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Present Simple

Present, Past, Future Simple

Ex. 3. Say the following sentences in the future.

Ex. 2. Say the following sentences in the past.

1. They have a few lectures this week. 2. He has much work to do this summer. 3. You have an interesting seminar today. 4. He has good ideas how to spend the weekend. 5. My parents have a nice little dog. 6. My friend has a reasonable answer. 7. They have lots of visitors in the Art museum. 8. Pete has many bookshelves in his room. 9. Olga has got a black leather bag. 10. Our students haven’t got much free time in winter.


1. On Sunday my brother has breakfast at 9. 2. We have special seminars on Wednesday and Friday. 3. He has got a lot of publications. 4. Students have examinations in winter and in summer. 5. She has 3 hours at her disposal. 6. Our city has many green parks. 7. They haven’t got any money to pay their bills. 8. Our paper usually has much information about science. 9. First-year students have English classes two times a week. 10. My friend’s father has got a fine collection of pictures.


Positive   Negative   Interrogative
I we you they work like do     I we you they   do not (don’t)     work like do       Do I we you they work? like? do?  
he she it works likes does   he she it does not (doesn’t)   Does he she it


The Present Simple tense denotes:


1. Repeated actions indicated by adverbials of frequency such as often, always, usually, seldom, rarely, sometimes, never, generally, as a rule, every day (month), every other day (week, month, etc.), once a week. Heoften workstill midnight. My brother playstennis every other day. She is never latefor classes. Do you generally speakEnglish in class? I sometimes meet your father at the station
2. Universal truths (laws of nature) and permanent characteristics, situations or states. The sun setsin the west. She teachesEnglish at school. Do you likerainy weather? His parents livein London.
3. Present actions and states, going on at the moment of speechwith the so-called stative verbs which include a)verbs of sense perception: see, hear, notice, taste, smell, etc. b) verbs of mental activity: understand, think, believe, remember, know, forget, mean, suppose, recognize, etc. c) verbs of feelings and emotions: like, dislike, hate, love, wish, want, prefer, care, etc. d) verbs of possession: have, belong, own, possess, etc. It smellslike a hospital in here. The meat tastesspicy. I don't see anyone in the room. Do you recognizeme? What doeshe mean? Who doyou thinkwill win the game? Do you knowwhat he is speaking about? I prefer dogs to cats. Which of these dresses doyou likebest? Do you wantanything to drink? – Iwanta glass of juice, please. Jill really hateshouse work. Who doesthis car belong to? They havea big new house.
4. Scheduled facts and events such as flights, train arrivals, departures, itineraries The flight leavesat 2p.m. (according to the timetable) You arrivein Basel at 6.30 a.m. local time. (according to the itinerary)


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