Part of the energy being changed into heat, not all the chemical energy of the battery is transformed into electric energy.
We are still learning how to exploit the potential of the integrated circuits.
A series of attempts having been made, Lodygin came to a successful solution of the problem.
Prospects of the usage of solar energy are already understood by everybody.
The developed technology enables us to improve the quality of articles produced.
It is too soon for us to make a decision.
She' too young to get married.
The fastest way to detect an artificial satellite is by radio.
The origin of the word 'robot' is said to have appeared first in a play of a Czech playwright, Karel Capec.
This room serves me for a study.
A small firm is likely to be specialising in one product.
Each of these different machines is likely to have a different capacity.
Use is made of electronics everywhere.
What are the largest universities in Great Britain?
Computers are capable of doing extremely complicated work in all branches of learning.
Every plant must fulfill its plan in time, mustn’t it?
Four atomic power stations are assumed to be built for experimental purposes.
In most cases, computer scientists and other computer specialists called programmers write the instructions.
When developed, the device was used for amplification of radio signals.
Developing the new method they achieved good results.
Einstein gave all his life to the increase of human knowledge.
Electronics enabled scientists to take pictures of the moon.
There were many explanations of the phenomenon of light.
Will you go to the Crimea on leave?
It cannot be divided without destroying its intended electronic function.
Has she just turned the radio on?
Information has become a commodity to be produced and traded.
Without computers, it would be impossible for engineers to perform the enormous number of calculations needed to solve many advanced technological problems.
Professor told us that our aim was solving this complex problem.
In 1905 Albert Einstein declared that matter can be converted into energy.
While the student was working at the problem he made many experiments.
The suggestion was that everybody should be here in time.
The great Russian scientist A.S.Popov was the first who produced an apparatus which became the world's greatest means of communication.
People have found it necessary to sort data into forms that were easier to understand, haven’t they?
The problems that must be solved are very difficult, aren’t they?
If I were you, I should go there immediately.
The accident might not have occurred if they had been more careful.
It was the bipolar transistor that was invented in 1948 by John Bardeen, Walter H.Brattain and William Shockley of the Bell Telephone Laboratories.
It was microelectronics development that solved the problem.
Упражнение 25
It is the programme that ensures the execution of all operations assigned to the computers.
Lasers are being used for very important and interesting explorations, such as measuring the distance to the Moon.
Neither Tom nor Ann came to the party.
Men and women in Russia have equal rights.
The boxes are too heavy to carry.
He is anything but a fool.
A right angle equals 90°.
One of Mendeleyev's important works is his book ''Principles of Chemistry".
Our design bureau has to construct a new adding machine.
Semiconductors compressed into this plate are hundreds of times smaller than electronic valves.
The antenna for the receiver is constructed in the same manner as that for the transmitter.
The laboratories of our Institute are equipped with modern devices.
These devices distribute the electric energy.
We are proud of our capital.
We know of the Curies' having discovered some new radioactive elements.
We remembered having mentioned the works of this scientist.
Advanced students carry out their research under the guidance of supervisors.
I left school three years ago.
In January it snowed all the time.
People wished to handle atom since ancient times.
It will be unsuitable for automation of production, transport or domestic use.
It will give us a better understanding of the laws governing the movements of the Earth and the Moon.
Which of them has been here for two months?
Since what time has she been here?
It would be highly desirable to fill the gap by some device of sufficient capacity and speed.
Who has been living in Ryazan for 4 years?
Be careful in working with this substance.
Ivanov asked whether there were many computers in the laboratory.
The lecturer told that Franklin is respected in our country both as a scientist and a progressive political leader.
While the experiment was being carried out nobody left the laboratory.
The question is whether they will be able to help us with our experiment.
The students who are doing the laboratory work are from various faculties.
A computer can find the solution to a problem in a fraction of the time it takes a human being to do the job.
The medium or channel through which the message is carried may take the form of face-to-face communication.
Since you have not got anything to read, let's talk.
If he should come, tell him to wait.
If I had enough money, I would travel
It is a very graphical interface which can be easily designed and is easy to navigate.
Упражнение 25
What subjects do the students study while being at a university or college?
He was the only good specialist in the company.
Heat converts ice into water.
Projects are now being discussed in scientific literature of using high-power lasers for long-distance space communications.
I completely agree with your opinion.
Several types of microphones are in wide use now.
The course of study lasts five years.
The scientists expect this effect to be relatively small.
The new manager is said to work 12 hours a day.
This young lady has a weakness for fine clothes.
We are to study the main laws of physics.
We know of Rutherford's having investigated the nature of alpha-particles.
What degrees can post-graduate students receive?
What is the capital of Russia?
Words in a dictionary are in alphabetical order.
An electronic machine has to be used to make these calculations.
Radio was invented by a talented Russian scientist A.S.Popov.
Sorry I didn't warn you before.
The engineer of our laboratory was offered new research work.
The first successful experiment in separating isotopes by laser was performed in the Institute of Spectroscopy of the USSR Academy of Sciences, in 197
The means of transmitting still pictures and moving pictures were actively sought.
The national papers can be divided into two main groups: quality papers and popular papers.
He will be an engineer in two years.
John must have been out of town for the 4 of July.
It must have rained last night.
Would it be difficult to analyse the results of the test without the teacher's help?
He wanted to know what powerful radio stations were being built in our country.
I'm afraid that neither of the times suits me.
When he was translating the article he used a dictionary.
The trouble is that I have left the results of our investigation in the laboratory.
That he refused to help his partners is very strange.
Computers are defined as devices which accept information in the form of instructions called a program.
The man who put most effort into developing the telegraph was Samuel Morse.
The scientists who are carrying out research into nuclear physics deal with the most difficult problems.
Since you have not got anything to read, let's talk.
Circuit patterns will have to be formed with radiation having wavelength shorter than those of light, and fabrication techniques capable of greater definition will be needed.
If he were here, I should speak to him.
If he were in town, he would help us.
The suppliers were asked to speed up the manufacture of the engine so that it might be shipped with other goods by a steamer sailing the 15th August.
It should first be made clear what the term "microelectronics" implies.
It is a circuit that has been fabricated as an inseparable assembly of electronic elements in a single structure.
Integrated circuit technology is evolving so rapid that even a period as short as six months can produce a significant change.
Упражнение 26
How does the receiver decode and interpret the message?
Experiments in heating and condensing plasma to receive thermonuclear fusion are being conducted at one of the world's biggest laser thermonuclear installations "Delfin" (Dolphin).
The only thing was to say nothing.
If frozen, water becomes ice.
There are many defaults in this device, aren’t there?
Machine language is also known as low-level language.
She not only sings, she plays the guitar as well.
Smoking is dangerous.
Synthetic materials used in space technology are not affected by changes in temperature.
The academic year is divided into two terms.
The experts are to inspect this plant.
Reactive gas plasma technology is reported to be presently in wide-spread use in the semiconductor industry.
The film technology has proved to provide precise dimensions.
The importance of sport is known to everybody.
We all hoped for a change of the weather.
We watched the robot perform many operations.
Testing the engine they found serious defects.
I cannot but agree with you.
The design discussed was adopted.
Yablochkov was the first to realize the advantages of the alternating current, wasn’t it?
His report was followed by a short film.
The methods introduced received general recognition.
She will have many new subjects next term.
When required, these data will be applied in our practical work.
Об when P2
There must be a mistake somewhere.
He must have made a decision yesterday.
It would be desirable to carry out this work as soon as possible.
You could have done this work better.
He thought I should come to the laboratory.
I'm not sure where he's from.
I suggested meeting again after we had read the proposals.
As soon as we had installed the new line, productivity went up.
The result will be that they can not go there frequently.
A thin film happens even to be employed to select the areas on a wafer that are to be oxidized.
Two independent lines of development are considered to lead to microscopic technique that produced the present integrated circuits.
The hole is not a real particle but merely the absence of an electron at a position where one would be found in a pure lattice of silicon atoms.
If they had called at the office yesterday, they would have found me there.
If I had seen him yesterday, I should have told him about it.
It is supposed (believed) that the transistor had an advantage over the best vacuum tubes.
It appears (seems, proves) that the object of the research is significant
Упражнение 27
The improvement of the technological processes is supposed to ensure lower cost of power.
The electron is circling in an orbit around a nucleus.
The food was too hot to eat.
The number of robots used in any field of human activity indicates the degree of its modernity.
We investigate different properties of semiconductors.
What is the transmission medium in Videotex?
Universities decide which students to admit, what and how to teach, which degrees to award and on what conditions.
Do computers differ in size?
How do radio waves travel?
Long transmission lines are known to be necessary for the transfer of electric energy over long distances.
One may determine the wave frequency, mayn’t he?
She has a lot of character and energy.
When discussing the design the engineers suggested a few improvements.
The college system at Oxford and Cambridge is unlike that of any other university, whether in Britain or America.
The computers solve problems by measuring the quantity in terms of another quantity.
We insisted on the experiment being repeated.
The resistance being very large, the current in the circuit was small.
A.S.Popov invented the first radio receiver.
Education in the Soviet Union was free of charge.
He left for the Ryazan and has been living there since.
But we must support our views by experiments.
Computers can be used to compose music, write poems, and produce drawings and paintings.
She can't have finished the test yet.
Jane may have been late last night.
At the beginning of the 20-th century astronomers believed that Mars was quite similar to our world.
Might I suggest that we discuss this matter later?
She was reading a newspaper when the phone rang.
The question was why no one wanted to listen to the lecturer.
As is known, one of the basic measures of semiconductor performance is the number of good dice per wafer.
In a conductor current is known to be carried by electrons that are free to flow through the lattice1 of the substance,
Semiconductors are similar to insulators in that they have their lower bands completely filled.
If I had time, I should study French.
If you should find them, kindly let me know.
It was dear (apparent) that low power consumption is of importance.
It was the development (appearance) of the transistor that changed the picture.
Упражнение 28
The device used in our work is up-to-date.
I saw her but a moment.
When discussed, the design was adopted.
The nucleus of hydrogen contains but one proton.
The first term runs from September to February, the second from February to July.
New applications for robots are continually being discovered.
The temperature is three degrees above zero.
We measure energy in the form of heat.
What does Ryazan look like now?
What laboratory do you work at?
Exercise 10is the most difficult one.
Hybrid computers combine the features of analog and digital computers.
My friends are mostly students.
Now we are processing the data.
They are very important for further research.
Optical electronic instruments for recording, storing and processing information use a laser beam.
Our laboratory is housed in an old building.
Nobody could solve this problem.
We were looking for a more simple method of solution but could not find it.
When was Ryazan founded?
There was no hope of their solving this complex engineering problem so soon.
We were provided with the necessary literature.
The electronic computer will be dealt with in the next chapter.
The engineer will check the apparatus in the lab.
The results of these experiments will be published in a scientific journal, won’t they?
They can solve the most complicated mathematical problems or put thousands of unrelated facts in order.
These products have been designed by a special team.
We have not succeeded in entering a new competitive market.
Wire the day of your arrival.
She said she had never been to Italy.
He says that next year will be a difficult year.
He demanded that the threat of legal action be removed.
She was reading a newspaper when the phone rang.
Whether other substances but uranium possessed the property of emitting radiations was of great interest to scientists.
Without the laser beam there could be no optical electronics which computer specialists see as a highly promising direction for making high-performance and small-size computers.
I had to leave early because I wasn't feeling well.
The more components and interactions, the less reliable the system.
If after the vessel's arrival at the port of loading there is danger of the vessel being frozen in, the captain shall have the right to leave without cargo.
Had we to use the same number of vacuum tubes instead of transistors, our modern electronic systems would be wholly impractical.
During the war production of some civilian goods was discontinued in our country so that labour power and materials might be released for use in the war industries.
It should be noted that a crystal of pure silicon is a poor conductor of electricity.
It has now been established that their presence can have a variety of effects, harmful as well as beneficial.
Упражнение 29
Terminal examinations are held in January and June.
There is nobody in the office but the secretary.
As mentioned earlier this evening, we have a guest speaker.
Molecules in a gas are constantly moving.
K. Marx saw the setting of capitalism as anything but permanent.
The apparatus tested is looked upon as an experimental one.
The climate here is like that of France.
The instrument records the changes of temperature.
The Queen reigns, but doesn't rule.
The smallest computers can be held in a person's hand.
The term hardware is applied to the computer itself, including its electronic circuits and peripheral equipment.
Their laboratory occupies a separate part of the building.
What is given much attention to in our country?
When did Minsk become a Hero-City?
By the way, no king or queen of England is allowed to enter the House of Commons.
Is Great Britain situated on an island or on the continent?
You found the lost book, didn't you?
He spoke to me in a very friendly way.
She was listened to with great attention.
The equations were solved by the machine.
Yesterday I had a bad headache.
Obtaining new data engineers can improve their knowledge.
He will prepare everything for the experiment.
Has the investigator mentioned his testing this material for strength?
Up to now we have tested five applications, two of them having been bought lately.
Didn't he know that no one could help him?
We ought to say that the discovery of atomic energy is as important as the discovery of fire.
He didn't see anything while the meeting was going on.
The work today is not what we had yesterday.
There can be many instances where the microelectronic circuit may combine more than one of these approaches in a single structure, using a combination of techniques.
Microelectronics embraces the entire body of the electronic art which is connected with, or applied to, the realization of electronic circuits, subsystems, or the entire systems from extremely small electronic devices.
The change in scale can be measured by counting the number of transistors that can be fitted onto a chip.
We like working in our institute labs because we can always get help in case we need it.
If all these tasks had to be done under the direct supervision of the user, the storage of information in a computer would not be worth the trouble.
It is apparent that if the language of recipient and sender differs, the data of the message cannot be used.
It is the keyboard which allows the user to communicate with the computer.
It is important that the keys be comfortable.
Упражнение 30
Is radio engineering a vast field of knowledge?
I tried to persuade them, but they wouldn't accept the offer.
Soviet scientists and engineers are developing new types of electronic and cybernetic devices.
It is the only positive solution.
The discoveries in physics increase our possibilities in other sciences.
Like the manager, she also has to make important decisions.
Some sports like motor racing can be dangerous.
The masers can operate at other frequencies than those used in the microwave region.
The university is like a federation of colleges.
To read is necessary.
Our task is to finish the test by 7 o'clock, isn’t it?
By what is Great Britain separated from the continent?
Energy is the ability to work.
It's time to begin the experiment.
He mentioned his having shown these slides at the conference.
The young scientist was invited to take part in the conference.
My letter was answered immediately.
On that day the radio telegraphy was converted from an abstract theoretical problem into a real fact.
The investigation analyzed resulted in an interesting discovery.
When will the conference be held?
Workers must apply new methods of production.
There has been a meeting at the club this week.
Have you ever heard anyone give so much interesting talk?
How many new applications have they been testing since the beginning of the year?
We were told that before our testing the new synthetic film we would have to measure its length and thickness.
Is it difficult to define what an amorphous material is?
One should always inspect the machine-tool before he turns it on.
That is why I will have to come to you again.
Information on a disk is organized in terms of blocks, each having its own address, which consists of a cylinder number, a track number, and a record number.
We have succeeded in designing a new information carrier which can be used for multiple recording of light signals, similar to the magnetic tape recording.
She never listens to the advice which I give her.
It is known that the speed of response depends primarily on the size of transistor: the smaller the transistor, the faster it is.
If high precision is required laser trimming is used.
If high values are desired, the line can be laid down in a zigzag pattern.
The heat was so oppressive that all the doors and windows were wide open so that a free current of air might pass through the house.
It is the microprocessor that helps to solve many problems.
It seems that this reaction yields a new substance with new properties.
Упражнение 31
Our students take an active part in social life of the Institute.
Now solar energy is being studied by a lot of research groups.
We didn't need to replace this piece of equipment.
Special programs called compilers and assemblers translate high-level and assembly languages into machine language.
The British are very proud of their sense of humour.
We use such devices for amplification of radio signals.
What can you say about the possibilities of light-wave technology in telephony?
Besides literature, we have to study history and philosophy.
By reading English books we increase our vocabulary.
The conference is expected to be held next month.
These figures can't be right.
The matter isn't urgent; we needn't discuss it today.
One positive charge is now called a proton and this charge is equal to that of one electron.
Radio devices perform various communication tasks.
She speaks English well.
The scientist had to stop the experiment.
The second experiment was very interesting for its results.
Nothing was heard from him.
This scientific discovery was the result of six years' research.
In the 19th century copper wires were strung across the continents and the world was united through telegraphy.
This kind of energy must find application in transport.
You will have to go to the library to get this book.
A far larger number of bits (higher resolution), higher speeds, more extensive and more powerful instruction sets, and elimination of non-LSI components have come.
The demand for fast access and large capacity has grown constantly.
We couldn't convince the head engineer that maintaining constant temperature and pressure during the test had been absolutely necessary.
When speaking about oxygen it is necessary to say that it is a colourless, odourless gas having density at standard pressure and temperature of about one seven-hundredth that of water.
Whenever a current is made to flow through a conductor, there will always be some opposition to its flow.
Is the work today not what you had the day before yesterday?
Preparing a computer to solve complicated scientific problems might require the use of ALGOL (ALGOrithmic Language), which is a mathematically oriented programming language.
Computers are devices that are capable of very rapid and accurate calculations.
There are some applications in which computers could be used.
Since you weren't at the meeting, we took the decision without you.
It was after solving the problem of splitting the nuclei of some elements that the atomic energy could be received.
It was Kurchatov who discovered the isomerism of artificial radioactive nuclei.
Упражнение 32
The University of London could also be called a kind of federation of colleges, but the system is entirely different.
Is Mike going to take part in the students' scientific conference?
We sent out the invitations a week ago; they must have arrived by now.
They are as fast as analog computers in solving problems involving differential equations and as accurate as digital computers.
Up to a millionits of information can be stored in one bubble unit.
What are the basic ingredients of a communications model?
What is microelectronics?
What is the capital of Great Britain?
The electron is a particle.
The machine is of five parts.
A computer is able to solve problems involving words by changing them into problems dealing with numbers.
A computer turns the machines on and off and adjusts their operations when necessary.
Computers also are used to develop equipment for exploring the moon and planets.
Electricity cables stretch over the fields.
They made a new experiment last week.
They offered me some interesting work.
Why can’t we look at this matter at our next meeting?
Carbon steel has been known to be the principal product of the steel industry, hasn't it?
The speed of our first sputniks was as big as 11 kilometres per second.
They succeeded in obtaining these data.
The result of the process was the release of the energy.
New data will support the results of our research.
For the decision to be correct all facts must be considered.
I haven't heard of his having been offered the post of director of the new plant.
We have heard of the agreement having been reached.
Let us point out only a few new uses of the laser.
The professor said that the first problem was to get enough light to make the spectral analysis.
The engineer demanded that the materials which are to be used in the construction (should) be carefully tested.
They suggested that the question of applying a new method in their research should be discussed at once.
While heavy atoms can be made to release energy by splitting, light atoms can yield energy by being fused together.
Was it important to carry out this experiment?
They attend conferences which take place at the Institute.
Scientists are also working to increase computing speed by designing circuits that are even more densely packed and closer together.
The language that a programmer uses depends largely on the job to be done.
It may be helpful if we say a few words about four of the principal devices found in electronic circuits: resistors, capacitors, diodes and transistors.
The semiconductor will conduct if more than a certain voltage is applied.
I took him to the Caucasus so that the mountain air should benefit him.
It is atomic electricity that will be the electricity of tomorrow.
It seems that the electron is nothing but a charged particle.
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