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Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на различие между сказуемым в прошедшем времени и причастием II в функции определения. Найдите по формальным признакам предложения, в которых сказуемое стоит в страдательном залоге. Назовите номера этих предложений. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Wars were waged by families, tribes, religious groups. 2. 1GW was characterized by cavalry charges, line and column tactics. 3. A military culture of order was characterized by rigid rank structure. 4. The line and column tactics became suicidal. 5. The period led to a military culture of obedience. 6. The 2GW was fought by generals. 7. 3GW was originally developed by the Germans. 8. 3GW is known as manoeuvre warfare. 9. In modern times 3GW involves a combination of deep, close and rear operations. 10. 4GW is a product of globalization and modern communications technologies.
1. 1GW was characterized by massed manpower on the battlefield. 2. Highly ordered battlefield led to a military culture of order characterized by drill and ceremonial. 3. 3GW warfare was warfare fought by generals with no room for independence. 4. Originally developed by the Germans, 3GW emphasized speed and surprise. 5. 3GW involves a great number of operations fought on land, in the air, at see, in space. 6. New technologies increased the destructive power employed on the battlefield. 7. The highly ordered battlefield led to a military culture of order characterized by rigid rank structure. 8. 3GW emphasized speed and surprise. 9. 3GW has led to a military culture that emphasizes initiative and rapid. 10. The period from 1648 to 1850 is often called the first generation of modern warfare. 11. The period of 2GW led to a military culture of obedience and centralized decision making. 12. 1GW was characterized by massed manpower.
1. Conventional warfare can take two forms. 2. In the direct type, the aim is to meet the enemy face to face and bring about his collapse in a decisive battle. 3.The indirect tries to wear down the opponent, or rather, to break his morale and disorganize, or destroy his supplies and equipment. 4.These two methods have been employed in every part of the world. 5. The direct form of warfare has, in general, been instinctively preferred be Western nations. 6. Indirect warfare requires the employment of light infantry, light cavalry or light armored vehicles. 7. It uses the tactics of the retreat which can rapidly turn into advance. 8. Nevertheless, if indirect warfare is to be used in a systematic fashion, safe refuges are a necessity. 9. These may be provided by- in the shape of mountains, marshlands or extensive space. 10. Indirect warfare can receive the help of civilian combatants, then it becomes a revolutionary war.
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