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Working currently



1 .Прочитайте и переведите текст. Что вы знаете о Харродсе? Найдите дополнительную информацию.

In our Who's Who series this month, we talk to Manfred Weiss, our new Director of Menswear, Childrenswear, and Toys. Manfred comes from Germany, and this is his third month at Harrods.

Q: Manfred, you are responsible for three big depart­ments at Harrods. How do you spend a typical day?

M: Well, I have a lot of meetings. In the morning, my secretary gives me my appointments for the day, often five or six meetings with buyers. In my three departments there are fifty buyers. They visit designers and suppliers - the manufac­turers of the products. They often attend fashion shows around the world looking for exciting, qual­ity products for the store. We meet regularly to discuss ideas for our collections - the groups of new products for the next season. Generally, I don't have a lot of time for travelling. People usually bring ideas to me! I walk round my departments to talk to the sales staff and cus­tomers every day.

Q: What are you working on currently?

M: Well, this month, I'm having a lot of meetings with my fashion buyers. At the moment we're discussing next spring’s childrenswear collections. I'm also meet­ing a lot of suppliers. They're coming to see me because I’m very busy at the moment and I'm not mak­ing any business trips. I’m also talking to our marketing people about sales promotions, so I have an interest­ing programme this month!


2. Ответьте на вопросы:

· What is the difference between a customer, a buyer, and a supplier?

· What does the word collection mean to a fashion buyer?

· Which employees at Harrods does Manfred see regularly?

· Is he busy at the moment?

3.Используя предложения, составьте вопросы к тексту:

Example: He has five or six meetings. (How many?)

How many meetings does Manfred have a day?


She gives him his appointments for the day. (What?)

He meets groups of buyers. (Who?)

They visit suppliers and attend fashio n shows. (Who?/What?)

He walks round his departments every day. (How often?)

He talks to the sales staff and customers. (Who?)


4. Прочитайте предложения о Манфреде и Харродсе. Какие из них повествуют о постоянной деятельности, а какие – о текущей?

Manfred travels to work by car every day.

He takes forty minutes to get to work.

At the moment he’s talking to suppliers.

The sales staff usually work from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m.

Jeans are selling very well this season.

A lot of foreign visitors shop at Harrods every year.

Manfred isn’t travelling on business this month.

Manfred’s department is preparing for next year’s collections.

5 . Питер Уилеси также работает в Харродсе. Заполните описание его работы.

Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

Peter Willasey _____ (work) in the Public Relations department. Every day he(spend) a lot of time with foreign journalists. They often (phone) him and(ask) for an appointment. He(speak) to three

reporters from India at the moment. He (give) them information about Harrods for their magazines. He(enjoy) his job very much because he(meet) a lot of interesting people and every day is different. Today, for example, Peter______(organize) a visit for a group of French people. They(make) a film for the Louvre in Paris. They(film) Harrods’ most famous department, the Egyptian Hall, at the moment. Newspaper and TV people often (want) new stories on Harrods and it is Peter’s job to help them.

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Дата добавления: 2014-11-29; Просмотров: 780; Нарушение авторских прав?; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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