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Notes on English phonetics

Academic Thematic Syllabus

Introductory Corrective Course

Other symbols



Key to phonemic and other symbols

Short vowels Long vowels Diphthongs
/I/ pit, it /e/ wet, end /{/ cat, apple /V/ run, up /Q/ hot, opposite /U/ put, would   /@/ ago, doctor /i/ happy, cosy /u/ influence, annual /i:/ see, eat /A:/ part, arm /O:/ saw, always /u:/ too, you /3:/ her, early /eI/ day, eight /aI/ my, eyes /OI/ boy, join /@U/ low, open /aU/ how, out /I@/ near, here /e@/ hair, where /U@/ tourist
/b/ bee, about /d/ do, side /f/ fat, safe /g/ go, big /h/ hat, behind /j/ yet, you /k/ key, week /l/ led, allow /m/ map, lamp /n/ nose, any /p/ pen, sop /r/ red, around /s/ soon, us /t/ ten, last /v/ vet, live /w/ wet, swim /z/ zoo, loves /dZ/ general, age /N/ hang, hoping /D/ that, other /T/ thin, bath /S/ ship, push /Z/ measure, usual /tS/ chin, catch

/"/ put before the syllable with main stress

/%/ put before the syllable with secondary stress; partially stressed syllable

°m the Low Fall

Îm the High Fall

,m the Low Rise

æm the High Rise

↑m Accidental/Special Rise

ëm the Fall-Rise

^m the Rise-Fall

Ìm the stressed syllable of the Sliding Scale

Ëm the stressed syllable in the Scandent Scale

Topic Areas Hours/ Dates
1. Phonetics. The Phoneme. The Allophone. Transcription. The Organs of Speech. The Classification of English Vowel Phonemes. The Classification of English Consonant Phonemes. The Articulation Basis of English. The Rhythmic Group. The Syntagm. The Low Fall. The High Fall. The Regular Descending Stepping Scale. Intonation of Statements. Imperative. Intonation of General, Alternative, Special and Disjunctive Questions. /@, I, e, {, aI, eI, i:/ /h, T, D, p, b, t, d, k, g, m, n, s, z, j, Z/ 1st week
2. Word Stress. Sentence Stress. Logical Stress. Vowel Reduction. Reduced forms of the verbs BE, DO and Personal Pronouns. Intonation of Greetings. Intonation of Appositions. The Low Rise. The Low Pre-Head. The High Pre-Head. /U, V, @U, Q, A:, u:/ /f, v, l, r, N/ 2nd week
3. Intonation of Direct Address. The Fall-Rise. Intonation of Words of Gratitude. Intonation of the Word “Please”. Intonation of Request. Intonation of Enumeration. /3:, O:, U@/ /w/ 3rd week
4. Assimilation and its Types. 4th week

Phonetics is a branch of linguistics, which deals with the investigation of the sound means of a certain language from the point of view of their articulation, acoustic qualities and semantics.

The phoneme is the smallest linguistic unit, which is capable of differentiating the meaning and grammar forms of words.

Phonemes are elements of language. The number of them is quite definite for every separate language. In British English there are 44 phonemes: 20 vowel phonemes and 24 consonant ones. In speech they manifest themselves in the form of phonemic variants or allophones.

The allophone is a material representation of the phoneme in speech. They appear in connected speech as a result of assimilation or reduction or due to the individual speech habits. The number of allophones in a language is unlimited.

Phonetic transcription is a sort of phonetic alphabet, a system of symbols in which every phoneme is supposed to have its own symbol. It helps in learning a foreign language.


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