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Impressions from an office

Ex.4.23. Comment on the following.


Compare your views with those of your groupmates.

Ex.4.20. Match the words and phrases on the left with their definitions on the right, translate them and use in sentences of your own.

1) managing by consensus a) it’s not always the case
2) it’s hardly surprising b) it’s not the same thing at all
3) a high flier c) permission given to another business person to sell a company’s products
4) overheads (esp BrE) d) a person who is or has the potential to be very successful
5) ruthless e) someone who is very successful in their work or studies
6) assertive f) it's to be expected
7) it's an overgeneralization g) cruel, not caring if he/she harms others in order to get what he/she wants
8) entrepreneur h) behaving in a confident and determined way
9) achiever i) managing by getting everyone to agree
10) franchise j) someone who sets up a business taking on greater than normal financial risks
11) it's a different story k) money that a business has to spend on rent, electricity, etc

Ex.4.21. Which of the following points support the opinions expressed in the article?

1. Women are at least as entrepreneurial as men.

2. Most female managers prefer task-based jobs to people-centred ones.

3. Women tend to be more conscientious than men.

4. Women who do succeed in business have to become even more ruthless than men.

5. Men aren't as financially aware as women.

6. Women are more likely to be the managers of the future than men are.

Ex.4.22. Do you find yourself mostly agreeing or disagreeing with the article? What is your score on this scale?

I totally agree! 10

There’s some truth in it. 5

It’s utter rubbish! 0

1. Are high-fliers individualistic risk-takers or group-oriented communicators? How about people in senior positions?

2. Would you like your boss to be he or she? Give your reasons.

3. Do you generally prefer to work for a man or a woman, or it does not make any difference?

4. What is the ratio of male to female employees in companies you know? Is it different at the management level?

The family picture is on HIS desk.

Ah, a solid, responsible family man.

The family picture is on HER desk.

Hmmm, her family will come before her career.

HIS desk is cluttered.

He’s obviously a hard worker and a busy man.

HER desk is cluttered.

She’s obviously a disorganized scatterbrain.

HE is talking with his co-workers.

He must be discussing the latest deal.

SHE is talking with her co-workers.

She must be gossiping.

HE is not at his desk.

He must be at a meeting.

SHE is not at her desk.

She must be in the lady’s room.

HE is not in the office.

He’s meeting customers.

SHE is not in the office.

She must be out shopping.

HE is having lunch with the boss.

He’s on his way up.

SHE is having lunch with the boss.

They must be having an affair.


HE is getting married.

He’ll get more settled.

SHE is getting married.

She’ll get pregnant and leave.


HE is leaving for a better job.

He knows how to recognize a good opportunity.

SHE is leaving for a better job.

Women are not dependable.

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