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Yahoo also to offer 1GB mailbox



1. VOCABULARY EXTENSION: Choose several of the words from the text. Use a dictionary or Google’s search field (or another search engine) to build up more associations / collocations of each word.

2. INTERNET: Search the Internet and find information on phishing. Share your findings with your class next lesson.

3. MEGAMAIL: Imagine you are boss of YAGOOMAIL, the world’s largest email provider. Create your plan for the best email service ever. Present this in your next class.

4. SPAM LETTER: Write a letter to the boss of a company that sends you 10 spam mails every day. You are very, very, very ANGRY! In your next class, vote on who has the angriest letter.


a. The war to provide bigger, free email storage is off. F

b. Yahoo will triple its inbox space from 250MB to 1 gigabyte. F

c. This time last year, Yahoo’s inbox was just 4MB. T

d. Hotmail started the storage war. F

e. Google’s Gmail was 250 times larger than Yahoo’s mailbox. T

f. Anyone can join Gmail through Google’s homepage. F

g. Yahoo will start a 1GB service because of Gmail. F (T!?)

h. A Yahoo spokesperson said customers need more space for photos. T


(a) war battle
(b) storage memory
(c) quadruple increase four-fold
(d) rival competitor
(e) enticing luring
(f) paltry measly
(g) up the ante raise the stakes
(h) beefed-up strengthened
(i) ahead of the pack in the lead
(j) in line up to date


(a) The war is on
(b) it will quadruple its inbox space
(c) the third time in the past nine months
(d) big rival
(e) enticing the world with a massive 1GB
(f) Hotmail will now need to increase its storage
(g) to keep up with the 1GB providers
(h) stay ahead of the pack
(i) by invitation only
(j) to keep in line with


The war to provide bigger, free email storage is on. Yahoo has just announced it will quadruple its inbox space to one gigabyte from April. This is the third time Yahoo has greatly increased its storage space in the past nine months; its inbox was four megabytes last summer, and then increased to 100MB, and later to 250MB. Its big rival, Google’s Gmail, started the storage war last April by enticing the world with a massive 1GB, which was 250 times bigger than Yahoo’s paltry 4MB. Microsoft’s Hotmail will now need to increase its storage, currently at 250MB, to keep up with the 1GB providers. Gmail has so far been in a testing period, but is predicted to up the ante by offering a beefed-up 2GB to stay ahead of the pack when it starts offering email accounts through its website. Joining Gmail is still by invitation only. Yahoo has denied its 1GB upgrade is in response to Gmail, saying it was to keep in line with what Yahoo users wanted from the company. A Yahoo spokesperson said people are now storing things like photos in their inboxes, which requires a larger capacity.

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