

Архитектура-(3434)Астрономия-(809)Биология-(7483)Биотехнологии-(1457)Военное дело-(14632)Высокие технологии-(1363)География-(913)Геология-(1438)Государство-(451)Демография-(1065)Дом-(47672)Журналистика и СМИ-(912)Изобретательство-(14524)Иностранные языки-(4268)Информатика-(17799)Искусство-(1338)История-(13644)Компьютеры-(11121)Косметика-(55)Кулинария-(373)Культура-(8427)Лингвистика-(374)Литература-(1642)Маркетинг-(23702)Математика-(16968)Машиностроение-(1700)Медицина-(12668)Менеджмент-(24684)Механика-(15423)Науковедение-(506)Образование-(11852)Охрана труда-(3308)Педагогика-(5571)Полиграфия-(1312)Политика-(7869)Право-(5454)Приборостроение-(1369)Программирование-(2801)Производство-(97182)Промышленность-(8706)Психология-(18388)Религия-(3217)Связь-(10668)Сельское хозяйство-(299)Социология-(6455)Спорт-(42831)Строительство-(4793)Торговля-(5050)Транспорт-(2929)Туризм-(1568)Физика-(3942)Философия-(17015)Финансы-(26596)Химия-(22929)Экология-(12095)Экономика-(9961)Электроника-(8441)Электротехника-(4623)Энергетика-(12629)Юриспруденция-(1492)Ядерная техника-(1748)

Past Perfect



  Affirmative Interrogative Negative
I I had done this. Had I done this? I hadn’t done this.
He He had done this. Had he done this? He hadn’t done this.
She She had done this. Had she done this? She hadn’t done this.
It It had done this. Had it done this? It hadn’t done this.
We We had done this. Had we done this? We hadn’t done this.
You You had done this. Had you done this? You hadn’t done this.
They They had done this. Had they done this? They hadn’t done this.


Exercise 92. Put the verbs into the Past Simple or Past Perfect:


1. He (buy) a typewriter long before he (learn) how to type. 2. When I (call) on my friend, he (go) out. 3. The miser (feel) happier after he (hide) his money under the floor. 4. The teacher (start) giving a dictation before the pupils (write) the date in their exercise books. 5. Mary (finish) her homework when her father (come) home from his office. 6. He (jump) off the trolleybus before it (stop). 7. I (throw) away the newspaper after I (read) it. 8. The baby (fell) out of bed when Mrs. Brown (go) into the bedroom. 9. The foolish young man (get) married six months before he (find) a job. 10. After she (spend) all her money she (ask) her father to help her. 11. The thief (break) the shop window when the policeman (see) him. 12. Both her parents (die) before she (finish) her education. 13. The teacher (give) back the copy books after he (correct) them. 14. The sun (rise) when the farmer (start) work. 15. One or two pupils (begin) to play and make a noise before the teacher (go) out of the classroom. 16. After she (lock) and (bolt) all the doors, she (go) to bed. 17. The pupils (do) the exercise very well after the teacher (show) them how to. 18. Mary (go) home when her mother (get) to the school. 19. He (begin) to answer my question before I (finish) asking it. 20. The thief (hide) the money when the policemen (come) to search his room. 21. The new bus-driver (have) an accident after he (drive) a few yards.


Exercise 93. Put the verb into the Past Simple and the Past Perfect:


1. She realized that she was going to faint. She (eat) nothing since the picnic. 2. His wife (not/be) in. She (go) out a quarter of an hour before. 3. After dinner Mr. Greg proposed a game of cards. He (not / play) cards since his illness. 4. Dr. Jacobson (be) English, though he (live) in America for thirty-five years. 5. His smile (be) something she never (see) before. 6. He decided to wait until he (talk) to the man himself. 7. Boris (come) into the room a moment after I (get) there. 8. When he (return) at eleven o’clock the telegram already (arrive). 9. When they (go) I (get) busy at the desk. 10. When evening (fall) their son (leave) the house. 11. I hardly (be) there five minutes when Mrs. Brown (come) in with the coffee. 12. He (promise) to ring me up when he (get) a definite answer. 13. Scarcely they (move) into the new house when their friends (come). 14. The evening (go) off easier than she (expect). 15. But the village he (show) her (be) the best she ever (see). 16. Just at that moment a boy and a girl (come) and (sit) down where the old couple (be) before. 17. I (keep) silence for a little while, thinking of what he (tell) me. 18. He (spend) the night at Winchester, a place he often (hear) of but never (see). 19. She (know) why Stephen (come). 20. Within a week she (know) the fearful mistake she (make). 21. He foolishly (buy) a new car before he (sell) his old one. 22. When I (get) to the cinema, the film (start). 23. John (leave) school when his father (die).


Exercise 94. Use the Past Simple or the Past Perfect:


1. Margot (to go) to the door and (to lock) it, and (to return) with the key. 2. He sighed again and again, like one who (to escape) from danger. 3. After the doctor (examine) the child he (have) a talk with the mother. 4. He (to make) tea and (to eat) the biscuits which Mrs. Dove (to bring) him. 5. Anne (to give) an angry sigh, and at that moment there (to be) a tap on the door. 6. When the cinema (to be) over they (to go) for a walk across the dark fields. 7. The door (to open). A tall young woman (to stand) framed in the light that (to fall) from the passage. 8. Morris (to spend) the night at home, and on entering the dining-room he (to glance) at the space above the fire. 9. He (to walk) about our sitting-room all afternoon, murmuring to himself. 10. It (to be) all so sudden that for a moment no one (to know) what (to happen). 11. He (to tell) me that they (to be) at the same public school and (to be) friends ever since. 12. At the age of seventy-four he (to be) excited as a boy about his expedition. 13. Near the door he (to see) the man he (to notice) at the station. 14. The house (to be) much smaller than he (to think) at first. 15. The pupils (enter) the classroom five minutes before the bell (ring). 16. The little boy (tell) a lie five minutes after he (promise) to tell the truth. 17. I (wake) up this morning half an hour before the sun (rise). 18. When the plane (land), the sun (set). 19. She (feel) sick after she (eat) a whole box of chocolates.


Exercise 95. Translate into English:


1. Катя сказала, что ее муж еще не приехал. 2. Мой друг сказал, что он уже был в Париже и Лондоне. 3. К шести бабушка вымыла посуду. В девять она смотрела телевизор. 4. Когда мы пришли на стадион, матч уже начался. 5. Она пришла в то время, когда мы обедали. 6. Я думал, что они уже пообедали. 7. Они сказали, что узнали об этом из газеты. 8. Они ушли из клуба до того, как мы пришли. 9. К тому времени дети уже ушли в школу. 10. Они ушли очень далеко, когда мы заметили тучи. 11. Она сделала половину работы к концу месяца. 12. Я сделал домашнюю работу до того, как ты позвонил мне. 13. Когда я пришел домой, мама уже приготовила обед. 14. Когда папа пришел домой, мы уже сделали наше домашнее задание. 15. Я слышал, что все окончилось хорошо. 16. Он показал мне книгу, о которой он мне уже говорил. 17. Вчера весь день шел дождь, и это изменило все наши планы. 18. Мама увидела, что он не вымыл руки. 19. Саша вернулся домой к пяти. 20. Когда мать узнала, что она выиграла миллион долларов, она растерялась. 21. Когда они закончили работу, они уехали из города. 22. Он подумал, что потерял ключ.


Exercise 96. Translate into English:


1. Он повторил слова к тексту к семи часам. 2. Сандра выучила французский язык, до того как приехала в Париж. 3. Катя не знала, что он получил телеграмму. 4. Она сказала, что они дали ему не тот адрес. 5. Они не вернулись к семи часам. 6. Когда папа пришел домой, дети ели суп. Они спросили его, где он был. 7. Когда она пришла домой, дети уже ушли в школу. 8. Мой друг сказал, что она еще не купила новую машину. 9. Он написал письмо к шести часам. 10. Когда я проснулся, было уже двенадцать часов. Я позвонил своему другу, никто не ответил. Он уже ушел. 11. Он окончил работу гораздо раньше, чем мы ожидали. 12. Мой друг знал, что она потратила все деньги. 13. К 10 вечера они закончил работу. 14. Мы знали, что он не ходил туда. 15. Он сказал, что не знал об этом? 16. Они не говорили, что они не были там. 17. Она предположила, что они забыли пригласить ее. 18. Когда он пришел, мы еще не ужинали. 19. Мой друг сказал, что давно забыл об этом. 20. Я не знал, что она принесла. 21. Том ушел за два часа до того, как они прибыли. 22. Андрей убежал, перед тем как они пришли.


Exercise 97. Put the verb in brackets into the required tense form.


1. Yes, Mary? What you (to say)? 2. He even (not to count) the money that Morton (to hold) out to him. 3. I (to look) at her. She (to smile) to herself and (not to answer) my question at once. I (to repeat) it. 4. For some time she (not to realize) where she (to be) and what (to happen). 5. Then she (to get) up and (to go) to the kitchen and (to open) the fridge. 6. Harry and Michael (to smile) at each other and (to begin) to walk slowly to the lake. 7. The silence in the room (to tell) that the rain (to stop). 8. She (can) not think why she (not to think) of this before, she (to say). 9. He (to go) away on the very day I (to arrive). 10. My mother (to make) tea in the kitchen and (not to hear) the bell. 11. He (to go) to school for the first time with a bunch of flowers in his hand, and it (to seem) to him that everyone (to turn) to look at him. 12. After he (to leave) school he (can) not find a job and (to decide) to go to London. 13. The grass (to be) damp; it (to tell) us that rain (to fall) in the night. 14. Now he (to look) at me with wide open eyes. 15. He (can) not help thinking that he (to see) that face somewhere before. 16. After he (to read) “The Gadfly” he (to tell) all his friends that he never (to read) a better book. 17. Roger (to say) he (to come) back in an hour. 18. She (to turn) half about and (to see) that the rain (to stop) and it (to be) a little brighter outside.

Exercise 9 8. Choose a suitable verb from those given in brackets and fill in the blanks with the correct form.


I. a) The Scandinavian sea-rovers... pieces of uninhabited land to the south-west of Greenland a long time before Christopher Columbus discovered the New World. They... settlements which did not survive for long. b) Some time after Columbus discovered the islands called the West Indies the Europeans... that they were not part of India; they bordered on a new, unknown continent. (to find, to found, to find out) 2. a) Anne threw herself flat on the sofa and... motionless for same minutes. b) The children... the table and sat quietly waiting for the dinner. c) The secretary... the documents out on the table for the commission to examine them. d) The secretary... the papers out on the table and the commission were examining them when the telephone rang. e) The father felt certain that the boy.... but he had not stopped him: he did not want to embarrass him in the presence of strangers, though he knew it was a lie. f) Eliza... in bed for two weeks and was now too weak to go out; as a matter of fact she could hardly walk. (to lie, to lay, to lie) 3. a) The old man... his hat to greet all those present. b) The passenger... the heavy suitcase and was trying to put it on the upper shelf. c) That was real success. The spectators... from their seats and clapped (were clapping) their hands shouting “Bravo”. d) The balloon... high up in the air and moved over the forest driven by the wind. (to rise, to raise)


Exercise 99. Put the verb in brackets into the required tense form.


1. Dr. Lee (to arrive) on Monday, but I (not to see) him yet. 2. The doctor (to examine) six patients by ten o’clock. 3. You (to find) your pen, the one you (to lose) yesterday? 4. I (not to see) the exhibition yet: it (to open) on Sunday, but I (to be) very busy this week. 5. George (to be) in Moscow for about two weeks now. You (to see) him? 6. We (to be) only three minutes late but the performance (to start) already. 7. The travellers (to reach) the village when it (to begin) to rain. 8. The commission (not to come to a conclusion) though they (to hold) three meetings. So far as I know they (to have) heated discussions and (not to reach) any decisions at the meetings. 9. “You (to be) to London?” “Yes, I (to be) there last autumn. I (to attend) a scientific conference and (to work) as an interpreter.” 10. The mother (to cook) dinner and was waiting for the children. 11. I (to finish) my work and am ready to go. And what about you? You (to do) your homework and are you free to go?


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