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Periodontal diseases and their treatment


Задание 1. Слушайте и запоминайте следующие слова и словосочетания:

1. periodontal относящийся к периодонту

2. to attack поражать

3. gum десна

4. ligament связка

5. pregnancy беременность

6. filling пломба

7. bridge мост

8. bleeding кровотечение

9. swollen опухший

10. permanent постоянный

11. to become loose расшатываться

12. rapidly быстро

13. adult взрослый

14. mild слабый, умеренный

15. plaque бляшка, налет

16. to irritate раздражать

17. tender болезненный

18. to detach отделять, отсоединяться

19. pocket карман

20. to expose обнажать, оголять

21. susceptible восприимчивый

22. decay налет, гниение

23. sensitive чувствительный

24. touch прикосновение

25. socket гнездо, лунка

26. extraction удаление

27. thorough тщательно

28. scaling снятие зубных отложений

29. planing сглаживание, выравнивание

30. tartar зубные плотные отложения,

зубной камень

31. to restore восстанавливать

32. to smooth шлифовать

33. graft трансплантат

34. splint шина


Задание 2. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Повторяйте за диктором в паузу:

Periodontal diseases are caused by bacterial infections that attack gums, ligaments and the bone structure. Poor oral hygiene, smoking or poor diet, some types of drugs, pregnancy, defective fillings and bridges can increase risk of periodontal diseases. The signs of periodontal diseases are:

• easy bleeding from gums;

• swollen and red gums;

• permanent teeth become loose;

• persistent bad breath or bad taste;

• gums pull away from the teeth;

• any changes in the fit of dentures.

There are several kinds of periodontal diseases. Some of them develop slowly and without any pain, while others progress rapidly. These diseases may occur at any age, but for adults they are the main cause of tooth loss.

Gingivitis is a mild periodontal disease, which develops when toxins in plaque irritate the gums, making them red, tender, swollen and easy to bleed.

Periodontitis is a serious periodontal disease. The gums detach from teeth, and pockets are formed. Exposed teeth roots become susceptible to decay and sensitive to cold and touch. If not treated, the affected teeth become loose in their sockets. They may fall out or require extraction by a dentist.

Treatment methods depend on the type of disease and the patient's condition. The first stage usually involves thorough cleaning. Sometimes dentists place antibiotic fibers into periodontal pockets after scaling and planning tooth roots. To restore periodontal health, dentists use different ultrasound instruments to reach areas requiring removal of tartar, which causes chronic infection. Tooth roots are cleaned and smoothed.

Sometimes bone surgery is required. Gums are returned back to their usual position or are placed into a new position. Grafts of the patient's bone or artificial bone may be used, as well as membranes. To stabilize loose teeth dentists often use splints.

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