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Переведите предложения

1. 12 региональных банков США выполняют функции центрального банка. 2. Федеральная резервная система учреждена в 1913. 3. Федеральная резервная система возглавляется Советом управляющих из 7 членов, назначаемых сроком на 14 лет президентом США. 4. Федеральные резервные банки находятся в главных городах 12 федеральных резервных округов.5. Совет управляющих – в Вашингтоне. 6. Капитал ФРС образован за счёт продажи акций частным коммерческим банкам, вступающим в её члены.

7. ФРС выпускает банкноты. 8.ФРС выдает ссуды коммерческим банкам. 9.ФРС покупает государственные ценные бумаги. 10. ФРС осуществляет межбанковские клиринговые расчёты; операции с иностранной валютой и хранение золотых резервов для иностранных правительств.

1. ……. is the central banking system of the United States of America.

2. The country was divided into twelve …….

3. Each District has its own …..

4. ……of governors is in Washington

A) Federal Reserve Board

B) Federal Reserve System

C) Federal Reserve Districts

D) Federal Reserve Bank


Тема “Business Letters Writing”

Letters are the most important communication because they officially represent your company or organization to the outside world. You company will seem less attractive if your letters are not professional.

The business letters consist of seven principle parts:

1. The Letterhead. The letterhead expresses a firms personality. It gives name and address of the firm, telephone numbers, telegraphic address, the telegraphic codes, fax numbers, and states the company’s busyness

2. The Date. Always type the date in full, in logical order of day, month, year.

3. The Inside Name and Address. The usual practice is to write the name and address of one’s correspondent at the head of the letter. When you write letters to other countries, always include the name of the country

4. The salutation. This is the greeting with which every letter begins. The usual greeting in a business letter is Dear Sir, but others are used too. For example:

Dear Madam (for both single and married women)

Dear Sirs (when a company is addressed)

5. The Message or the body of the letter is the part that is really important. It has three parts:

a) the introductory paragraph indicates what the letter is about

b) the main paragraph expresses the idea of the message

c) the final paragraph explains what information or action you expect from your correspondent

6. The Complimentary Closure is a polite way of ending a letter. The following salutations or closures are the most usually used in modern business letters:

Salutation Closure

Dear Sir(s) Yours faithfully

Dear Madam Yours faithfully

Dear Mr Brown Yours sincerely

Gentlemen Sincerely yours

7. The Signature. Always sign your letter by hand, in ink and in the same style

8. Notes about enclosures and copies. If you are inclosing something with your letter, you should type “Enc.” at the bottom. If you sending a copy to another person you should type “cc” and the person’s name at the bottom

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