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Syntactic stylistic devices fall into 4 types based on certain principles. The table that follows illustrates this division

Read the passage and do the exercises that follow.

Act out situations and use the following popular phrases.

Match these definitions with the popular phrases.

1 a weak part of someone's character, which could cause them to fail at something ……………………………………………

2 someone who leaves their family and home without the approval of their family, but who is sorry later and returns. ……………………………………………………………………………

3 to end in the same situation in which you began, even though there have been changes in the time in between …………………………………………………………………………..

4 name used in literature for Rome …………………………..

5 the land of Canaan, which was promised by God to Abraham and his people in he Bible b) a situation or place which people have been wanting to be in because they will be safe and happy ………………………………………………………..................

6 humorous play by William Shakespeare. People sometimes use the title as a phrase to describe a situation in which there has been a lot of excitement about something that is not really important. ………………………………………………………………

7 to be so good that no one can doubt or criticize you …………………………………………………………………..............

8 something that you should not have, but that you want) …………………………....................................................................

9 used to say that a decision has been taken and cannot now be changed …………………………………………………….............

10 the hard effort that someone has made in their work ……………………………………………………………………………

11 used to say that we all have different ideas about how to do things, what we like etc, especially when you do not agree with someone else's choice………………………………………………..

12 someone who does not seem to know where they are or what to do - often used humorously …………………………………………………………………………...

13 to not notice what is important about something because you give too much of your attention to small details ………………………………………………………….........................

14 used humorously when you and another person have had the same idea


15 a bad thing that might happen at any time …………………………………………...............................................



(One’s) Achilles’ heel. The Confusion of Babylon. Great minds think alike. Let this cup pass me. The sword of Damocles. Brevity is the soul of wit.   Eat to live, not live to eat By/in the sweat of one’s brow. Not to see the wood for the trees. Much ado about nothing. Seek and ye shall find.




Syntactic/al Stylistic Devices


In stylistic analysis of a piece of writing, the general character of sentences is to be taken into consideration. Sentences may be long and short, simple or complex, each of them having their uses depending on the writer’s objective. In addition, the structure of the sentence may impart a special contextualized meaning to some of the lexial units.

Devices based on the principle of juxstaposition (непосредственное соседство, соприкосновение) of the parts of an utteran ce

A repetition or reiteration [ri:`ItəreIS@n] of the same word or phrase in a sentence or sentences which may have different uses: 1) it lends a peculiar emotional force or emphasis to what is being said. It may also make the utterance more rhythmical. It is often used in oratorical style to make the speaker’s meaning clear, to lay greater emphasis on his statements so that the listeners could grasp (понять, схватить othe full significance of what he says.

anaphora [@`n{f@r@] (анафора) - word or phrase repeated at the beginning of successive clauses or sentences.

e`piphora (эпифора) – the repetition of a word or phrase at the end of successive clauses.

anadiplosis (подхват) - the repetition of the last phrase or word at the beginning of a new clause; sometimes the repeated word may not be the word itself but its derivative. E.g. In the days of old men made manners, manners now make men. (It is also a case of chiasmus. See below).

Syntactical parallelism or a parallel structure – the repetition of the same syntactical pattern. Syntactical parallelism and a repetition of the same word often go together. E.g. The seeds you sowanother reaps / The robes you wear another wears.

Chiasmus [kai'{zm@s] - (хиазм, инверсия во второй половине фразы). For example, He rose and down she sat. The structure of two successive sentences may be described as reversed parallel construction, the word order of one of the sentences being inverted as compared to that of the other: E.g. Down dropped the breeze. The sails dropped down. The device is effective in that it helps to lay emphasis on the second part of the utterance, which is opposite in structure. Chiasmus can appear only when there are two successive sentences or coordinate (сочиненный) parts of a sentence. Syntactical chiasmus is sometimes used to break the monotony of parallel constructions.

Antithesis - (антитеза), (contrast) - a figure of speech in which irreconcilable (несовместимый, противоречащий) opposites or strongly contrasting ideas are placed in sharp juxtaposition and sustained tension, as in the saying “Art is long, and Time is fleeting.” Ot in Shakespeare’s “Youth is nimble/Age is lame”. The opposing clauses, phrases, or sentences are roughly equal in length and balanced in contiguous grammatical structures Antithesis ccn be used in one sentence or in a number of sentences or paragraphs.

Enumeration - a device which integrates both homogenous (однородный) and heterogenous (гетерогенный, разнородный) elements of thought into one whole creating a rhythmical effect. E.g. The principal production of these towns …appear to be soldiers, jaws, chalk, shrimps, officers….

Suspense – a stylistic device based on the author’s desire to delay giving the reader the most important information. In trying to do so he puts the less important, subordinate facts and details first withholding the main idea till the end of the sentence. Its function is to keep the reader in a state of uncertainty and expectation. E.g. Two women who were hasting home to scramble husbands’ dinners together – it was five minutes to four – stopped to look at her.

Gradation градация or (climax ) [7] ['klaim@ks] нарастание – is an arrangement of sentences which secure a gradual increase in significance, importance, or emotional tension in the utterance. For example, They looked at hundreds of houses, they climbed thousands of stairs, they inspected inumerbale kitchens. As is seen, here each successive unit is perceived as stronger than the preceeding one.

(Stylistic) inversion – aims at attaching logical stress or additional emotional colouring to the surface meaning of the utterance. The following patterns of stylistic inversion are most frequent: the object is placed at the beginning of the sentence: Talent Mr Micauber has; capital Mr Micauber has not.

- the attribute is placed after word it modifies; this model is often used when there are more than one attribute: With fingers weary and worn….;

- the predicative is placed before the subje ct: A good generous prayer it was…;

- the adverbial modifier stands at the beginning of the sentence:My dearestdaughter, at your feet I fall;

- both modifer and predicative stand before the subject: Down dropped the breeze.

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