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The writing Module. VIII. Reading Exercises:


After text activity

VIII. Reading Exercises:

Exercise 1. Read and memorize using a dictionary:

Appropriately, sophisticated, permanent, long-term storage device, rather than, since, primary memory, issue, to face, previously, on the other hand, flexible, authentication, in particular, conversely, to match, presumably, expiration date, usage count, to invert, to discern, data stream

Exercise 2. Answer the questions:

1) What is a virtual machine?

2) What issue does log-term storage force us to face?

3) What is an authentication mechanism?

4) What are passwords passed through in some systems?

5) Who suggested the idea of a hard-to-invert transformation?


Exercise 4. Match the left part with the right:

1 In particular, the user himself and the communication system connecting his terminal to the computer are a) components to be viewed with suspicion.
2. Conversely, the user needs to verify that he   b) demands a match between something he knows and something the requester possesses.
3. Such systems follow our abstract model of a guard who   c) the virtual machines.
4. The objects being protected by the authentication mechanism are d) is in communication with the expected computer system and the intended virtual machine.


II. Speaking Exercises:

Exercise 1. Define the terms using the suggested words and expressionsas in example:

Information science Memory Data processing Storage
discipline, deals with, processes, storing, transferring, information physical, device, to store, information, data, programs, temporary, permanent, basis   manipulation, data, by, computer process, storing, data, computer


EXAMPLE: Information science is a discipline that deals with the processes of storing and transferring information.

Exercise 2. Ask questions to the given answers:

1) Question: ___________________________________________?

Answer: There are, of course, many possible elaborations and embellishments of this basic strategy.


2) Question: ___________________________________________?

Answer: In cases where the typing of the password may be observed, passwords may be good for only one use, and the user carries a list of passwords, crossing each one off the list as he uses it.

3) Question: ___________________________________________?

Answer: Passwords may have an expiration date, or usage count, to limit the length of usefulness of a compromised one.


Writing exercises:

Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps with the suggested words:

use, communicates, allowed, user, face

Long-term storage does, however, force us to____ one further issue. Suppose that the virtual machine ________with its user through a typewriter terminal. If a new______ approaches a previously unused terminal and requests to______ a virtual machine, which virtual machine (and, therefore, which set of long-term stored information) should he be______ to use?


Exercise 2. Compose a story on one of the topics (up to 100 words):

1) Passwords and their drawbacks

2) Authentication mechanisms


Lesson 9

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