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Types of clauses

Lecture 11. The Complex sentence

SRS-class: The appositives and relative clauses.


The complex sentence is multi-predicative construction built up on the principle of subordination. It contains more than one propositions (thought, judgment, opinion, idea) connected and dependent on the main one. The subordinate clauses can be connected to the principal one by means of connectors (conjunctions) or without them. It is not necessary that the main clause bears the main idea of the whole sentence, for the subordinate can convey it, too. The informative perspective of the sentence prompts the clause-order distributing theme and the rheme of the sentence. Subordinate clauses may be introduced by connectors denoting conditions or circumstances under which an action can be realized: the relations between clauses can be various as time and place relations (We lived in London when the war ended), reason and result relations (He opened the window wide that he might hear the conversation below), manner and comparison (He looked important as if he were commander-in- chief), concession (though he disapproved of their endless discussion, he had to put up with them) and others (While the reception was going on, Mr. Smiles was engaged in a lively conversation with the hostess). Connectors establish these relations (since, before, until, in case, because, so that, in order, though, if, etc).


Subject clause: it functions as the subject within the main clause. Clause of this kind are introduced by a relative or interrogative pronoun /adverb, or be the conjunction that, e.g. What you need is sleep. ( Noun clause is subject of is). These are clauses of primary syntactic positions: What he painted was amazing. The clause is the theme of the sentence.

Predicate clause: the clause in most cases is the rheme of the sentence. The question is that we are not aware of modern tendencies. The problem is why he delayed the trip. The difficulty seems how we shall find out the truth. She looked as if she has never met him.

Object-clause: the clause is the direction of the action in the sentence. I am puzzled by what you telling me about this case. The conversation centered on what might be called argument.

Attributive-clause: it modifies the characteristics of the thing denoted by the head word: This is the park where I once played; This the car I want; the book you asked for is on the reserve.

Adverbial clause: a clause used to modify a verb, an adjective, or an adverb. i.e., the part of the sentence or the whole sentence. They tell where, when, why, how, to what extent, and how much about the words they modify. E.g. We found the boat where we had left it; Bob acted as if he meant business. Subordinating conjunctions express the relations as follows: time, place, cause, result, exception, condition, alternative, comparison, and purpose.


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