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Police in Britain. Ex. I. Read the following words and word combinations

Unit VI

Ex. I. Read the following words and word combinations. Translate the sentences into Russian.


1. to prevent a crime предотвращать преступление It is better to prevent crimes than to punish them.
2. to detect a crime раскрывать преступление We understand that most people will want to help the police to prevent or detect a crime.
3. to commit a crime совершить преступление After committing a computer crime, a criminal can forge (подделать) computer information, for example, to change the time of performing operation.
4. to maintain peace and safety поддерживать всеобщий мир и безопасность The Security Council has the duty to maintain peace and safety in the society.
5. order порядок The new president’s urgent (срочный) task will be to maintain order.
6. to enforce judgment приводить в исполнение судебное решение If a court has decided that someone must pay you an amount of money and you have not received it, you may want to ask the court to enforce the judgment.
7. to gather evidence собирать доказательства, улики To prosecute a criminal, the police are to gather evidence.
8. to search for smb разыскивать кого-л. Detectives were brought in to help to search for a criminal.
9. to question smb допрашивать, опрашивать к-л. Witnesses are to tell the truth when they are questioned in the court.
10. a suspect подозреваемый Jess was killed and her brother was the only suspect.
11. to suspect smb of smth подозревать кого-л. в чем-л. Police suspected that she had some connection with the robbery (грабеж).
12. to deter smb from doing smth удерживать кого-л от чего-л. The rain didn’t deter people from coming to the football match.
13. police force полицейское подразделение Bill was a senior police officer, who joined the police force in 2007.
14. the Metropolitan Police Force подразделение Лондонской полиции The Met is the abbreviation for the Metropolitan Police Force.
15. to police охранять порядок, патрулировать The royal visit of Elisabeth II was heavily policed.
16. headquarters главное управление; штаб The United Nation headquarters is situated in New York.
17. Criminal Investigation Department Отдел Уголовных Расследований Criminal Investigation Department is a specialized wing in many state police forces.
18. a store of weapons склад оружия All police stations in Great Britain have a store of weapons.
19. to obtain permission получить разрешение Is it necessary to obtain special permission in order to arrest a suspect in Great Britain?
20. to detain smb задерживать, арестовывать, брать под стражу   Are they detained now? Police detained the terrorists.
21. to charge smb with smth обвинятького-л. в чем-либо The man the police arrested last night was charged with murder.

Ex.II. Match these words to their definitions.

1. to prevent a crime 1. to find out who has committed a crime
2. to detect a crime 2. facts that help to prove that someone has committed a crime
3. to commit a crime 3. to ask people questions in order to find out what they know about a crime
4. order 4. someone who the police believe may have committed a crime
5. to enforce judgment   5. a situation where people obey the law and follow the accepted rules of behaviour
6. evidence   6. to believe that someone has done something bad or against the law
7. to question smb   7. to keep someone in a police station or prison and not allow them to leave
8. to search for smb   8. to stop someone from committing a crime
9. a suspect   9. to bring to life or implement the decision made by a judge in a court of law
10. to suspect smb of smth 10. to accuse somebody officially of committing a crime
11. to deter smb from doing smth   11. to try to find someone who hide out from the police
12. to detain smb   12. a body of trained officers whom the government entrusts (поручать) to maintain public peace and order, to enforce the law, and to prevent and detect crimes
13. police force   13. to persuade (убедить) someone not to do something by making them realize that it will be difficult or it will have unpleasant results
14. police 14. at first
15. to police   15. to do something illegal
16. headquarters   16. the people who work for an organization that tries to catch criminals and checks that people obey the law
17. to charge smb with smth 17. to use police officers to control an area to make sure that laws are obeyed and people and property are protected
18. employee   18. the place where an organization has its main office or from which military action is controlled
19. originally   19. someone who is paid to work for a person or organization


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