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Graphic Equivalents of the /e/ Phoneme

/e/ is pronounced when spelt:

e red /red/ — красный

еa bread /bred/ — хлеб

jeopardy /'dЗepadi/ — опасность

ei leisure /'lеЗə/ — досуг

ie friend /frend/ — друг

ai said /sed/ — сказал

ay says /sez/ — говорит

a any /'еnı/ — какой-нибудь, несколько

u bury /'berı/ — зарывать, хоронить

ее threepenny /'θrepənı/ — трехпенсовик


No. 4 /æ/

The bulk of the tongue is in the front part of the mouth cavity, but rather low: the lower jaw is quickly and energetically lowered as soon as the vocal cords start vibrating. The front of the tongue is slightly raised, but not so high as for /e/. The lips are neutral. It is longer before voiced lenis consonants, and nasals, e. g. bag, mad, man.


/æ/ can be defined as:

I. unrounded;

П. front (a) front, low;

(b) broad variation of the low position of the


III. lax;

IV. short;

V. monophthong.

To practise the /æ/ articulation contrast exercises are very helpful:

guess — gas bed — bad net — gnat

set — sat said — sad met — mat

bet — bat men — man head — had


beet — bit — bed — bad

lead — lid — led — lad

leek — lick — lack

peak — pick — peck — pack


Graphic Equivalents of the /æ/ Phoneme

/æ/ is pronounced when spelt:

a sat /sæt/ — сидел

ai plaid /plæd/ — плед

It is also pronounced in the following words:

champagne /ςæm'peın/ — шампанское, absolutely /'æbsəlu:tlı/ — абсолютно, ambition /æm'bıςən/ — честолюбие


No. 5 /a:/

The bulk of the tongue is low, in the back of the mouth cavity, but somewhat advanced. The back part of the tongue is slightly raised. The lips are neutral. The mouth is open (the opening between the jaws is ratherwide). It is long, but the position of the bulk of the tongue does not chnage during its articulation.

/a:/ can be defined as:

I. unrounded;

II. back (a) back-advanced;

open (b) broad variation of the low position of the tongue;

III. tense;

IV. long;

V. monophthong.

To practise the /a:/ articulation contrast exercises are recommended:

bead — bard bee — bar

lead — lard tea — tar

heat — heart fee — far

sheep — sharp key — car


Graphic Equivalents of the /a:/ Phoneme

/a:/ is pronounced when spelt:

a staff /sta:f/ — штаб

ar far /fa:/ — далекий

au aunt /a:nt/ — тетя or clerk /kla:k/ — клерк

ear heart /ha:t/ — сердце

al calm /ka:m/ — спокойный

as grass /gra:s/ — трава


No. 6 /υ/

The bulk of the tongue is low in the mouth cavity, but not so low as in the /a:/ articulation. It is farther in the mouth cavity than in the /a:/ articulation. The back of the tongue is raised a little bit more than for /a:/. This soundisshort and is pronounced with the energetic downward movement of the lower jaw. The lips are slightly rounded. The Russian /o/ is closer.

/υ/ can be defined as:

I. slighly rounded;

II. back (a) fully back;

open (b) broad variation of the low position of the tongue;

III. lax;

IV. short;

V. monophthong.

To practise the /υ/ articulation contrast exercise should be done (see No. 7 /o:/ hereinafter).


Graphic Equivalents of the /υ/ Phoneme

/υ/ is pronounced when spelt:

о not /nυt/ — не

a what /wυt/ — что

au because /bı'kυz/ — потому что

It is pronounced in the words:

Gloucester /'glυstə/ — Глостер, yacht /jυt/ — яхта, Warwick /'wυrwık/ — г. Уорик, Washington /'wυςıŋtən/ — г. Вашингтон


No. 7/о:/

The bulk of the tongue is in the back part of the mouth cavity.

The back of the tongue is raised a little higher to the soft palate than in the /υ/ articulation. The lips are rounded and slightly protruded. The opening between the lips is smaller than for /υ/. This vowel is long.

I. rounded;

II.back (a) rally back;

mid-open (b) broad variation of the mid-open position of

the tongue;


IV. long;

V. monophthong.

The Russian /o/ is pronounced with the more rounded and protruded lips. The bulk of the tongue in the articulation of the Russian /o/ occupies the closer position. The Russian /o/ is a diphthongoid, it begins with the /y/ glide. Its allophonic transcription is [yo].

Not to confuse /o:/ with /υ/ the following contrast exercise can be recommended:

cord — cod sport — spot

caught — cot naught — not

port — pot sought — sot


Graphic Equivalents of the /o:/ Phoneme

/o:/ is pronounced when spelt:

о before r: horse /ho:s/ — лошадь

oo» floor /flo:/ — пол

ou» your /jo:/ — ваш

oa» oar /o:/ — весло

a» war /wo:/ — война

in the word Georgia /dЗo:dЗıə/ — Грузия и штат Джорджия в США

oa broad /bro:d/ — широкий

ough thought /θo:t/ — мысль

a water /'wo:ta/ — вода

an pause /po:z/ — пауза

augh taught /to:t/ — учил

al walk/wo:k/ — ходить

aw law /lo:/ — закон



No. 8 /u/

Thebulk of the tongue is in the back part of the mouth cavity, but somewhat advanced. It is raised in the direction of the front part of the soft palate, higher than for /o:/. The lips are slightly rounded.

/u/ can be defined as:

I. slightly rounded; u

II. back (a) back-advanced;

(b) broad variation of the high position of

the tongue;

III. lax;

IV. short;

V. monophthong.


Graphic Equivalents of the /u/ Phoneme

/u/ is pronounced when spelt:

u put /put/ — класть о woman /'wumən/ — женщина

oo book /buk/ — книга

oul could /kud/ — мог (бы) ull pull /pul/ — тянуть

ush push /puf/ — толкать


No. 9 /u:/

The bulk of the tongue in the /u:/ articulation is in the back part of the mouth cavity, retracted more than for /u/. The back of the tongue is raised higher in the direction of the soft palate than in the /u/ production, /u:/ may be a diphthongoid, then its beginning is a short /u/, which glides to more tense and labialized /u:/, which in the end has a /w/ glide. Allophonic transcription of the diphthongoid /u:/ can be represented as fol­lows: [uu:w]. The Russian /y/ is pronounced with the lips more rounded and protruded. The bulk of the tongue is tense.

/u:/ can be defined as:

I. rounded;

II. back (a) fully back;

high (b) narrow variation of the high position of the


III. tense;

IV. long;

V. diphthongoid

In order not to confuse the pronunciation of /u:/ and /u/ which are different phonemes, the following exercise is recommended:

toot — took pool — pull

goose — good coot — could

boot — book pood — good


Graphic Equivalents of the /u:/ Phoneme

/u:/ is pronounced when spelt:

ue true /tru:/ — верный

oo tool /tu:l/ — инструмент

о who /hu:/ — который

ou soup /su:p/ — суп

ui fruit /fru:t/ — плод

eu rheumatism /'ru:mətızm/ — ревматизм

ew crew /kru:/ — команда, экипаж

oe shoe /ςu:/ — туфель

/ju:/ is pronounced when spelt:

u tune /tju:n/ — мелодия

ue due /dju:/ — надлежащий

ugn impugn /ım'pju:n/ — оспаривать

ui suit /sju:t/ — мужской костюм

eau beauty /'bju:tı/ — красота

ew steward /stju:əd/ — стюард, but sewer /su:ə/ — сточная труба

No. 10 /Λ/

The central part of the tongue is raised in the direction of the juncture of the hard and soft palate. The tongue is a little higherthan for /a:/. The lips are spread.

/ Λ/ can be defined as:

I. unrounded;

II. central, mid, narrow variation of the low position of the tongue;

III. lax;

IV. short;

V. monophthong.

To practise the / Λ / articulation contrast exercises are very helpful, e.g.

Bart — but darn — done march — much carp — cup

cart — cut calm — come dark — duck charm — chum


Graphic Equivatents of the /Λ/ Phoneme

/ Λ / is pronounced when spelt:

u sun /s Λ n/ — солнце

о come /k Λ m/ — приходить, London

blood /bl Λ d/ — кровь

ou touch /t Λ tς/ — трогать, enough /ı'n Λ f/ — довольно, достаточно

No. 11 /з:/

The central part of the tongue is raised almost as high as for /e/. Its surface is more or less flat, the middle of the tongue is slightly higher. The lips are spread. Since we cannot say that the bulk of the tongue occupies the front or back position, it is convenient to define this posi­tion of the tongue in the /з:/ articulation as mixed.

/з:/ can be defined as:

I. unrounded;

II. (a) mixed;

(b) narrow variation of the mid-open position of the tongue;

III. tense;

IV. long;

V. monophthong.

To practise the /з:/ articulation it is useful to do the following contrast exercises:

bed — bird all — earl torn — turn full — furl

ten — turn four — fur board — bird pull — pearl

Ben — burn form — firm court — curt took — Turk


Graphic Equivalents of the /з:/ Phoneme

/з:/ is pronounced when spelt:

ir birth /bз:θ/ — рождение

yr myrtle /'mз:tl/ — мирт

er serve /sз:v/ — служить

ear earn /з:n/ — зарабатывать

wor word /wз:d/ — слово

our journey /'d3з:ni/ — путешествие

ur turn /tз:n/ — вертеть, поворачивать


No. 12 /ə/

The central part of the tongue is raised a little bit less than for /з:/. The lips are neutral. In speech /ə/ is easily affected by the neighbouring sounds and acquires different shades: (1) / Λ / shade, (2) /з:/ shade, (З) /ы/ shade, 4) /з/ shade.

1. / Λ / shade of /з:/ phoneme is observed in final position, before a
pause: comma /'komə/, butter /'b Λ tə/.

2. /з:/ shade is observed in all positions, with the exception of those
mentioned (as 1, 3), for example: above /ə'bΛv /, along /ə'lυn /.

3. /ы/ shade is observed when /ə/ is preceded or followed by the /k, g/
phonemes: again /ə'geın/, canal /kə'næl/.

4. /з/ shade is observed before the terminal /z, d/: letters /'letəz/,
covered /'k Λ vəd/.

/ə/ can be defined as:

I. unrounded;

II. (a) mixed;

(b) broad variation of the mid-open position of the tongue;

III. lax;

IV. short;

V. monophthong.


Graphic Equivalents of the /ə/ Phoneme

Itcan be stated, that almost every vowel in the unstressed position can be pronounced as /ə/, for example:

о /e/ sense /sens/ смысл — nonsense /'nυnsəns/ бессмыслица

a /æ/ man /mæn/ человек — milkman /'mılkmən/ молочник

or /o:/ ford /ford/ брод — Oxford /'υksfəd/ Оксфорд

ir /з:/ sir /sз:/ сэр — yes, sir /'jes sə/ да, сэр

tion /eı/ relation /rı'leıςn/ отношение, связь — relative /'relətıv/ родственник


<== предыдущая лекция | следующая лекция ==>
Vowel Phonemes. Description of Principal Variants | Closing Diphthongs
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