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Exercises. The next day the session was devoted to the United Kingdom Banking Sector


The next day the session was devoted to the United Kingdom Banking Sector.

Here is the short summary of the lecture:

The UK Banking Sector
Retail Banks  
Discount Houses  
British Merchant Banks  
Other British Banks  
American Banks  
Japanese Banks  
Other Overseas Banks  
In addition there are 92 Building Societies


à Retail Banks: They render numerous services for private customers and have extensive branch networks in the UK. They participate dnectly in the UK clearing system.

à Discount Houses: They are mostly engaged in discounting bills of exchange for the corporate sector.

à British Merchant Banks: These are wholesale banks handling big money for private and corporate customers. They are engaged in mergers, take-overs and acquisitions. They also provide consulting services.

à Other British Banks: Comprise all other UK registered banking institutions and certain banks in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. They are controlled by UK companies or individuals.

à American Banks: Comprise the branches and subsidiaries of US banks.

à Japanese Banks: Comprise the branches and subsisdiaries of banks based in Japan.

à Overseas Banks: Comprise the branches and subsidiaries of non- American or non- Japanese banks and Consortium banks. These are jointly owned by other financial institutions, one of which must be based overseas.

à Building Societies: In the past they mostly extended mortgage loans, but nowadays they also widely practice taking in deposits and they practically operate as banks.

Words and expressions

twenty   двадцать (числ.)
banking   банковское дело
The lecture was devoted to banking.   Лекция была посвящена банковскому делу
retail   розничный
retail bank   банк, обслуживающий мелких клиентов
discount   скидка; учет (векселей)
discount house   учетный дом — фирма/банк, занимающийся учетом векселей и операциями на денежном рынке
merchant [мёчент] купец
merchant bank   торговый банк — банк, специализирующийся на финансировании внешней торговли, а также на операциях на рынке капиталов, организации слияний и поглощений фирм и предприятий, различных консультационных услугах
thirty one   тридцать один (числ.)
one hundred and sixty seven   сто шестьдесят семь (числ.)
Japanese [джэпэниз] японский
overseas   за морем, зарубежом, за границей
two hundred and ninety   двести девяносто (числ)
total   общий, итоговый; итог, итого
five hundred and ninety   пятьсот девяносто (числ)
to build (built, built) [билд, билт] строить
society [сэсайэти] общество
building society   строительное общество — учреждение, специализирующееся на привлечении сбережений населения и кредитовании жилищного строительства
to render   оказывать
numerous [ньюмерэс] многочисленный
services   услуги
extensive   обширный
branch   отделение, ветвь
networks [нэтуоркс] сеть
branch networks   сеть отделений
extensive branch networks   разветвленная, широкая сеть отделений
to participate   участвовать
clearing   клиринг — расчеты путем взаимного зачета требо­ваний (платежей)
clearing system   клиринговая система
to be engaged in something   заниматься чем-либо
to discount   учитывать
bill   вексель, банкнота, документ о признании долга
to discount bills   учитывать вексели
bill of exchange   переводный вексель — приказ выплатить предьявителю определенную сумму
corporate   корпоративный — относящийся к компаниям
wholesale [хоулсэйл] оптовый
wholesale bank     оптовый банк — банк, специализирующийся на крупных операциях
money   деньги
merger   слияние двух или более компаний для образова­ния одной новой
take-over   поглощение одной компанией другой (часто во­преки ее желанию)
acquisition [экуизишн] приобретение
to comprise   включить
certain   определенный
the Channel   пролив Ла-Манш
island   остров
Isle of Man   остров Мэн
subsidiary [s@b'sIdj@rI] филиал
to be based   находиться
consortium   консорциум
jointly   совместно
to own   владеть
to be owned by somebody   находиться во владении кого-либо
to extend   простираться
loan   кредит
to extend a load   предоставлять кредит
mortgage [могидж] ипотека, ипотечный кредит — передача кредитору права на недвижимость в качестве залога за полу­ченную ссуду
nowadays   сейчас
widely   широко
to practice doing something   использовать практику чего-либо
deposit   депозит — 1) вклад денег в кредитном учреждении; 2) краткосрочная межбанковская ссуда
to take in deposits   принимать депозит
to operate   работать; управлять
to operate as banks   работать как банк


1. Read the following:

the next day in the past other banks the Channel Islands the Isle of Man the United Kingdom the corporate sector

• They are engaged in mergers.

They are engaged in take-overs.

They are engaged in acquisitions.

They are mostly engaged in discounting bills.

• Here is the short summary of the lecture.

There are ninety-two building societies in the UK.

These are wholesale banks.

2. Find answers in the text and read these sentences:

To what topic was the lecture devoted?

How many retail banks are there in Britain?

How many discount houses are there?

How many merchant banks are there?

How many other British banks are there?

What foreign banks are located in the UK?

How many building societies are there in Britain?

3. Translate into Russian:

banking merchant banks
banking sector overseas banks
retail banks building societies
discount houses clearing system
to discount bills acquisition
private customer consulting services
corporate customer branch
corporate sector subsidiary
merger mortgage
take-over mortgage loan


4. Match terms and definitions:

retail banks banks extending mortgage loans, taking in deposits and providing other banking services
discount houses banks serving private customers
merchant banks banks serving private and corporate customers with big money
building societies banks discounting bills of exchange


5. Complete as in the text:

There are a few types of foreign banks based in Britain. They are American, Japanese and other overseas banks.

American banks...

Japanese banks...

Overseas banks...

6. Insert articles:

... next day... session was devoted to... United Kingdom Banking Sector. Here is... short summary of... lecture.

... UK Banking Sector comprises retail banks, discount houses, merchant banks, foreign banks, building societies and other banks.

7. Insert prepositions:

Retail banks render numerous services... private customers and have extensive branch networks... the UK. They participate directly... the UK clearing system.

Merchant banks are wholesale banks. They handle big money... private and corporate customers. They are engaged... mergers, take­overs and acquisitions.

8. Complete the sentences:

Discount houses are mostly engaged in discounting...

American banks comprise the branches...

Japanese banks comprise...

In the past British building societies mostly extended mortgage... but nowadays they also... as banks.

9. Underline the verbs and translate the sentences into Russian:

Other British banks comprise all other banking institutions regis­tered in the UK and banks in a few islands. They are controlled by UK companies or individuals. Overseas banks are foreign banks ex­cluding (исключая) American and Japanese banks. They comprise the branches and subsidiaries of those banks and Consortium banks too. All these banks are owned by other financial institutions. One of the owners of every bank must be based overseas.

10. Role play:

Imagine you are the lecturer. Speak on the types of banks in Great Britain.

11. Agree or disagree:

Types of banks in Russia are similar to those in Great Britain.

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