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Test yourself. Match the following key terms to their appropriate definitions:


Match the following key terms to their appropriate definitions:


1.____Software development

2._____Top-down design

3._____Systems life-cycle approach




7._____Source program

8._____Software engineering


10.____Computer-aided software engineering



a. A program written in a programming language such as C++ or Delphi.

b. b The process of analyzing the requirements of a system, then designing, writing, and testing the software.

c. Proceeding from definition to design, development to implementation, and the eventual retirement and replacement of a system.

d. A trained person who create computer programs.

e. The application of scientific and mathematical principles to the design and development of producing software.

f. A written description of a program using English statements.

g. Starting with the whole program and developing more and more details as the solution evolves.

h. Writing a program in a specific programming language.

i. A set of tools to automate the tasks involved in designing and developing large-scale or complex software projects.

j. A graphic way of representing the thinking that goes into solving a problem.

k. The process of building working models of the application, testing them, and modifying them in response to new ideas.



12.____Object program



15.____ Debugging



18_____Program generator

19.____Report generator

20.____Nonprocedural language

21_____Interface builder



a. A program that brings programs stored in a program library into memory for execution.

b. A program that combines several modules into one executable program.

c. A program that has been translated into machine language.

d. A tool for assembling a user interface, also called front end, from a library of predefined graphic objects.

e. A special type of program generator that can generate only one type of program: a report.

f. A program that interactively translates each programming statement into an immediately usable machine-language instruction.

g. A program that translates correct high-level programming statements into a machine-language instructions all at one time.

h. Defining problems in terms of the results desired instead of procedural programming terms.

i. A way to generate a program based on writing specifications about the problem to be solved.

j. The process of uncovering errors in a program.



22.____Program testing

23.____Program documentation

24.____Structured programming

25.____Bottom-up design

26.____Structure chart



29.____Control structure

30.____Object-oriented programming



Unit 10


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