КАТЕГОРИИ: Архитектура-(3434)Астрономия-(809)Биология-(7483)Биотехнологии-(1457)Военное дело-(14632)Высокие технологии-(1363)География-(913)Геология-(1438)Государство-(451)Демография-(1065)Дом-(47672)Журналистика и СМИ-(912)Изобретательство-(14524)Иностранные языки-(4268)Информатика-(17799)Искусство-(1338)История-(13644)Компьютеры-(11121)Косметика-(55)Кулинария-(373)Культура-(8427)Лингвистика-(374)Литература-(1642)Маркетинг-(23702)Математика-(16968)Машиностроение-(1700)Медицина-(12668)Менеджмент-(24684)Механика-(15423)Науковедение-(506)Образование-(11852)Охрана труда-(3308)Педагогика-(5571)Полиграфия-(1312)Политика-(7869)Право-(5454)Приборостроение-(1369)Программирование-(2801)Производство-(97182)Промышленность-(8706)Психология-(18388)Религия-(3217)Связь-(10668)Сельское хозяйство-(299)Социология-(6455)Спорт-(42831)Строительство-(4793)Торговля-(5050)Транспорт-(2929)Туризм-(1568)Физика-(3942)Философия-(17015)Финансы-(26596)Химия-(22929)Экология-(12095)Экономика-(9961)Электроника-(8441)Электротехника-(4623)Энергетика-(12629)Юриспруденция-(1492)Ядерная техника-(1748) |
Aims, goals, objectives
ПРОБЛЕМА PROBLEM ПУБЛИКАЦИИ ИССЛЕДОВАТЕЛИ 1. Профессор N руководит кафедрой …. 2. Мой руководитель считает, что несоответствие между этими результатами обусловлено ошибкой в подсчетах. 3. Нам известно, что профессор N занимается аналогичной проблемой. 4. Этой лабораторией руководит известный американский ученый. 5. А. Эйнштейн опубликовал свою первую статью о теории относительности в 1905 г. 6. Швейцарский философ Авенариус выдвинул теорию, согласно которой "без субъекта нет объекта". 7. Нильсу Бору была присуждена Нобелевская премия за исследование атома. 8. Вначале генетические исследования Г.Менделя не привлекли внимание биологов, и лишь спустя 30 лет заслужили признание. 9. В статье профессора N не содержалось никаких новых экспериментальных данных. 10. Он высказал предположение о развитии этого процесса. 11. Теория профессора N дала толчок многочисленным исследованиям в этой области науки. 12. Современному исследователю совершенно необходимо знать о фундаментальных открытиях в других областях науки.
1. В библиотеке университета имеется разнообразная литература по последним достижениям в науке. 2. В этой монографии есть главы, посвященные... 3. В этом журнале напечатана интересная статья о новых процессах в … области. 4. Мы приводим в своей статье новые данные об этих процессах. 5. Большое число статей и монографий напечатано по этой проблеме. 6. В этой монографии описываются последние исследования в области... 7. В этой статье приводятся интересные статистические данные по …. 8. Настоящая статья затрагивает... 9. Статья посвящена актуальному вопросу. 10. Данная работа основана на современной теории... 11. В статье сообщаются только предварительные результаты и выводы. 12. Здесь я только перечислю основные работы российских и зарубежных авторов за последние пять лет в данной области. 13. Наша статья будет состоять из нескольких разделов: выступления, рассмотрения материалов и методов, обсуждение результатов и выводов. 14. Мы начнем нашу статью с постановки вопроса, а затем перейдем к обсуждению результатов последних экспериментальных наблюдений. 15. В третьем разделе этой статьи мы будем излагать программу нашей дальнейшей работы и обсуждать возможные теоретические и практические трудности. The problem is concerned mainly with the study of... This is a problem concerned with the role of... The problem deals chiefly with the determination of... This is a problem which deals with the influence of... This is a problem relating to the measurement of... The main aspect of the problem is the origin of... The essence of the problem is the connection between... The problem, as can be seen, is how to obtain further information... The problem of... presents a great deal of difficulty. The problem I am studying now presents certain/ considerable difficulties. The problem, as has been outlined, is too broad to describe in details. It is not easy to present the problem in every detail. It is possible to discuss the problem in all its complexity. It is difficult to analyse the problem concerning with... It is impossible to solve the problem now because we know little about... It will be rather difficult to solve the problem at present. It would seem quite possible to try to obtain knowledge of the problem in the near future. It has proved quite realistic to try to obtain knowledge of the problem using the new methods. This problem was first brought up by the beginning of the XXth century. The problem as such was first put forward by K. The problem as is outlined now was raised as early as the 1870's. The problem under discussion was first formulated as far back as the mid XIXth century. Since then the problem has attracted many scientists. Since then the problem has been referred to in a number of investigations. This problem is briefly described as follows. The problem of... can be briefly formulated as follows. The problem is within the range of the existing theory... This problem lies beyond the range of our present knowledge of... The problem of... is looked upon in the light of current concepts. The problem of... is regarded as the main one. The problem of... can be regarded in the light of recent findings in this area. This problem has been solved only recently. This problem will be clarified in the near future. This problem can be clarified in the experiments with... This problem which seemed to be so complicated until recently has now been solved. The above problem as we can see is still poorly examined. The problem of... as is known still remains not sufficiently studied. The problem demands much investigation in this field. Much further research is needed to reveal some facts about … It will take much time to clear up this aspect of the problem... It is, indeed, not an easy task to gain an insight into the structure of... It is not an easy task to disclose the mechanism of...
1.Существует несколько способов решить эту проблему. 2. Эта проблема подробно рассматривается в ряде статей. 3. Теперь мы попытаемся взглянуть на эту проблему с несколько иной точки зрения. 4. Первая статья по данной проблеме была опубликована 20 лет тому назад. С тех пор появилось большое количество работ, в которых она рассматривалась с различных точек зрения. 5. Эта проблема была впервые поднята десять лет тому назад в небольшой статье малоизвестного ученого. С тех пор она является предметом горячих споров на научных конференциях и в научной литературе. 6. Мы планируем решить эту проблему в ближайшие три года. 7. Проблема, над которой мы сейчас работаем, представляет интерес, как с теоретической, так и с практической точек зрения. 8. Такой подход к данной проблеме исследования, кажется, является ошибочным. 9. Данная проблема очень сложная, и ее решение потребует коллективных усилий специалистов нескольких отраслей науки. 10. Вполне естественно, что этой проблеме уделяется большое внимание.
Study the difference between the synonyms: Aim – smth you hope to achieve by doing smth; aim implies effort clearly directed toward attaining (the principal/ primary/ key ~; ultimate/long-term ~; the immediate/initial ~; the general/overall ~; to achieve/ to meet/ to set out/ state/ to pursue ~): The government’s main aim is to stay in power. The overall aim of the course is to help students improve their writing skills. Goal – smth important that you hope to achieve in the future, even though it may take a long time; something that is attained only by prolonged effort: The country can still achieve its goal of reducing poverty by a third. Their ultimate goal is to become an independent country. Objective – the specific thing that you are trying to achieve – used esp. about things that have been officially discussed and agreed upon in business, politics, etc.; objective implies something immediately attainable: Their main objective is to halt the flow of drugs. We met to set the business objectives for the coming year. End – aim or purpose;stresses the intended effect of action in contrast to the action or means as such (political/ military financial/ a desired/ a noble/ worthy ~; The end justifies the means; a means to an end): The government used the situation for political ends. People want democracy but how can they bring about this desired end in that country? Finding a cure for cancer seems a very worthy end. Our first priority is safety, and the airline is working to this end. To Joe, work was a means to an end, nothing more. Object is very close to 'end' but more individually determined wish (the main/ primary/ the sole/ the real/ the whole ~; the object of the exercise = the purpose of what you are doing; to defeat the object = prevent you achieving your purpose): The main object of their expedition was to collect new plants. I came here with the sole object of seeing you. What was the real object of the visit? If you have to go and collect the things you order online, that defeats the object. Purpose is intention, a settled determination: Their primary purpose is to report the news. Nuclear weapons have no useful purpose. The building is no longer needed for its original purpose. It is a beautiful object, but it doesn’t really have any practical purpose. We were united by a common purpose and a determination to improve things. What is the specific purpose of your visit to England? You’re defeat ing the purpose of a low-fat dessert if you put a lot of cream on it. Target is a particular amount or total that you want to achieve; any object of attack: He set himself a target of losing 10 kilos. The company is on track to meet its target of increasing profits by 10%. Ambition – smth that you very much want to achieve in your future career: Her ambition was to go to law school and become an attorney. Earlier this year he achieved his ambition of competing in the Olympic Games. Mission – an important job that someone has been given to do, esp. one that involves travelling; a task put before someone: He knew very well that it was a dangerous mission. I am confident that the mission will be successful. The first rescue mission had to be abandoned when the weather worsened. The mayor is currently on a trading mission to India. This is the most important space mission since the moon landing.
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