Охременко, А.В. Анализ художественного текста / Методическая разработка для студентов IV курса ф-та англ. языка / А.В Охременко, В.С Шахлай. – Минск: МГПИИЯ, 1990. – 85c.
In his opinion he had never been able to conquer pride (A.H.).
Louie felldown the stairs to the telephone. He was very excited, and began to call joyously in all directions he shared his plans with Herb and Morrie and Bat, and then toreover to the hospital (Th.W.).
Beauty is but a flower Which wrinkles willdevour (O. N.).
The idea grew and flowered (Th. W.).
Trees wrappedthick grey mist round their shoulders to protect their last leaves (J.C.).
Florence was little more than a child in years – not yet fourteen – and the loneliness and gloom of such an hour in the great house where Death had lately made its own tremendous devastation, might have set on older fancy brooding on vague terrors (D.).
The train … carried its maximum cargo of wet clothes, the wearers of which were simply so many irritable ghosts (J.B.P.).
It was the first time a mink coat had ever walked into his office (J.A.).
Stony smiled the sweet smile of an alligator (J. St.).
Henry could get gloriouslytipsy on tea and conversation (Al. H.).
But every Englishman is born with a certain miraculous power that makes him master of the world.
…As the great champion of freedom and national independence he conquers and annexes half the world and calls it Colonization (B. Sh.).
…he’ll go to sleep, my God he should, eight martinis before dinner and enoughwinetowashanelephant (T.C.).
There was not a fraction of a second without its flash and roar (R.A.).
Tea that evening was partaken in fearsome silence (H.M.).The principle picture on the program was pathetic and they all cried happily and generously (Th. W.).
He was also the most outrageously attractive man, Abby had ever seen (J.C.).
The little girl who had done this was eleven – beautifullyugly as little girls are apt to be who art destined after a few years to be inexpressibly lovely…(Sc. F.).
He felt perfectly capable of being in disgrace and in a gooseberry garden at the same time (H.M.).
Have you been seeing any spirits?” inquired the old gentleman. “Or taking any?” added Bob Allen (D.).
Did you hit a woman with a child?
No. Sir, I hit her with a brick (Th. S.).
Semantically False Chain
He installed a wall-to-wall carpet in the living room, an oak table in the dining room, a dishwasher in the kitchen, and more than occasionally Miss Bigelow in the bedroom (J.A.).
Violation of the Phraseological
He finds time to have a finger or a foot in most things that happen round here. (J.L.).
Little Jon was born with a silver spoon in his mouth which was rather curly and large (G.).
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