шикувати(ся) в шеренгу; ставити (розташовувати) в порядку; приєднуватися, прилучатися; коливатися в певних межах; тягтися, простягатися (along, with); класифікувати;
зводити до певного масштабу, визначати масштаб; бути порівнянним.
Task 2.Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate terms from the box.
engage in;
Countries (1) _____ international trade for two basic reasons, each of which (2) _____ to their (3) _____ from trade.
First, countries trade because they are (4) _____ from each other. Nations, like individuals, can benefit from their differences by (5) _____ an arrangement in which each does the things it does (6) _____ well.
Second, countries (7) _____ to achieve economies of scale in production. That is, if each country produces only a limited (8) _____ of goods, it can produce each of these goods at a larger scale and hence more (9) _____ than if it tried to produce everything. In the real world, patterns of international trade reflect the (10) _____ of both these motives.
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