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Disadvantages of Optical Disks

Advantages of Optical Disks

1. Physical: An optical disc is much sturdier than tape or a floppy disk. It is physically harder to break or melt or warp. It's somewhat harder to lose than a USB flash drive.

2. Transport & Storage: Discs are easy to take with you and to store away. They have a long shelf-life.

3. Delicacy: It is not sensitive to being touched, though it can get too dirty or scratched to be read. It can be cleaned!

4. Not Magnetic: It is entirely unaffected by magnetic fields.

5. Capacity: Optical discs hold a lot of data, especial the double-sided DVDs.

Plus, the non-data side of the disc can have a pretty label!

For software providers, an optical disc is a great way to store the software and data that they want to distribute or sell.

1. Cost: The main disadvantage to using CD/DVD discs for personal data storage has been cost.
The cost of a CD-RW drive has dropped drastically and quickly. In 1995 such a drive was around $3000. In the summer of 1997 CD-RW drives were down to just under $1000. In March 2003 a CD-RW that will read at 40X speed, write on CD-R media at 40X speed, and write on re-writable media at 12X, could be bought for under $100 US. In July 2010 you could get an internal DVD-RW drive for under $50!

The cost of discs can add up, too. Recordable discs (one time only) cost about $.30 US each (March 2003) In July 2010 you could find these in packs of 100 for less than $.03 each. Re-writable discs cost about $1 each. (July 2010) You have to be careful about the capacity and maximum recording speed. The boxes for different types look a lot alike!

So for commercial use, the read/write drives are quite cost effective. For personal use, they are available and are cheap enough to use for data storage for everyone.

2. Duplication: It is not quite as easy or as fast to copy an optical disc as it is to copy files to a USB flash drive. You need the software and hardware for writing discs! (This is an advantage as far as commercial software providers are concerned!) Recent versions of Windows include disc writing software but third party programs offer features you might want. At least discs are easy to label and to store.

Care of Optical Disks (CDs, DVDs)

Your CDs and DVDs are not going to last forever. They certainly store data longer than other storage media! Mis-handling your optical disc can quickly make your data unreadable. Even fingerprints can do damage over time.

Data loss comes from:

  • Physical damage - breaking, melting, scratching...
  • Blocking of laser light by dirt, paint, ink, glue...
  • Corrosion of the reflecting layer

Here are some do's and don'ts for keeping your CDs and DVDs healthy.

  • Cleaning:
    • Keep it clean!
    • Handle by the edges or center hole.
    • Put it back in its case as soon as you are finished with it. No laying around on the desktop!!
    • Remove dirt and smudges with a clean cotton cloth by wiping from the center to the outer edge, NOT by wiping around the disc. Wiping in a circle can create a curved scratch, which can confuse the laser.
    • For stubborn dirt, use isopropyl alcohol or methanol or CD/DVD cleaning detergent.
  • Labeling:
    • Don't use an adhesive label. The adhesive can corrupt your data in just a few months!
    • Don't write on or scratch the data side of the disc - ever!
    • Don't scratch the label side.
    • Don't write on the label side with a pencil or pen (scratches!)
    • Don't write on the label side with a fine-point marker or with any solvent-based marker. Use markers for CDs or a fast-drying permanent marker. Sharpies seem to do well. Solvent in a regular permanent marker may dissolve the protective layer.
  • Storage:
    • Store optical discs upright on edge, like a book, in a plastic case designed specifically for them. Not flat for long periods!
    • Store in a cool, dark environment where the air is clean and dry. NO SMOKE! Low humidity.
  • How you treat it:
    • Keep away from high heat and high humidity which accelerate corrosion.
    • Keep out of sunlight or other sources of ultraviolet light.
    • Keep away from smoke or other air pollution.
    • Don't bend it!
    • Don't use a disc as a coaster or a frisbee or a bookmarker!

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