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BBC to put programs online. 1. TRUE / false: Look at the article’s headline and guess whether these sentences are TRUE (T) or false (F): A. The BBC will put its computer



1. TRUE / FALSE: Look at the article’s headline and guess whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F):

a. The BBC will put its computer programs online. T / F
b. The entire library of BBC TV programs will be available for download. T / F
c. The BBC will release a new piece of software called “MyBBCPlayer”. T / F
d. The BBC has plans to set a charge to download its products. T / F
e. Creative leaders in the BBC are wrestling with different questions. T / F
f. The BBC wants to promote programs about children’s toys. T / F
g. The BBC’s main channels will also be available to the world. T / F
h. The head of the BBC said buying music online was ridiculous. T / F

2. SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article:

a. aired playing around
b. unveiled pivotal
c. provisionally exploit
d. central fighting
e. fee tentatively
f. utilize deviation
g. wrestling broadcast
h. toying charge
i. departure absurd
j. ridiculous revealed

3. PHRASE MATCH: Match the following phrases from the article (sometimes more than one combination is possible):

a. make its TV programs the plans for the service
b. up to a week past corporation policy
c. unveiled viewers would have to pay a fee
d. increase its global presence with the question
e. He did not disclose whether include a simultaneous broadcast
f. seeking new ways available on the Internet
g. the BBC is wrestling welcome the opportunity
h. options the BBC is toying with after they were originally aired
i. a departure from and reach
j. the public would not to utilize the Internet

GAP FILL: Put the words in the column on the right into the gaps in the text.

BNE: The British Broadcasting Corporation hopes to start a new service next year that will make its TV programs _______ on the Internet. Web _______ will be able to download television and radio programs up to a week after they were originally aired. Director General Mark Thompson _______ the plans for the service, _______ called “MyBBCPlayer”, at the Edinburgh International Television Festival on Saturday. The plan is central to the BBC’s _______ to use the Internet to increase its global _______ and reach people all over the world. He did not _______ whether viewers would have to pay a _______ to download the programs.     unveiled disclose available presence strategy fee surfers provisionally
Mr. Thompson is seeking new ways to _______ the Internet. He said: “Every creative leader in the BBC is _______ with the question of what the new technologies and audience _______ mean for them and their service.” Other options the BBC is _______ with include a simultaneous broadcast of its two main channels. However, this will be _______ to the UK only. In “a _______ from past corporation policy”, another potential service is being able to buy BBC music and programs online. Mr. Thompson said: “The idea that in the _______ of the iPod that the public would not welcome the opportunity to buy a piece of music they heard on the site seems to me to be _______.”     age behaviors toying utilize ridiculous restricted wrestling departure

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