These restrictions are formed by laws of connection of the verbal meanings that are peculiar to the given language. Such combinations are not equivalents as each of their components has different meaning.
For example:
To keep one’s distance
Знати своє місце; триматися поодаль
To keep one’s ears open
Бути на сторожі; бути напоготові
To keep oneself to oneself
Бути нетовариським, відлюдкуватим; триматися окремо; цуратися людей
In the examples given above, the word «to keep» cannot be substituted by any other word closely related to its meaning, as it will lead to incongruity of the words and distortion of the Phraseological units’ meaning.
There are several ways of translating the Phraseological units:
1. Translation by Choosing Absolute Equivalents:
This is a way of translating by which every component part of the source language Phraseological unit is kept in the target language. The words also create the main images, the expressiveness and the figurative meaning. Translating by equivalents is used when the Phraseological units, which originate from the same source in the both languages, are translated.
The Phraseological word-combinations may originate:
1. From Greek mythology:
A labour of Sisyphus
Сізіфова праця
(важка але марна праця)
Cassandra’s warning
Застереження Каландри
(правдиві застереження, яким не вірять)
Pandora’s Box
Скринька Пандори або Пандорина скринька
(джерело бід)
2. From ancient history or literature:
The golden age
Золотий вік
The die is cast
Жереб кинуто
To cross the Rubicon
Перейти Рубікон
(приймати важливе рішення)
I came, I saw, I conquered
Прийшов, побачив, переміг
3.From the Bible or based on biblical plot:
A lost sheep
Заблудла вівця
Ten commandments
Десять заповідей
The thirty pieces of silver
Тридцять срібняків
4. From the contemporary literary or historical source relating to different languages (mainly to French, Spanish, Danish, German, Italian, Arabic):
After us the deluge
Після нас хоч потоп
One’s place in the sun
Місце під сонцем
The game is worth the candle
Гра варта свічок
Blue blood
Блакитна кров
The fifth column
П’ята колона
5. From the works of prominent English and American authors:
To bury a hatchet
Закопати томагавк/укласти мир
Cowards die many times before their deaths
Боягузи вмирають багато разів
(W. Shakespeare)
To reign in Hell is better than to serve in
Краще панувати в пеклі, ніж
слугувати в раю (J. Milton)
2. Translation by Choosing Near Equivalents:
The meaning of a considerable number of the Phraseological units originating in both languages from a common source may sometimes have, unlike absolute equivalents, one or even most of their components different, than in the target language.
In broad daylight
Серед білого дня
As pale as paper
Блідий мов стіна
One’s own flesh and bone
Рідна кровинка
Baker’s/printer’s dozen
Чортова дюжина
As short as a dog’s tail
Короткий, як осінній день
Measure twice, cut once
Сім раз відміряй, один раз відріж
To make a long story short
Коротко кажучи
3. Translation by Choosing Genuine idiomatic Analogies:
The Phraseological units are in most cases easily given corresponding analogies in the target language. As a matter of fact the Phraseological units are usually very close in their connotative meaning in English and Ukrainian languages. These common and similar traits of the Phraseological units serve a proof of their being genuine analogies.
To have the ready tongue
За словом у кишеню не лізти
Like mistress, like maid
Яблуко від яблуні недалеко падає
To keep body and soul together
Ледь зводити кінці з кінцями
There is no use crying over spilt milk
Що з воза впало, те пропало
The choice of an analogy is translator’s decision and is predetermined by the style of a text.
Not for time or money
Ні за що в світі / ні за які гроші
Don’t cross the bridge before
you come to it
Не кажи «гоп», доки не
He that lies down with dogs must rise
up with fleas
З ким поведешся, від того й наберешся
4. Translation by Choosing Approximate analogies:
The meaning of the Phraseological units can be expressed by means of only approximate analogies, i.e. in a descriptive way.
To lose one’s breath
Кидати слова на вітер
King words butter no parsnips
Годувати байками солов’я
To make a cat’s paw of something
Чужими руками жар вигрібати
5. Descriptive translation of idiomatic and set expressions:
The meaning of a considerable number of the Phraseological units can be conveyed through explication only i.e. in a descriptive way. Depending on the complexity of the meaning contained in the source language unit, it can be conveyed in the target language as follows:
By a
Red blood
Мужність, відвага, хоробрість
To set a limit to smth
Обмежувати, стримувати
Out of a clear blue of the sky
Раптом, зненацька
By a free
of words
Short odds
Майже рівні шанси
To sell someone short
Недооцінювати когось
To shoot Niagara
Вдаватися до ризикованих дій
By a
sentence or a
longer explanation
To cut off with a shilling
Залишити без спадщини
Thus, the aim of translating of the Phraseological expressions is to fully convey their lexical meaning in the target language and where possible, to convey the structural peculiarities, the figurativeness, the expressiveness, and the connotative meaning of the source language Phraseological units.
Besides, it is necessary to take into account that modern linguistics is formed as anthropological science, which includes research of the linguistic phenomena and language processes in indissoluble connection with the necessities of human communicative activity that is accompanied by the realization of cognitive processes.
In accordance with positions of cognitive science, a man must be studied as a system of processing information, and person’s behaviour should be depicted and explained in the terms of the internal states, which are physically shown, or are found under observation and are interpreted as getting, processing, storing and mobilization of information for the rational decision of language tasks.
The system of senses that falls into the sphere of individual knowledge or beliefs is formed as a result of cognitive activity. Knowledge, which is got in practice directly, are re-interpreted on the basis of the available empirical experience, that influence upon displaying information by one language user and perception it by the other one.
National and cultural components of the lexical meanings of words can represent the way of life, culture peculiarities, traditions, and beliefs etc. of language users and is the cause of different associations they have.
The Phraseological units are formed on the basis of such a figurative presentation of reality that represents daily empirical, historical or mental experience of language group that is certainly related to its culture and traditions, as the subject of nomination and linguistic activity is always the subject of national culture.
Thus, when analyzing the features of cultural connotation, it is necessary to take into account that the system of images fixed in the Phraseological structure of language serves for accumulation of world views and is definitely related to the material, social or mental culture of the given language association and therefore testifies to its cultural and national traditions.
The figurative basis serves the way of embodying the cultural and national specificity of the Phraseological units, while interpretation of the figurative basis in sign, cultural and national «space» of the given language group serves the way of pointing at that specificity.
Such way of interpretation makes cultural and natural connotation.
Thus the basis of cognitive foundation for translating the Phraseological units is made up by the semantics that stipulates understanding of specific devices connected with using language and those means by which they interact with the other aspects of functioning the thought.
A very important role is given up to the emotional position of a language user. This emotional position serves as a sort of communicative intention.
The cognitive sphere of the meaning includes stylistic one, which is linked with the communicative situation fixed in a language speaker or listener’s memory. The expressive effect the Phraseological unit has stipulates knowledge that the denotant of a given expression takes place in the world and acts as internal and external base for subject of cognition. This knowledge serves as a premise of the whole cognitive process. The expressive function of a language is a means of setting relations between intentions of language subject and his knowledge of the real events that happens in the world, of language coding rules and stylistic usage of language devices.
Thus, the expressiveness of the Phraseological units is a category that relates to the cognitive aspect of language as its base includes cognitive intentions with the aggregate of user’s relations to the denotation. The basic intention for the Phraseological units’ expressiveness can cover feeling of encouraging or discouraging, agreeing or disagreeing, honesty or dishonesty etc. For example, the meaning of a lexeme «black» means «bad», «terrible»:
Devil is not so black as he is painted
Не такий страшний чорт, як його малюють
To depict in black colours
Представляти в поганому світлі
To look black
Мати незадоволений, похмурий, злий вигляд
Black conscience
Чорна, нечиста совість
The lexeme «white» can be used for denoting cowardice and at the same time for designating purity and innocence, as in the given examples:
A white liver
Малодушність, боягузтво
A white feather
To show the white feather
Злякатися, виявити малодушність
A white man
Порядна, добре вихована людина
A white lie
Невинна брехня, брехня заради порятунку
To put on a white sheet
Каятися, визнавати прилюдно свої помилки
The expressiveness the Phraseological units is oriented at the cognitive plan of the language and mental activity as the latter one indicates signals about intentions of a language subject which include evaluating and emotive attitude to the denotation. This relation is subjective in a listener’s language consciousness dependently on his ability to «reproduce» mental structures that are identical to communicative intent.
The specifics of using language devices and conformities of their functioning as well as their influence on people’s behaviour are considered by the pragmatics. The analysis of the pragmatic aspect of any utterance must take into account the following positions:
1. Terms of communication.
2. Purpose of communication.
3. Communicative intentions.
The pragmatic analysis includes operating by such notions as:
1.A sender of language message and receiver.
2.Pragmatic situation that is defined as complex of external terms of intercourse which are presented in a speaker’s consciousness from the moment of realizing the linguistic act and to the result of pragmatic effect.
3.Illocutive act that represents executing a certain action (request, question, gratitude etc.).
4.Perlocutive act that defines influence the receiver get in the situation of communication.
The illocutive intent, which can be attained in a communicative act, is considerably determined by the semantics of words that are chosen for using by a language user.
The Phraseological units are one of the most productive devices of forming second denominations that have such an important feature as to «impose» a particular understanding of the world.
Synthesizing the character of processes of creation of the secondary meanings is connected with purposeful activity of its subject.
This activity is oriented not only on filling the nominative and conceptual effects, but also on filling up pragmatic influencing, that is caused by the Phraseological unit in the mind of a recipient. Evaluating events that take place in the world is indispensable attribute of human activity.
Thus, the meaning of the Phraseological unit must include evaluation as the process of their forming is accompanied by defining the denoting subject.
In the act of interlingual communication, a bilingual-mediator takes part except the Source and Receptor. A translator’s task is to form the target language text that will become the identical replacement of the source language text.
Therefore, the specifics of pragmatic relations in the process of translation is linked either with the necessity to reproduce the pragmatics of the source language text in the target language text or with the special pragmatic position of a translator. In the process of translation, the special attitude to a text is formed in the translator’s mind. A translator tries to get and pass information of the source language text objectively and faithfully.
The pragmatics of the source language text is the most important part of its content, that’s why its reproduction is an obligatory condition of achieving faithfulness of translation.
A translator’s aim is to «neutralize» his personal attitude to the events described and to provide the most objective evaluation of the source language text pragmatics from the position of neutral Receptor. A translator consciously tries to mark off an influence from personal attitudes and emotions and to reproduce the pragmatic factors of the source language text as a cognitive operation.
However, it does not mean that personality of a translator (his ethics, professional views etc.) have no any relationship to his practical activity. On the contrary, all these factors are very important and define translator’s successful work. This peculiar pragmatic attitude to the text translated, is fully oriented to its complete reproduction and makes the most important aspect of its pragmatics. In the process of translation, the personality of a translator, his professional interests to the work and satisfaction by its results are determined by the semantics and source language text pragmatics as well as his ability to decide tasks of translation properly. For example, a translator can feel positive emotions when he successfully reproduced the author’s thoughts and feelings even if his attitude to the author is negative.
Thus, the pragmatic orientation on the source language text is the most important but not the single aspect of the pragmatics of translation. In many cases, the orientation of a translator on the participants of communicative act (Source and Receptor of translation) influences on its process and result, when he appears as the full fledged participant of an act of intercourse and solves his personal pragmatic orientation.
There is a list of the widely spread Phraseological units in English and Ukrainian languages below:
1. Much ado about nothing
2. To be in accord
3. On no account
4. To settle accounts
5. Extremes meets
6. Actions speak louder that words
7. As blind as a bat
8. In cold blood
9. A seamy side
10. A hot potato
11. What can’t be cured must be endured
12. A bird in the hand is worth two іn the bush / Half a loaf is better than no bread
13. A walking encyclopedia
14. The end justifies the means
15. Of two evils choose the best
16. With a naked eye
17. Dry facts
18. Facts are stubborn things
19. A fault confessed is half redressed
20. In full feather
21. As fit as a fiddle
22. If you dance you must pay the fiddler
23. Butterfingers
24. To one’s fingers end’s
25. Between two fires
26. To go through fire and water
27. No flying from fate
28. Second wind
29. As white as a ghost
30. All is well that ends well
31. The wear and tear of time
32. In the soup
33. No sooner said that done
34. A slip of a pen
35. A slip of a tongue
36. That’s where the shoe pinches
37. Make hay while the sun shines / Strike the iron while it is hot
38. Out of the frying-pan into the fire
39. A frog in the throat
40. An apple-pie order
41. Easy come, easy go
42. Hercules’ labour
43. Safe and sound
44. Neither rhyme no reason
45. Lies have short legs
46. Between the cup and the lip a morsel may slip
47. The devil isn’t so black as he is painted
48. To be in the same boat
49. A hard nut to crack
50. To ask for trouble
51. Like father, like son
52. Not to know chalk from cheese
53. A man can die but once
54. Haste makes waste
55. A sound mind in a sound body
56. A labour of Sisyphus
57. Cassandra’s warning
58. I came, I saw, I conquered
59. One’s place in the sun
60. To reign in Hell better than to serve in Heaven
61. Caesar’s wife must be beyond suspicion
62. To have the ready tongue
63. A crooked stick throws a crooked shadow
64. Every man has a fool in his sleeve
65. Every man has his faults
66. To make a cat’s paw of smth
67. To be finger and thumb
68. What’s Hecuba to me
69. Does your mother know you are out
70. The belly is not filled with fair words
71. To walk on air
72. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions
73. As you make your bed so you must lie on it
74. A little bird told me
75. To get cold feet
76. To come clean
77. Тo put on a white sheet
78. To face the music
79. To be the last straw
80. Blank verse
81. Play fast and loose
82. Not worth a red cent
83. A new broom
84. The sword of Damocles
85. To cross the Rubicon
86. To win the wooden spoon
87. Hobson’s choice
88. To talk nineteen to the dozen
89. Dutch courage
90. Let’s call a spade a spade
91. To cry for the moon
92. Once in a blue moon
93. To smell a rat
94. To leave smb in the lurch
95. The lion’s share
96. To grasp the nettle
97. To be born with a silver spoon in the mouth
98. To give the sack to smb.
99. Let sleeping dogs lie
100. As cool as a cucumber
101. To be in full swing
102. A nice kettle of fish
103. Under the nose
104. At sixes and sevens
105. To be in two minds
106. To make a mountain of a molehill
107. Тo see through blue glasses
108. Тo see through rose-coloured glasses
109. Bag and baggage
110. To catch smb red-handed
111. An apple of discord
112. By hook or by crook
113. To square the circle
114. A storm in the tea-cup
115. Dog days
116. Тo act as a red rag acts upon a bull
117. It’s no use crying over the spilt milk
118. A peeping Tom
119. Do you see any green in my eye?
120. In a nutshell
121. A mare’s nest
122. Neck or nothing
123. Donkey’s years
124. Mark my words!
125. Red in the face
126. To be in the dark
127. Let’s call it a day
128. Every day is not Sunday
129. Birds of a feather
130. To show the white feather
131. Vanity of vanities
132. To err is human
133. Never is a long day
134. When pigs fly
135. Don’t beat about the bush
136. With flying colours
137. A prodigal son
138. To paint the town red
139. All his geese are swans
140. He can’t say «boo» to the goose
141. That cat won’t jump
142. As the tree so the fruit
143. To bark up the wrong tree
144. To buy a pig in a poke
145. Let the cat out of the bag
146. I’ll eat my hat
147. Rain or shine
148. As light as a feather
149. To fish for compliments
150. To keep a low profile
151. To sow the seeds of discord
152. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today
153. It never rains but it pours
154. One swallow doesn’t make a summer
155. To be on the safe side
156. Тo be yellow about the gills
157. To feel like a fish out of the water
158. As the crow flies
159. Іn the nick of time
160. To get butterflies in one’s stomach
161. As poor as a church mouse
162. All cats are grey in the dark
163. Not to see a step beyond one’s nose
164. Not for love or money
165. Either win the saddle or lose the horse
166. Many hands make work light
167. To cast pearls before swine
168. To be born under a lucky star
169. To cherish a viper in one’s bosom
170. Neither fish nor flesh
171. To cross the Styx
172. Pandora’s box
173. After us the deluge
174. Black ingratitude
175. Тo make the air blue
176. Better a witty fool than a foolish wit
177. As short as a dog’s tail
178. Measure twice, cut once
179. To make a long story short
180. You cannot catch an old bird with chaff
181. Тrue blue will never stain
182. He that mischief hatches mischief catches
183. To keep body and soul together
184. There is no use crying over spilt milk
185. Don’t cross the bridges before you come to them
186. He that lies down with dogs must rise up with fleas
187. Аs green as a gooseberry
188. King words butter no parsnips
189. Тo beat the air
190. А fly in the ointment
191. To lose one’s breath
192. More power to your elbow
193. To cut off with a shilling
194. Аs gray as a bat’s wing
195. А round peg in a square hole
196. Тo blush like a black dog
197. Green-eyed monster
198. To cut to the quick
199. Тo give smb. hell
200. As mad as a March hare
1. Багато шуму з нічого
2. Мати однакові смаки
3. Ні в якому випадку
4. Зводити рахунки
5. Протилежності притягуються
6. Вчинки говорять самі за себе
7. Зовсім сліпий
8. Холоднокровно
9. Темний (непривабливий) бік
10. Неприємна тема
11. Те, чого не можна подолати, треба перетерпіти
12. Краще синиця в руках, ніж журавель у небі / На безриб’ї і рак риба
13. Ходяча енциклопедія
14. Мета виправдовує засоби
15. З поміж двох зол обирай найменше
16. Неозброєним оком
17. Голі факти
18. Факти річ вперта
19. За зізнання – половина покарання
20. При повному параді
21. В гарному настрої
22. Той, хто платить, заказує музику
23. Діряві руки
24. З голови до ніг
25. Між двох вогнів
26. Ускочити в халепу
27. Від долі не втечеш
28. Друге дихання
29. Білий як полотно
30. Добре те, що добре закінчується
31. Життєві труднощі
32. В скрутному становищі / в біді
33. Сказано – зроблено
34. Описка
35. Обмовка
36. Знати в чому суть справи / знати де собака зарита
37. Коси коса, доки роса / Куй залізо, доки гаряче
38. З вогню у полум’я
39. Хрипота
40. Зразковий (повний) порядок
41. Як нажите, так і прожите
42. Геркулесова праця
43. Цілий і неушкоджений
44. Ні складу, ні ладу
45. На брехні далеко не уїдеш
46. Не радій передчасно / Не кажи «гоп», доки не перестрибнеш
47. Не такий страшний чорт, як його малюють
48. Бути в однаковому становищі
49. Міцний горішок
50. Напрошуватись на неприємності
51. Який батько, такий і син
52. Ні бе, ні ме, ні кукуріку
53. Двом смертям не бути, а однієї не оминути
54. Поспішиш – людей насмішиш
55. В здоровому тілі здоровий дух
56. Сізіфова праця
57. Застереження Касандри
58. Прийшов, побачив, переміг
59. Місце під сонцем
60. Краще панувати в пеклі, ніж прислуговувати в раю
61. Дружина Цезаря поза підозрою
62. За словом в кишеню не лізти
63. Який Сава, така й слава
64. І на сонці бувають плями
65. Людини без вад не буває
66. Чужими руками жар вигрібати
67. Водою не розлити
68. Моя хата скраю
69. Ще не доріс / Молоко на губах не висохло
70. Одними словами ситий не будеш
71. Ніг під собою не відчувати
72. Дорога в пекло вимощена добрими намірами
73. Що посієш, те й пожнеш
74. Чутками світ повниться
75. Злякатися
76. Зізнатися
77. Каятися, визнавати свої помилки
78. Без вагань зустрічати труднощі
79. Бути останньою краплею
80. Білий вірш
81. Вести нечесну (подвійну) гру
82. Ламаного гроша не вартий
83. Нова мітла
84. Дамоклів меч
85. Перетнути Рубікон
86. Зайняти останнє місце
87. Відсутність вибору
88. Говорити без упину
89. Море по коліно
90. Називати речі своїми іменами
91. Вимагати (бажати) неможливого
92. Рідко / раз на рік
93. Відчувати недобре
94. Кинути напризволяще
95. Левина доля
96. Рішуче братися за складну справу
97. Народитись у сорочці
98. Звільнити
99. Не буди лихо, доки тихо
100. Незворушний / спокійний
101. У повному розпалі
102. Оце так історія!
103. Таємно
104. Безладно / догори дном
105. Знаходитися в нерішучості
106. Робити з мухи слона
107. Песимістично дивитися на речі
108. Омтимістично дивитися на речі
109. З усіма пожитками
110. Зловити на гарячому
111. Яблуко розбрату
112. Всіма правдами й неправдами
113. Намагатись зробити неможливе
114. Буря в стакані води
115. Спекотні дні у червні
116. Сильно дратувати, виводити з себе
117. Зробленого (втраченого) не повернеш
118. Надмірно цікава людина
119. Невже я здаюся таким легковірним?
120. Коротенько / в двох словах
121. Ілюзія /омана
122. Або пан, або пропав
123. Ціла вічність
124. Запам’ятай мої слова
125. Багровий від гніву
126. Перебувати в невідомості
127. На сьогодні досить!
128. Не кожен день свято
129. Одного поля ягода
130. Проявити малодушність
131. Суєта суєт
132. Людині властиво помилятися
133. Так вже й ніколи!
134. Після дощику в четвер
135. Кажи прямо
136. Переможно
137. Блудний син
138. Влаштувати пиятику / загуляти
139. Він (завжди) перебільшує
140. Він і мухи не образить
141. Цей номер не пройде
142. Яблуко від яблуні недалеко падає
143. Звертатися «не за адресою»
144. Покупати кота в мішку
145. Проговоритися
146. Клянусь! / Присягаюсь!
147. За будь-якої погоди
148. Легкий як пір’їнка
149. Напрошуватись на компліменти
150. Триматись у тіні
151. Сіяти ворожнечу (розбрат)
152. Ніколи не відкладай на завтра те, що можна зробити сьогодні
153. Біда не приходить одна
154. Одна ластівка погоди не робить
155. Про всяк випадок
156. Мати нездоровий вигляд
157. Почуватися не в своїй тарілці
158. По прямій / навпростець
159. Саме вчасно!
160. Нервуватися
161. Бідний як церковна миша
162. Вночі що сіре, те й вовк
163. Далі свого носа нічого не бачити
164. Ні за які гроші / ні за що в світі
165. Або перемогу здобути, або дома не бути
166. Гуртом і батька легше бити
167. Кидати перла перед свинями
168. Народитися під щасливою зіркою
169. Пригріти гадюку в пазусі
170. Ні риба ні м’ясо
171. Канути в Лету; піти в небуття
172. Скринька Пандори
173. Після нас хоч потоп
174. Чорна невдячність
175. Лаяти на всі заставки
176. Краще дотепний дурень, ніж дурний дотепник
177. Короткий, як осінній день
178. Сім раз одміряй, один раз одріж
179. Коротко кажучи
180. Старого горобця на полові не зловиш
181. Порядна людина не підведе
182. Хто іншим лиха бажає, сам лихо має
183. Ледь зводити кінці з кінцями
184. Що з воза впало, те пропало
185. Не поспішай поперед батька в пекло
186. З ким поведешся, від того й наберешся
187. Молодий / зелений
188. Годувати байками солов’я
189. Товкти воду в ступі
190. Ложка дьогтю в бочці з медом
191. Кидати слова на вітер
192. Ні пуху, ні луски
193. Залишити без спадщини
194. Сірий, як миша
195. Людина не на своєму місці
196. Бути безсоромним
197. Заздрість
198. Зачепити за живе
199. Розпекти до червоного жару
200. Божевільний / не при своєму розумі
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