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Trevor and Laura are decorating their house. Put in the verbs. Use the present perfect.

Laura: How is the painting going? Have you finished? (you / finish) Trevor: No, I haven't. Painting the ceiling is really difficult, you know.

(1)………………. (I / not / do) very much. And it looks just the same as

before. This new paint (2) ………………… (not / make) any difference.

Laura: (3) ……………………….(you / not / put) enough on.

Trevor: (4) …………………….. (I / hurt) my back. It feels bad.

Laura: Oh, you and your back. You mean (5)………………………………………. (you / have) enough of

decorating. Well, I'll do it. Where (6) …………………………(you / put) the brush?

Trevor: I don't know. (7) ………………….(it / disappear).

(8)……………………………………….(I / look) for it, but I can't find it.

Laura: You're hopeless, aren't you? How much (9)…………………………………(you / do) in here?

Nothing! (10) ……………………(I / paint) two doors.

Trevor: (11)………………………………………… (I / clean) all this old paint around the window.

It looks much better now, doesn't it?
Laura: (12)………………………………………(we / make) some progress, I suppose.

Now, where (13) ………………………….. (that brush /go)?

Oh, (14)……………………………………(you / leave) it on the ladder, look.



Sister Mary comes from Ireland. She is a nun and she lives and works in a girls’ school in Cork. She teaches French and Spanish. She likes her job and she loves the green countryside of Ireland. She goes walking in her free time.

Hans Huser is a ski-instructor. He is Swiss and lives in Villars, a village in the mountains. In summer he works in a sports shop and in winter he teaches skiing. He speaks four languages, French, German, Italian, and English. He is married and has 2 sons. He plays football with them in his free time.


а) Complete the sentences about Sister Mary and Hans.


  1. She comes from Ireland. He _____ _____ Switzerland.
  2. He lives in a village, but she _____ _____ a town.
  3. She works in a school. He _____ _____ a sports shop.
  4. He ______ skiing. She _____ ______ and Spanish.
  5. She______ near the sea, but he ______ in the mountains.
  6. He likes his job and she _____ _____ ______, too.
  7. He _____ _____ sons.
  8. She ______ goes walking in her free time. He ______ ______ with his sons.
  9. He ______ four languages. She ________ three.


б) Ask questions:

Где живет? ________________

Что делает? ___

Где работает?

На каких языках говорят?

Что делают в свободное время?

Есть ли дети?

Сколько есть детей?


в) Choose the correct sentence.

1. а. She comes from Spain.

b. She come from Spain.

2. a. What he do in his free time?

b. What does he do in his free time?

3. a. Where lives she?

b. Where does she live?

4. a. He isn’t married.

b. He doesn’t married.

5. a. Does she has 2 sons?

b. Does she have 2 sons?

6. a. He doesn’t play football.

b. He no plays football.

7. a. She doesn’t love Peter.

b. She doesn’t loves Peter.

8. a. What ‘s he’s address?

b. What’s his address?


6. Translate the sentences:

Пилот летает на самолете.

Переводчик переводит тексты.

Парикмахер подрезает волосы.

Певец работает в ночном клубе.

Медсестра смотрит за людьми в больнице.

Актер снимается в фильмах.

Механик чинит машины.

Журналист пишет для газеты.

Пекарь делает хлеб.

Продавец продает предметы.

Регистратор работает в отеле.



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