2. The GA /r/ is more sonorous than the RP /r/. It is retroflex.
3. /l/ — predominantly dark.
4. /t/ — short, voiced, intermediate between /d/ and /t/ and a one tap /r/. /t/ may be omitted in twenty, plenty. It may change into a glottal stop: that one, or turn into silence: twenty.
5. Glottal stop/?/.
6. /h/ — voiced in intervocalic position; lost initially in unstressed or weakforms within a phrase.
7. /ju/ may change into /tς/, /dЗ/ in due, tune.
8. /ς/ — vocalized in version, Asia.
9."Nasal twang" as in man.
J.C. Wells' "conventional" figure of vowels and diphthongs
AmЕ differs from RP "in inpredictable or unexpected ways.”
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