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SRS-class: Syntactic and discourse analyses



Methodical recommendations to perform the tasks:

The students have to read the lecture notes on the certain topics and analyse the other available material. Then they are to do the assignments given below the lecture notes. The students are supposed to get to know the theoretical accounts in the English Grammar and present their interpretation of the issues in question. The students need to learn to be critical in their reading as they would be moving beyond the sentence level in the conceptions of grammar. This course will attempt to describe the nature of the relationship between the morphological and syntactic aspects, and the various sociolinguistic and pragmatic aspects of discourse competence by examining the functions of the grammatical structures in discourse.


Tasks for individual work per week


1. Morphemic structure of the word. Classes of morphemes. Parts of Speech. Semantic and grammatical characteristics of the noun and adjective.
1. Parts of Speech. Semantic and grammatical characteristics of the adjective.
Semantic categories of the numeral
1. Classes of verbs 2. Semantic and syntactic characteristics of verbs
1.The categories of person and number
1. The present participle
1. Conjunctions and prepositions
1. Valency
1. Communicative types of sentences
1. Appositives and relative clauses
1. Types of the adverbial clauses
1. Syntactic analysis of independent clauses
1. Text and Discourse matters
1. Discursive analyses of texts
1. Syntactic and discourse analysis of texts


Testing materials

Theoretical Grammar. Grammatical category, grammatical meaning, grammatical form. The noun: gender and case
The adjective: grammatical and semantic characteristics  
The adverb and the pronoun: grammatical and semantic characteristics
The verb: the mood and the voice categories in English
Grammatical categories of the verb: tense and aspect.
Non-finite forms of the verb: the infinitive
Non – notional parts of speech: the article and prepositions
Промежуточный контроль
Syntax. Phrases: syntactic and semantic patterns
Simple Sentence. General notes. Informative perspective of the sentence.
Compound sentences.
Complex sentences.
Dependent clauses
Describing and teaching English Grammar with reference to written discourse
Text and Discourse
Text and discourse.


Разработчик ___________ Байбатырова А. А.

(подпись) (Ф.И.О.)

Рассмотрен на заседании кафедры теории и практики иностранных языков протокол № ______ от «______» ________ 20____ г.

Заведующий кафедрой ___________ Байдрахманов Д.Х.

(подпись) (Ф.И.О.)

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