) (этап восприятия)
(этап осмысления значения, графической и фонетической формы глаголов и их употребления)
Read the two sentences, answer the questions alongside. Work with your partner and try to make a conclusion about the meaning of the words involve and include.
What to you think these words mean, St 1?
Generally you are right but there is a slight difference in their meaning. St 2, look up the meaning of these words in the dictionary and explain it. Besides pay attention to their pronunciation.
Now think how to translate the sentences in ex.2 into Russian. Mind that sometimes there is no exact Russian equivalent.
Is there any difference in translation the verbs?
Why are there two different verbs in English with the same meaning? Pay attention to the dictionary entry and try to translate the first sentence once again.
Yes, that’s right. This sentence can be also translated as Работа учителя состоит в том, чтобы помогать людям учиться.
Read the examples again and pay attention to the verb form. What is it?
Ss work in pairs.
St 2 looks up the words in the dictionary and explains the meaning:
Involve – to include smth as a necessary part
Include – if a group or a set includes smth, it has that thing as one of its parts.
St 3: Работа учителя включает в себя помощь людям в изучении чего-либо.
St 4: Работа учителя включает в себя учет успеваемости учащихся.
No, there is no difference, but it seems to be some difference in their translation.
Работа учителя обязательно включает в себя помощь людям в изучении чего-либо.
Ing form
S1 – S2
T- S1, S2, etc
4. To practise using new vocabulary
а) (условно-коммуникативное упражнение на уровне предложения закрытого типа, подстановочное)
б) (условно-коммуникативное упражнение на уровне предложения открытого типа, подстановочное)
Work in pairs and decide which of the jobs in Ex. 1 involve the duties mentioned in Ex. 2b. Look at the given example and make up your own sentences.
Read out your sentences.
Now speak about your parents’ jobs. What do they involve or include?
Ss work in pairs.
Ss read out their examples
The job of a bus driver involves knowing traffic rules. Etc
St 6: My mother is a manager. Her job involves giving clear explanations.
St 7: My father is a cook. His job includes cooking for banquets.
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