

Архитектура-(3434)Астрономия-(809)Биология-(7483)Биотехнологии-(1457)Военное дело-(14632)Высокие технологии-(1363)География-(913)Геология-(1438)Государство-(451)Демография-(1065)Дом-(47672)Журналистика и СМИ-(912)Изобретательство-(14524)Иностранные языки-(4268)Информатика-(17799)Искусство-(1338)История-(13644)Компьютеры-(11121)Косметика-(55)Кулинария-(373)Культура-(8427)Лингвистика-(374)Литература-(1642)Маркетинг-(23702)Математика-(16968)Машиностроение-(1700)Медицина-(12668)Менеджмент-(24684)Механика-(15423)Науковедение-(506)Образование-(11852)Охрана труда-(3308)Педагогика-(5571)Полиграфия-(1312)Политика-(7869)Право-(5454)Приборостроение-(1369)Программирование-(2801)Производство-(97182)Промышленность-(8706)Психология-(18388)Религия-(3217)Связь-(10668)Сельское хозяйство-(299)Социология-(6455)Спорт-(42831)Строительство-(4793)Торговля-(5050)Транспорт-(2929)Туризм-(1568)Физика-(3942)Философия-(17015)Финансы-(26596)Химия-(22929)Экология-(12095)Экономика-(9961)Электроника-(8441)Электротехника-(4623)Энергетика-(12629)Юриспруденция-(1492)Ядерная техника-(1748)

That (those)

Подберите из списков А и Б близкие по значению слова.

Mean means meaning meant

1. Computer technique is one of the... of modern planning and

2. By... of computers and mathematical modelling it is possible
to process a hage amount of information in a short period of time.

3. Britain is not rich in mineral resources It... that until recently
coal was the only fuel available in the country.

4. What do you... to do? Are you going to have your practical
training at a mine or at an open-cast mine?

5. You know that the word range has several...s.

А. 1. to obtain Б. a) to establish

2. to call for 6) to combine

3. to understand в) to realize

4. to found r) to get

5. to provide д) to transform

6. to connect e) to set up

7. to consist of ж) to require

8. to change з) to supply

9. bed и) branch


10. field к) to be made of

11. quarry - л) seam

12. to receive м) opencast

13. to demand н) surface mine

27. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод
слов only н the only.

1. Until the nineteenth century Oxford and Cambridge were the
two universities of England.

2. The colleges of Oxford and Cambridge provide instruction
chiefly by means of lectures and they use only a tutorial method.

3. The Mining Engineering Department is the only one in the
University of Wales.

4. The University has only two types of laboratories.

5. At the Mining Engineering Department of the University of
Newcastle it has become a tradition that the courses are based only
on a tutorial system.

28. Изучите таблицу значений that (those) с примерами, затем переведите
предложения, обращая внимание на многозначность слова:


Указательное местоимение (that — ед ч., those — мн.ч.) Слово-замени­тель ранее упо­мянутых сущест­вительных (that — ед.ч., those — мн.ч.) Относительное местоимение, вводит опреде­лительное при­даточное пред­ложение Союз — вводит дополнительное придаточное предложение 1 i
Look at that man. — Посмот­ри на того чело­века. Look at those people. — По­смотри на тех людей The calorific power of coal is 2-4 times greater than that of wood. — Теплотворная способность угля в 2-4 раза боль­ше, чем дерева. The letter that came in the morn­ing is from my husband. — Письмо, которое пришло утром, от моего мужа. She says that she did not receive this letter. — Она сказала, что не получила этого письма.

1. It is known that the scientists have already done considerable
work in the field of automatized systems of planning and control of
underground operations. Their experience is very encouraging.

2. The calorific value of coal is 2-4 times greater than that of

S.The equipment that the postgraduates have used for carrying out their experiments is of the latest design.

4. It was clear that computers could perform the work that man
could not.

5. The geological conditions of Wales differ from those of Scot­

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