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What You See: Quiz

For each question, click on the radio button beside your answer. You will be notified immediately whether your choice is correct or not. Double-clicking may work better in some browsers.

Top of Form

1. Pushing the Power button on the front of a computer while the computer is on will _____.

cold boot the computer

warm boot the computer

reset the computer to the original settings

turn the computer off without closing any open programs

2. A parallel port is most often used by a ______.




external storage devices

3. To remove static before touching the inside of a computer, you should _____.

touch something metal

touch something wooden

wash your hands

unplug the computer

4. A device that provides emergency power to your computer, conditions the voltage, and protects against powers surges is called a _____.

PSU = Power Supply Unit

USP = Universal Surge Protector

UPPS = Universal Power Protection and Supply

UPS = Uninterruptible Power Supply

5. The drive that receives an optical disc is the _____ drive.





6. The computer must be off to connect or disconnect a _____ port.





7. The cable connecting the hard drive to the motherboard _____.

is a ribbon cable

has a single prong

has angles sides to prevent plugging in upside down.

is color-coded to prevent misconnection

8. A period of low voltage on your electric power lines is a _____.

power surge

power spike



9. A device that is connected to the motherboard is _____.

called an external device

called an adjunct device

must connect using ribbon cable

called a peripheral device

10. The device that converts power from a wall outlet to the type that the computer needs is the _____

power source

power converter

power supply



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