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Worries about Physical Appearance

Ex 3. Listen to the text and fill in the gaps with the words from the board.


Ex 2. Look through the text. For questions below choose the right person. The people may be chosen more than once.

Which of men:

sometimes tries to surprise people through the clothes he wears?

admits that his clothes are generally untidy?

buys clothes which last a long time?

is used to being criticized for clothes he chooses?

likes to get a good deal when buying clothes?

needs help with clothes for less formal occasions?

needs to have the right clothes to get work?

needs help in choosing his clothes?

needs different clothes for different types of work?

admits he doesn’t’ look after his clothes very well?

prefers to take his time when choosing clothes?

relies on personal judgment when choosing what to wear?

tends to avoid clothes in bright colors?

used to work in a job where clothes were provided?

wants to change his appearance completely?

wants to buy clothes which are suitable for his age?

"anorexia" appearance "bulimia" muscular drugs unhealthy

artificial attractive thin undergo to reduce weight healthy

Most people would like to have an attractive physical _________, but some people become very worried about the way they look. This can sometimes lead them to do things that are __________. For example, many women believe that they must be very _________in order to be attractive. They see pictures of fashion models who are very thin and then believe that an attractive woman must look the same way. However, many men prefer the appearance of women who are not so thin. In order to become thin, some women try ________the amount of food that they eat. When this is taken to an extreme, a woman might eat far too little food to remain healthy. Her _________may become dangerously low, as she tries to become thinner and thinner. This condition is called _________and it affects many thousands of women in Western countries. Anorexia is one of several conditions known as eating disorders. Another eating disorder is called _________. A woman who has bulimia will sometimes eat large amounts of food, but then will try to eliminate the food, by vomiting. This is intended to prevent any weight gain, but it is also a very unhealthy behavior. Unfortunately, some women are concerned about being very thin, but some women have different concerns related to the appearance of their body. For example, some women believe that their breasts are not large enough, and ________ surgery to enlarge their breasts. In this surgery, some ________substance is implanted inside the breast to make it larger. Many women have had this surgery, but many of them have suffered serious health problems as a result. In recent years, many men have also become very concerned about their physical appearance. For example, some men believe that they must become very _________ in order to have an ________appearance. To achieve this appearance, some men use ____called steroids, which make it possible to gain large amounts of muscle. However, steroids can have very unhealthy side effects. In addition to drugs, some men have used surgery to change their physical appearance. For example, some men have had implants to make their arms, legs, or chest appear larger. It is unfortunate that so many people feel so unhappy about their physical appearance and that they do unhealthy things to change the way they look. Of course, everyone should try to be_______, but people must also learn to accept their physical appearance. Many different body types can be attractive, and there is no single ideal body type. There is no need to use unnatural methods of changing one's body.

Ex 4. What are the main ideas of the text you have just heard?

Ex 5. Translate from English into Russian.

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