

Архитектура-(3434)Астрономия-(809)Биология-(7483)Биотехнологии-(1457)Военное дело-(14632)Высокие технологии-(1363)География-(913)Геология-(1438)Государство-(451)Демография-(1065)Дом-(47672)Журналистика и СМИ-(912)Изобретательство-(14524)Иностранные языки-(4268)Информатика-(17799)Искусство-(1338)История-(13644)Компьютеры-(11121)Косметика-(55)Кулинария-(373)Культура-(8427)Лингвистика-(374)Литература-(1642)Маркетинг-(23702)Математика-(16968)Машиностроение-(1700)Медицина-(12668)Менеджмент-(24684)Механика-(15423)Науковедение-(506)Образование-(11852)Охрана труда-(3308)Педагогика-(5571)Полиграфия-(1312)Политика-(7869)Право-(5454)Приборостроение-(1369)Программирование-(2801)Производство-(97182)Промышленность-(8706)Психология-(18388)Религия-(3217)Связь-(10668)Сельское хозяйство-(299)Социология-(6455)Спорт-(42831)Строительство-(4793)Торговля-(5050)Транспорт-(2929)Туризм-(1568)Физика-(3942)Философия-(17015)Финансы-(26596)Химия-(22929)Экология-(12095)Экономика-(9961)Электроника-(8441)Электротехника-(4623)Энергетика-(12629)Юриспруденция-(1492)Ядерная техника-(1748)

Упражнения 1 страница

Часть четвертая



Рис.6 Положение языка при произношении согласного [w]

Рис.7 Положение языка при произношении согласного [j]




Рис.10 Положение языка при произношении согласных [T],[D]

Рис.11 Положение языка при произношении согласных [S],[Z]



Рис.8 Положение языка при произношении согласных [s],[z]

Рис.9 Положение языка при произношении согласных [tS],[dZ]



Рис.12 Положение языка при произношении гласного [{]



Рис.13 Положение языка при произношении гласного [V]

Рис.14 Положение языка при произношении гласного [е]



Рис.15 Положение языка при произношении гласного [i]

Рис.16 Положение языка при произношении гласного [O]



Рис. 17 Положение языка при произношении гласного [u]

Рис.18 Положение языка при произношении гласного [u:]




В основу упражнений положены оригинальные, неадапти­рованные тексты из более ста двадцати английских журна­лов и монографий по основным отраслям науки и техники: электронике, электротехнике, радиосвязи, физике, биологии, химии, медицине, авиации, металлургии и др. Некоторые при­меры по общенаучной тематике заимствованы из работ Ка­федры иностранных языков Академии Наук.

Частотность ошибок при переводе, как правило, не связа­на с узкой терминологией и специфична для научной и техни­ческой литературы вообще, а не для одной или нескольких отраслей науки или техники. В связи с этим при анализе оши­бок мы обращали внимание на псевдопростые слова и грам­матические формы, а не на термины.

Предлагаемая система упражнений преследует цель по­мочь учащимся отработать правила чтения и приобрести соз­нательный подход к тексту, основанный на привычке разби­раться во всех его формах, оборотах и конструкциях, заменить приблизительное улавливание общего смысла прочитанного, интуитивную догадку, сознательным лексико-грамматическим анализом, гарантирующим правильный перевод смысла текста и мысли автора.

Отучиться от перевода по догадке очень трудно, это тре­бует больших усилий. Одним из очень эффективных средств научиться переводить литературу по специальности является перевод литературы по смежной или незнакомой области, где поневоле приходится прибегать к лексическому и грам­матическому анализу.

В связи с этим мы настоятельно рекомендуем читателям и преподавателям делать все упражнения, независимо от их те­матики. Это позволит сразу увидеть степень владения техни­кой перевода и выявить слабые места, которые требуют до­полнительной тренировки.

Упражнения даются сначала на псевдопростые слова (первый раздел), затем на псевдопростые грамматические формы (второй раздел) и наконец на псевдопростые слова и грамма­тические формы вместе (третий раздел). В четвертом разделе приведены упражнения на правила чтения английских слов.

Рекомендуется прочитать вслух предложение, найти в нем псевдопростые слова и грамматические формы, объяснить причины, обусловливающие трудности перевода и затем сде­лать перевод всего предложения. Естественно, что в любом предложении представлены и лексические, и грамматические явления, однако в первом разделе надо обращать особое вни­мание на псевдопростые слова и словосочетания, а во вто­ром разделе — на псевдопростые грамматические формы. Первые 340 предложений в третьем разделе упражнений да­ются в той же последовательности, что и в предыдущих изда­ниях книги, для того чтобы предоставить возможность препо­давателям работать в группах со студентами, имеющими разные издания этой книги.



(Псевдопростые слова)

1. A harmonic filter is no longer required.

2. We assign, tentatively, the structure to the free acid.

3. Once these two factors are known for a given network,Eq. 5, 6 and 7 apply.

4. The higher the purity of titanium, the easier it is to fabri­cate, but the lower is its strength.

5. Spurious outputs can be best avoided by choosing a ratio of at least 8: I between the two input frequencies.

6. When the number is restricted, the response is no longer flat and the power or the bandwidth is reduced.

7. In order to determine whether a given compound is organic it is frequently sufficient merely to heat it.

8. Telstar by then was responding properly to all normal com­mands.

9. As a matter of fact the atoms have an irregular to-and-fro

motion similar to that of the electron.

10. The philosophy used in the design of the experiment is as


11. The most efficient way to use tapes is to transfer informa­tion to or from them in large blocks rather than by individual


12. Mean values and deviation of the four parameters are giv­en for various types of transistors in Table I.

13. The history of radar is a long one, for the underlying prin­ciple has been known to science for a long time.

14. The cost of the tetrode is at present several times that of the

equivalent triode.

15. The tuning sequence above takes less than 2 min for the

two higher-power transmitters.

16. Another similarity between the two amplifiers is that the same low-pass harmonic filter is used in the output feeder.

17. Some elements possess so few metallic qualities that it is uncertain whether they should be called metals or nonmetals.

18. As an alternative to the distributed amplifier a normal 2-stage tuned amplifier may be used.

19. The general problems of broadbanding are not peculiar to transistors and will not be discussed in great length.

20. A soft coal, however large the lumps, falls to pieces too readily in the fire and chokes it.

21. Either a wideband distributed amplifier or conventional tuned amplifier can be used.

22. The speed with which arithmetic operations are performed is affected by a number of factors.

23. In gaseous reactions the equilibrium position is largely

influenced by pressure.

24. A reasonably uniform electrical output is obtained regard­less of the relative orientation to the sun.

25. The boiling point on the centigrade scale is 100° and that on the Farenheit is212°.

26. The amplified signals drive the two synchronous motors.

27. Of all the senses, vision is the only one that can make us directly conscious of things at great distances.

28. Above onegigacycle sky noise due to air, water vapor and rain increases as frequency increases.

29. An electroscope can be used to tell if a body is charged positively or negatively.

30. Radio relay systems are subject to severe selective fading due to multipath effects.

31. The evaporation increases with the temperature, other things being equal.

32. In this way each of the waveform gates is switched on in turn for one line period.

33. A mechanical method was substituted for an electric one.

34. This rate, formerly in general use, is now reserved for manual calls.

35. The question arises whether rocks are all natural combi­nations of mineral matter.

36. Given ferrite-core material, very good transformers can be made.

37. However simple the basic principle of the approach may seem, in many situations such an approach is not used.

38. In the preceding discussion the availability of wideband transformers was assumed.

39. The use of metals is affected by the available ore resour­ces, the cost of extraction and refining, and the way in which they can be employed to practical advantage.

40. Low anode capacitance is of course essential.

41. The prime purpose of giving the computer a daily health check is preventive rather than corrective.

42. The lower the thrust the longer the smoothing time can be.

43. Contact for 2 hours was necessary for the 102,5dilution to effect significant receptor modification.

44. The average repeater spacing is therefore 16.2 nautical miles (30 kilometres).

45. The question now arises as to how the behaviour of metals is affected by the changes in temperature.

46. The calculation of the correlation of the noise coefficients is now a great deal more involved.

47. The plasticity of steel, whether at room temperature or at elevated temperatures, allows it to be worked either hot or cold.

48. Both a random error channel and a channel with burst errors are considered.

49. The region surrounding a magnet, in which appreciable magnetic forces exist is known as the magnetic field.

50. Figure 10 illustrates how this self-checking is accom­plished.

51. During the remainder of each line period the amplifier operates in a normal manner.

52. In this presentation one should follow a logical rather than a historical order, though referring to the historical aspects where they are of interest.

53. The plasma is generated in a glass tube by a continuous r. f. discharge at a frequency of 50 megahertz.

54. The charge of an atom is not affected by the number of neutrons present but depends on the balance between electrons and protons.

55. It remains to be established if the opening-angle distribu­tion depends on the declination of the region.

56. Experience shows that work study does in fact provide one of the most valuable means of improving production efficiency.

57. With the exception of this cell, the data are well fitted to a Poisson distribution with a mean of 19.

58. The increasing demand for oil can only be met by the application of the most efficient methods for its extraction and subsequent treatment.

59. Separate groups of lines for the rotary equipment are no longer justified.

60. The qualitative examination of an organic compound is followed by a quantitative analysis.

61. Such impulse noise is experienced in a wide range of com­munications media.

62. The only thing the ions seem capable of doing is to form a hydrogen-bonded complex.

63. Fig. 14 shows the distribution of peak sensitivity against noise output.

64. In general, resistant cells were smaller, with less cyto­plasm than sensitive HeLa cells. Occasionally, cells differing from the typical epithelial type were found.

65. Fig.2 indicates the rapid expansion of the global cable network for telephony during the past decade.

66. Many materials now commonly used were not even thought of thirty years ago.

67. To date, several experiments have been reported in which a variety of instruments have been used to search for point sources.

68. There is little doubt that all the azo compounds reported are the trans isomers, but their geometry has not been established independently.

69. Does it make any difference whether fluoride to prevent dental caries is added to the milk a family consumes, or to the fruit juice, rather than water?

70. The subscript MP denotes minimum phase in a broad sense; it does not mean that (25) obtains strictly because so far we have dealt only with C1.

71. Planetary theory was not developed to the same degree as that of the Moon.

72. To preserve the accuracy of the antenna, and to permit it to operate in all kinds of weather an air-inflated covering or radome was added.

73. The question arises whether there is any fundamental dif­ference in the kinetics of reactions occuring in condensed media compared to the gaseous state.

74. The essence of the spin-spin processes is that a jump from resonance Vα —>Vβ can be made, the balance of energy being taken up by a large number of transitions.

75. The time necessary for the sun to move a complete circle around the galactic center is some 200 million years.

76. From what has been said so far, one might think that alter­nating current has little advantage over a direct current.

77. There are still practical problems in connection with the applications of these small circuits.

78. In many tables the factor of safety rather than the allow­able stresses will be given, thus making it easier for the designer to make his own choice of material.

79. It will be seen later that, with sensible values for the oper­ating parameters, this statement remains substantially true when large-signal effects are taken into account.

80. This trouble is got round by using as a capacitor a P-N junction biased in the reverse direction.

81. We shall now see if any explanation of the exceptions to the gas laws can be found.

82. Significant rises of serum potassium levels over control levels were seen in all cases of primary aldosteronism by the third day of spironolactone treatment.

83. When the peak and valley points are reached, (I1 —I2) no longer increases because of the tunnel diode characteristics, and an unstable condition occurs.

84. Sometimes a decision to compute is followed by a process of selecting the particular kind of computing machine best suited for the given problem.

85. This charge was apparently not precipitated by adjust­ments in circulatory dynamics, nor was it related to reticuloen-dothelial stimulation.

86. The same noise was applied over and over again to the transmission system under test.

87. Whatever the nature of the metal, the slower the rate of cooling the larger will be the size of the crystals.

88. A deformed metal is not stable, and after deformation it undergoes changes that are influenced by time and temperature which in turn affect the resistance to deformation.

89. The curvature of the anode-current grid-voltage charac­teristic of the valve gives rise to distortion.

90. The charge of an atom, however, is not affected by the number of neutrons present but depends on the balance between electrons and protons.

91. The design process can be speeded by starting with fami­lies of curves in all but the transistor quadrant.

92. The second quantitative relationship concerns the amount of endogenus pyrogen, which may be present in the donor's circu­lation, over and above that needed for the production of maxi­mum fever.

93. All life ultimately depends on absorption of light, for it is the absorption of sunlight by the green leaves of plants which keeps the plant and animal world alive.

94. For automatic system to be successful it must tune a trans­mitter at least as accurately as can be done manually.

95. The maintenance of a temperature within a prescribed range under conditions of varying thermal loads can be termed temperature regulation. This does not necessarily mean mainte­nance of constant heat content.

96. However plentiful the ore may be the extraction of a metal will not be profitable unless it is sufficiently suitable for some purpose to be sold at a price that will pay for extraction.

97. The effects of high vacuum and van Allen belt radiation on organic materials commonly used in electronic equipment were of particular concern.

98. As rate control is sensitive to the rate of change of the temperature it recognizes at once the magnitude of the imposed thermal load. For this reason the rate control is sometimes known as «anticipatory» control.

99. It is not possible for the authors to make all the mathema­tics involved easy for those who have little training in that sub­ject, since many of the arguments and processes are difficult and complex.

100. If a particular message is of great importance, the power may be easily increased at the expense of other links.

101. That the maximum febrile response in rabbits is limited by a definite hyperthermic «ceiling»is indicated by the compre­hensive dose-response measurements recently reported by Keened, Silberman and Landy.

102. It is not possible to obtain as high thermal efficiencies when furnaces are fired with raw coal as with other means of firing, but these matters will not be dealt with here.

103. Also, the chassis of a number of units, which accounted ' for the major part of the remaining dissipation, were firmly at­tached to the waveguide structure.

104. Pharmacological tests have provided no basis as yet for the qualitative difference in these clinical actions. Most often, the same pattern of results is seen with the two drugs in the laboratory.

105. The weight of an atom depends almost antirely on the number of protons and neutrons it contains, since the electrons are so light that contribute but little to atomic weight.

106. Current regulations require the harmonic and spurious frequencies to be less than — 43 db for 1 kw transmitter.

107. Essentially the apparatus consisted of two capillary tubes of different diameters in communication with a wider tube throught which the liquid under investigation could be introduced.

108. In order to see the molecules separately we must neces­sarily use radiation with a wavelenght thousands of times shorter than that of visible light — or, in other words,we have to use radiation called X-rays.

109. Considerations regarding the full use of vertical interval test and reference signals are presented.

110. Serial homologous transplantation of the tumors to both conditioned and unconditioned animals was attempted in a num­ber of cases. The latter was not successful, but transfer to other conditioned hosts was achieved.

111. The transmitter is a pulsed oscillator operating at either 85 kc or 135 kc, followed by a push-pull driver amplifier and a push-pull power amplifier.

112. Consequently, the proper bias conditions are no long­er satisfied for some part of the ion emitter. As a result the system is forced into the Z-state and the collector current be­comes small.

113. According to the quantum theory, radiative energy is always collected into certain discrete portions, known as «light-quanta» and to see an object it is necessary for at least one light-quantum to be reflected from its surface.

114. In normal operation, the oscillator is shut off until a 1-msec negative pulse is applied to the grid of V2A.

115. The problem of space-charge cancellation is not unique to the thermionic energy converter, but is common to high-current electron tube devices for rectification and switching purposes.

116. Various kinds of laboratory tests, such as resoldering, heat cycles, tensile strength, weighting, bending, and vibration, were carried out on test pieces made by the new jointing method.

117. Therefore, when calculating the minimum noise figure an additional requirement (e. g. bandwidth or stability) must be taken into account, so that the mathematical problem is that of a minimum under constraints.

118. In order for the practicing engineer to arrive at feedback control system design that best meets the requirements of partic­ular application, it is desirable that a general design procedure should be available. Such a procedure has grown up in the last few years.

119. If a given frequency band is to be used for space and earth-based repeaters simultaneously, several possible intenference paths must be studied.

120. It may be noted, incidentally, that considerably more free sulfate (150 and 144 moles in the two experiments) appeared than can be accounted for by the hydrolysis of the carcinogen metabolites.

121. Earthed-grid triodes require more stages, but a high de­gree of linearity is more readily obtainable, provided that grid-current distortion can be kept low.

122. The eventual return of hypokalemia further suggests the continued excessive secretion of aldosterone, which presumably would not be the case in potassium depletion from other causes.

123. In view of the recent increase in reported cases of infec­tious hepatitis, and the demonstrated possible resemblance of this type of drug-induced hepatotoxicity to that disease, it seems logical to hypothesize that at least a portion of these reported cases are drug induced rather than of viral etiology.

124. Owing to the non-linearity of the grid characteristic of valves in the positive region, distortion is produced at the input of a power amplifier.

125. Various workers found similar tie-lines which persisted up to 20% of phosphoric oxide, but it was shown that such tie-lines were but one of a number of stages that the system went through before stable equilibrium was attained.

126. It follows from the foregoing considerations and in par­ticular from Equation (10), whose detailed derivations can be found in the work of Ioffe and Herring, that the figure of merit as defined by Equation (9) can be redefined in terms of semiconduc­tor properties by the expression below.

127. Penfield and Rafuse have analyzed many multipliers under the assumption that a nominally driven abruptjunction di­ode is used.

128. This concentration was detectable in most instances as early as 4 days after embolization. The occurrence of this clear-cut pattern early in the course of the desease is most fortunate since it allows therapy to be started without delay, thus preven­ting further potentially fatal embolic episodes.

129. In spite of the well-known correlations between sweat rate and internal body temperature, which Benzinger confirms, it

seems very unlikely from the above evidence, that hypothalamic temperature is the only regulator of sweat rate.

130. In this circuit, the feedback paths are undesirable by­products of the reflex method of obtaining the local oscillator signals for the converters.

131. Readings of about 50 test quanties on the line will be taken by the data logger and recorded every 20 minutes. Whenev­er test readings fall outside predetermined limits, the data logger will scan and record readings every 2 minutes until the values fall back into line.

132. On the whole, high-volatile coals, when stored for nor­mal periods, do not suffer greatly, so far as the coking properties are concerned, whereas low voltage coals frequently give trouble through heating and deterioration during storage.

133. In this type of circuit, a low impedance path must be provided between cathode and earth at the second harmonic fre­quency if the efficiency is to be kept high.

134. The usual procedure when operating the machine is to select the next channel after each convolution of the tape to pro­vide one long programme. Alternatively, any channel may be selected at any time if there are separate items of interest or one channel can be repeated continuously.

135. The unique property of DMBA in damaging adrenal is due to the fact that it alone among the hydrocarbons tested pos­sesses the necessary geometry vis-a-vis the inner adrenal cortex. Thesteric factor assumes primary importance in DMBA-induced adrenal damage.

136. The output of the receiver in each channel is sent to a p.r.f. multiplier that multiplies the p.r.f. by a factor of either 3 or 8 (fig- 2).

137. Hart and Heroux observed that mice exposed to cold increased their oxygen consumption by sevenfold without appre­ciable change in the blood acid level, whereas running mice with a threefold to fivefold increase in oxygen consumption had pro­nounced elevations in lactate.

138. In what follows, the biochemical alterations are a used as a basis for discussion of possible mechanisms involved in 4 separate processes: (a) cessation of production of infective virus, (b) inhibition of mitosis, (c) production of cell damage, and (d) viral interference.

139. The required tolerances in alfa, beta, gamma, and delta for the measure­ment of height, speed and direction are tabulated in figure 3 together with a fourth row showing the tolerances which will sa­tisfy all requirements together.

140. Table 2 lists yields for several radiations. In this table g (H) denotes the sum of the radical-type reducing species whether it is the hydrogen atom, the solvated electron or some as yet un­known entity. Vields are slightly different in heavy water and depend somewhat on pH.

141. The blood was obtained from the marginal ear vein. Rabbits which failed to develop a leucopenia of less than 1000 cells per mm3 were given a second and occasionally a third in­jection of nitrogen mustard (3 to 7 mg) and were following in the same manner.

142. However, this must be achieved by straight-forward design rather than by resorting to «trick» circuits which make repeater performance unduly sensitive to component charac­teristics.

143. The formation of the indole is often accompanied by the production of much tar, but in other cases it takes place remark­ably easily. Thus the phenylhydrazone of cyclohexanone gives an almost quantitative yield of tetrahydrocarbazole when boiled for a few seconds with glacial acetic acid.

144. The random distribution of large numbers of ferritin molecules throughout the basement membrane and the absence of visible channels or pathways suggests that the increased perme­ability of this layer in the neprotic animal is due to a fine, genera­lized defect.

145. Operation with a multiplication ratio of 4 times is similar to that for 8 times except that S1 connects VB to the third divider output instead of the fourth.

146. To some it appears that even the announcement of Oersted's discovery need not necessarily have led directly to the de­velopment of the electromagnet and electromagnetic telegraphy, for the contributions of Schweigger, Ampere, Arago, Sturgwon. Henry and Morse seemed essential additional contributions.

147. As a basis for our experiments, we have tentatively taken the view that agitations and depressions result from abnormali­ties in motivational and reward processes, agitation from pathological overactivity of reward processes, and depression from underactivity.

148. For loads such as a magnetron, for example, the beha­vior of the pulser with a linear load is not necessarily a good criterion.

149. The question may still be raised, however, as to why leu-copenic animals, which have less transferable pyrogen in their sera during endotoxin fever than normal animals, exhibit undi-minished febrile responses to the endotoxin. How is such apyto-gen-fever dissociation accounted for, if the pyrogen is responsi­ble for the fever?

150. As to a possible relationship between inhibition of pro­tein synthesis and cessation of virus production, the following can be said. The continued presence after the 6th hour of large amounts of antigen in cells does not neessarily mean that the sup­ply was sufficient to permit further virus production.

151. These factors together with hardware considerations and problems of coordination with other radio services, led to opera­tion in the 3200—4200 mc and 5925—6425 mc common-carrier band.

152. The discovery that steady potential shifts are subject to conditioning as well as the report by Rusinov that localized slow potential variations are seen in the visual area when a defense reflex is elicited by a light stimulus lend further support to the notion that standing potentials are somehow involved in estab­lishment of new functional linkages.

153. In view of evidence indicating an adverse role of adrener-gic vasoconstriction in the development of shock, it may reason­ably be postulated that the deterious effects of endotoxin are due not to a direct tissue toxicity per se, but rather are scondary to an increased responsiveness to adrenergic stimuli.

154. If the saving in operating costs is to be fully realised, a high standard of reliability is necessary.

155. The striking relationship between the time at which DNA and protein synthesis becomes completely inhibited, and the on­set of marked cell damage, strongly suggests that the degenera­tion and ultimate death of cells may well be due to the profound metabolic derangements which develop in virus-infected cells.

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