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Love and Death

I watched thee when the foe was at our side, Ready to strike at him — or thee and me, Were safety hopeless — rather than divide Aught with one loved save love and liberty.

I watched thee on the breakers, when the rock Received our prow and all was storm and fear, And bade thee cling to me through every shock; This arm would be thy bark, or breast thy bier.

I watched thee when the fever glazed thine eyes, Yielding my couch and stretched me on the ground, When overgrown with watching, ne'er to rise From thence if thou an early grave hadst found.

The earthquake" came, and rocked the quivering wall, And men and nature reeled as if with wine, Whom did I seek around the tottering hall? For thee. Whose safety first provide for? Thine.

And when convulsive throes denied my breath, The faintest utterance to my fading thought, To thee — to thee — e'en in the gasp of death My spirit turned, Oh! oftener than it ought.

Thus much and more; and yet thou lov'st me not, And never wilt! Love dwells not in our will Nor can I blame thee, though it be my lot To strongly, wrongly, vainly love thee still.


It is one of the first lyrico-epic poems in European literature. The lyrico-epic poem combines narrative \ with lyrics.

This is a poem about travel, history and politics. The character of Childe Harold has much in common with the author's one. In the preface to the poem By­ron writes of his intention to be "either descriptive or 1 sentimental, tender or satirical".

This poem consists of four cantos. It is written in a nine-line stanza with the last line lengthened.

The character of Childe Harold is symbolic. Byron i portrays his own outlook: demand for absolute per-: sonal freedom and rebelliousness.

In the opening lines Childe Harold is leaving his country for other countries, hoping to find Good there:

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