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Post Reading ideas. 1. Gap-fill: Check the answers to the gap-fill exercise

1. GAP-FILL: Check the answers to the gap-fill exercise.

2. QUESTIONS: Students ask the discussion questions they thought of above to their partner / group / class. Pool the questions for all students to share.

3. VOCABULARY: As a class, go over the vocabulary students circled above.

4. STUDENT-GENERATED SURVEY: Pairs/Groups write down 3 questions based on the article / cyborg technology. Conduct their surveys alone. Report back to partners to compare answers. Report to other groups / the whole class.

5. 10-MINUTE DEBATES: Many of the debates in the Warmers section are ideal for longer discussions, especially as they are quite rich in vocabulary.

6. WOW: Students talk about the things they underlined that made them go, “wow”.

7. DISCUSSION: Students ask each other the following questions:
(a) How often do you have to put your thinking cap on (think really really hard about something)?
(b) Would you like your thoughts to be read by a computer?
(c) Would you like your partner’s / boyfriend’s / girlfriend’s / husband’s / wife’s thoughts to be read by a computer?
(d) Would you like to watch your dreams on TV after you wake up?
(e) What do you think of the idea of ‘man machines’ or cyborgs?
(f) Is there a danger that this kind of technology may get into the wrong hands and someone will try to control the world (just like in the movies, or the White House)?
(g) If you could control technology and the machines around you, what would you do?
(h) Would you like to drive a car yourself or sit back and ‘thinkdrive’?
(i) What new applications do you think will come in the next few years / decade?
(j) Is this discovery truly a major breakthrough?
(k) Are you worried we may one day be controlled by machines / robots / cyborgs?
(l) Will computers become more intelligent than humans?
(m) Could this be the ‘Killer App’ that software developers are searching for?

8. THINK-DO: Students talk about the following ‘new’ or future English verbs:
- thinkcook
- thinkvacuum
- thinkclick (on a computer)
- thinkpizzadeliver
- thinkmail
- thinktrafficsignalchange
- thinkcycle
- thinkpouradrink (in a bar)
- thinktype
- thinkdrive
- thinkflush (in the toilet)

Have students write down and share several of their own ‘think-do’ verbs and share with the class.

9. APPLICATIONS: Brainstorm a list of possible applications for this new technology. Pairs / Groups work together to create a full explanation / sales pitch of the technology and give the sales demonstration in class. After all demonstrations students evaluate back in pairs/groups the different presentations and vote for the winning application.

10. ‘BRAIN’: Students make questions based on their findings from pre-reading activity #1.

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