

Архитектура-(3434)Астрономия-(809)Биология-(7483)Биотехнологии-(1457)Военное дело-(14632)Высокие технологии-(1363)География-(913)Геология-(1438)Государство-(451)Демография-(1065)Дом-(47672)Журналистика и СМИ-(912)Изобретательство-(14524)Иностранные языки-(4268)Информатика-(17799)Искусство-(1338)История-(13644)Компьютеры-(11121)Косметика-(55)Кулинария-(373)Культура-(8427)Лингвистика-(374)Литература-(1642)Маркетинг-(23702)Математика-(16968)Машиностроение-(1700)Медицина-(12668)Менеджмент-(24684)Механика-(15423)Науковедение-(506)Образование-(11852)Охрана труда-(3308)Педагогика-(5571)Полиграфия-(1312)Политика-(7869)Право-(5454)Приборостроение-(1369)Программирование-(2801)Производство-(97182)Промышленность-(8706)Психология-(18388)Религия-(3217)Связь-(10668)Сельское хозяйство-(299)Социология-(6455)Спорт-(42831)Строительство-(4793)Торговля-(5050)Транспорт-(2929)Туризм-(1568)Физика-(3942)Философия-(17015)Финансы-(26596)Химия-(22929)Экология-(12095)Экономика-(9961)Электроника-(8441)Электротехника-(4623)Энергетика-(12629)Юриспруденция-(1492)Ядерная техника-(1748)

Заполните пропуски вспомогательными глаголами в Present Simple или Present Continuous

Поступить в институт a) descriptive course

И) собирать материал

Coal winning з) горизонтальный пласт

Exploitation of deposits ж) выполнить задачу, задание

To confirm e) принять предложение

To collect the material д) метан

Mine safety дений

Flat seam г) эксплуатация месторож-

To fulfil the task а) охрана труда в шахтах

Укажите, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста. Подтвердите свои ответы фактами из текста.

1. After school Terpigorev decided to work in a mine.


2. Terpigorev collected material for his graduation paper which dealt
with mining thick seams in the Donbas.

3. For more than three years Terpigorev worked at the Sulin mines.

4. In 1922 Terpigorev accepted an offer to take charge of the mining
chair at the Moscow Mining Institute.

5. He investigated the problems of mine safety.

6. He was one of the first to work on the problem of gasification of

8. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. When and where was Terpigorev born?

2. What institute did he graduate from?

3. What material did he collect while he was working in the Donbas?

4. Where did Terpigorev work from 1900 till 1922?

5. At what institute did Terpigorev head the chair of Mining Bedded

6. What did Terpigorev take a particular interest in?

7. What works by Terpigorev do you know?

8. What problems do Terpigorev's works deal with?

9. What was the result of his investigations on mine safety?

9.«) Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты следующие слов • сочетаний слов.

2. to accept an offer б) подтверждать

3. fire damp в) добыча угля

б) Найдите в правой колонке английские эквиваленты следующих
сочетаний слов.,

2. решать важные проблемы б) to choose a profession

3. выдающиеся исследователи в) to enter an institute

4. успешно провести экспери- г) to solve important problems
менты д) safety measures

5. выбрать профессию с) outstanding (prominent)

6. описательный курс researchers

7. происхождение железной ж) to carry out experiments
руды successfully

8. начальник шахты з) the origin of iron ore

9 мероприятия по охране труда и) the manager of a colliery

10. Заполните пропуски • предложениях, выбрав соответствующий предлог
(of, for, in, at, to, during, with, from, on):

One... the professors... our Institute is known (известен)... his work... the field,.. geology. He finished school... St.Petersburg and entered... the Institute of Mining there.... the Institute he studied the full range... subjects relating... geology and mining.... his practical training he visited many coal-fields and collected material... his graduation paper... the stratigraphy of the Urals. After graduating... the Institute he worked as a geologist in the Kuzbas. He investigated geological conditions and their influence (влияние)... the choice... methods... mining useful minerals.

11. а) Заполните пропуски глаголами to be или to do т отрицательной форме
Present Simple или Present Continuous.

Образец: They aren't watching television now.

They don't watch television every evening.

1. He_____ listening to the radio right now.

2. He_____ listen to the radio every day.

3. They_____ do their homework in class.

4. They_____ doing their homework right now.

5. I_____ see any students in that room.

6. Where's your brother? —_____ he seeing your sister home?

Образец: Do you read much?

Are you reading an article?

1._____ she learning the new words right now?

2._____ she leam new words in each lesson?

3._____ the students need help with their experiment?

4._____ you understand all the words very well?

5._____ he working on a report?

12. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, употребив глаголы to be или to do
в соответствующей временной форме:

"... you know Terpigorev's works which deal with mine safety?" "Yes, I...."

"... you know who... working on this important problem at your Institute now?"

"Yes, I.... Prof. N. and his pupils... conducting research in this field of mining. They... working out a series of safety measures in gassy collieries."

"... you at his lecture yesterday?"

«Yes, I...."

"... Prof. N. speaking about the results of his investigations?"

"No, he... not. He... speaking about coal beds and the functions of mine ventilation."

"... you going to attend his next lecture?"

"Yes, I...."

13. Поставьте указанные глаголы • соответствующую временную форму
(Past Simple шн Past Continuous).

(study) 1. I_____ very hard last night.

2. I last night when you called.

(have dinner) 3. When he finally arrived, I_____ dinner.

4. I_____ at 7.

(take) 5. While John______ his English lesson, his friend

6. John_____ his English lesson yesterday.

(rain) 7. It_____ hard last night.

8. It hard when I left the office at five o'clock.

(talk) 9. They_____ with their professor when I saw them.

10. They with him very often.

14. а) Поставьте глаголы в Present Continuous (I am doing) или в Present
Simple (I Jo).

I usually (get up) at 7 o'clock. I (air) my room and (do) my morning exercises. Then I (go) to the bathroom where I (brush) my teeth and (have) a shower. Where (be) my mother now? She (be) in the kitchen. What she (do)? She (cook) breakfast. She (do) it every morning. It (be) 7.45.1 (go) to the kitchen. My father (be) already in the kitchen. He (sit) at the table and (wait) for me. We usually (have) breakfast together. Breakfast (be) over, we (leave) home. I 6ften (go) to the university by bus, but this morning I (walk). It (take) me twenty minutes to get to the university. We (have) 3 lectures, seminars or laboratory work every day. We (not to have got) any classes on Saturdays. After classes I (go) home and (have dinner). Then I (have) a rest and (do) my homework.

In the evening I sometimes (visit) friends or (stay) at home and (listen) to music. At the weekends I (like) going swimming.

It (be) 8 o'clock in the evening. I (learn) English. I (learn) English every evening. I (go) to bed at 11 o'clock as a rule.

At the moment I (work) very hard because I have exams soon.

б) Расскажите о своем обычном распорядке дня.

в) Побеседуйте с сокурсником о его распорядке дня. Задайте ему общие,
специальные и разделительные вопросы (с союзом or).


Ъ альтернативном вопросе мы предлагаем выбор (альтернативу) к любому члену предложения или к целому предложению при помощи союза — or Например

Can she sing or dance'' Она умеет танцевать или петь9

Will you help them or Ты поможешь им иди мне сделать это'

shall I do if

15. Прочитайте следующие предложения. Переведите их, обращая внимание
иа перевод слова лк

1. Terpigorev began to work as mining engineer at the Sulin mines,
first as Assistant Manager and later as Manager.

2. As there was no mining machinery, the miners' work was very

3. As a rule, students' specialization was based on descriptive courses
and elementary practical training.

4. When he went down the mine for the first time, Terpigorev saw
that there were no combines, conveyers and other equipment such as
used now.

16. Закончите предложения. Переведите на английский язык все предлагаемые

I. Our institute keeps in close touch with... (1. промышленными
предприятиями; 2. шахтами и рудниками;
3. научно-исследова­
тельскими институтами;
4. угольными бассейнами).

II. The student is planning to... (1. защищать диплом; 2. провести
3. принять участие в конференции).

III. A group of postgraduates took an interest in... (1. проблемой
безопасности в шахтах; 2. маркшейдерией;
3. транспортным обору­
4. открытой разработкой (полезных ископаемых))

ГУ. The scientists state that... (1. этот район богат нефтью; 2. в районе имеется железо, черные и цветные металлы; 3. месторож­дение меди находится недалеко от поверхности).

V. They did their best (in order) to... (1. (раз)решить важную проблему; 2. создать новую теорию; 3. основать новый исследова­тельский центр; 4. облегчить работу по добыче угля).

VI. Terpigorev took an active part in... (1. разработке научных методов газификации угля; 2. разработке плана реконструкции шахт Донбасса; 3. создании первых учебников по горному делу, 4. исследовании природных богатств страны).

17. Выразите несогласие со следующими высказываниями. Подтвердите свою
точку зрения фактами из текста А. Используйте предлагаемые разговорные

to my mind; in my opinion; as is known; on the contrary; I can't agree with yon; I'd like to say a few words about; I suppose so; I don't dunk so; that's where yon are wrong; fur from that; more than that; is that really so?

1. In 1895 Terpigorev finished school with honours and decided to
enter the university.

2. During his practical training Terpigorev visited a number of plants
and collected material for his graduation paper which dealt with

3. Terpigorev took a particular interest in open-cast mining and wrote
many books on this problem.

4. In 1930 Terpigorev headed the chair at the Leningrad Mining

5. Terpigorev wanted to work on the problem of coal gasification.

6. Terpigorev made a great contribution to mining and metallurgy.

18. Задайте вопросы по образцу, уточнив интересующие вас детали:
Образец: Terpigorev collected the material for his graduation

paper in the Donbas. (where?) -> Where did Terpigorev collect the material for his graduation paper?

1. After graduating from the Institute Terpigorev worked at the Sulin mines, (where?)

1. In 1922 Terpigorev moved to Moscow and headed the chair at the Moscow Mining Academy, (when?)

3. The scientist took a particular interest in mine safety, (whatproblem?)

4. His work Coal Mining and Mine Transport Facilities gives a complete
description of the state of mechanization in the Donbas.(wAa/ work?)

5. His graduation paper dealt with mining of flat seams hi the Don­
bas. (what kind of problem?)

19. Суммируйте содержание текста А, используя следующие ключевые слова,
to finish school; to get a higher education; to enter an institute; to

study the full range of subjects; to visit mines; to deal with; to graduate from the institute; to work as Manager; to accept an offer; to take an interest in; to work out problems; to be in charge of; to head the chair; to take an active part (in)


ГРАММАТИКА Имя числительное

Количественные числительные от 13 до 19 включительно образуются от' соответствующих числительных первого десятка прибавлением суффикса -teen. Числительные, обозначающие десятки, образуются прибавлением к числительным первого десятка безударного суффикса -ty.

Порядковые числительные, за исключением первых трех, образуются от соответствующих количественных числительных прибавлением суффикса -th.

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