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City profile
STOCKHOLM. SWEDEN. Exercise 7.Translate the following text 7B without a dictionary. Try to retell it. Exercise 6. Translate from Russian into English. 1) Мне очень жаль, но я должен идти на лекцию по истории архитектуры. 2) Незачем вам было приходить сюда. Вы могли бы позвонить. 3) Наследие Цумтора могло быть известно архитекторам. 4) Этому архитектору не разрешат выехать в Нью-Йорк, т.к. он очень болен. 5) Вермикулит следует широко использовать в современных строительных процессах. Text 7B: During the past 30 years, the city of Stockholm has applied pedestrian zoning to a variety of situations relating both to traffic control and environmental improvement. While most pedestrian streets in Europe are glamorous but short, Stockholm’s pedestrian system now extends throughout the entire city. The major traffic-free area in down town Stockholm is the Torg, a multiblock mix of office towers and commercial and cultural buildings. Planned in 1946 are largely completed by 1962, the Torg has been a model renewal project for the past 15 years in 1961. Stokholm began to implement car-free zones in the central commercial district. And in 1972, a major experiment was initiated in two residential areas – Ostermalm, close to the downtown, and Aspuddon a suburb built in 1910. These particular experiments were aimed at eliminating all through traffic from residential districts. The dramatic improvement in the environment and safety of the residential streets resulted in the permanent adoption of the concept and its extension to other residential neighbourhoods in the city.
Words to the text: glamorous – обаятельный, чарующий implement – (n) инструмент, (pl) домашняя утварь, (v) выполнять, снабжать sogrogate – (зд.) направлять neighbourhood – соседство, близость Stockholm, the capital and largest city in Sweden, is regarded as one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The city was founded in the middle of the 13th century and was officially recognized as the capital in 1436. The medieval nucleus of the city remained intact, and today the street network and many of the buildings form that period still exist, forming an area of great architectural interest which has been protected from change. The modern central business district developed within the so-called stone town, a district which dates back to the 17th century and still reflects the original layout. The shortage of land reserves has resulted in a slowly decreasing city population. Stockholm presently has 750.000 residents, but this figure is expected to decrease by 50.000 within the next 5 years. Large-scale renewal efforts in the stone town contributed to the loss of residents. The greater Stockholm area includes some twenty-eight communities and a total population of 1.350.000. JOINT TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING POLICY Both housing and transportation policies in Sweden are initiated at the national level. However, the joint development of transportation and housing has been the particular guiding philosophy of Stockholm’s Department of Planning and Building Control, which supervises all planning in the greater Stockholm region.
Words to the text: regard – (v) считать(ся), смотреть, относиться; (n) уважение, взгляд, внимание intact – нетронутый layout – (n) проект, схема; (v) проектировать (lay out) decrease – уменьшать initiate – положить начало; проявлять инициативу; посвящать; вводить
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