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Reading practice section. Expressions of result and reason. 1

Expressions of result and reason.

1. I’ve got so much data (that) I don’t know how to keep it. There were so few programs I knew (that) it was difficult to do the whole task. a. We can link results and reasons with so and because. Normally we do not begin sentences with because in formal language.
2. The program was so difficult (that) I couldn’t sort it out myself. It was so hot last night (that) my computer fried. b. We can use as and since in formal speech and writing. They have the same meaning as because.
3. We tried to make a graph for the presentation ourselves, eventually we used business graphics program. We used image editing software to improve a photo. As a result, the image had little resemblance to the photo. c. so much, so many, so few, so little These expressions can be used with that, but that is often left out in speech and informal writing.
4. The report was too difficult to understand. The report was not difficult enough to understand. d. so + adjective+ that That is often left out in speech and informal writing.
5. I’ve made an error in the program so it doesn’t work. The program doesn’t work because I’ve made an error. e. too+ adjective+ infinitive with to This construction suggests difficulty, and that something cannot be done. not+ adjective+ enough + infinitive with to This construction suggests another meaning.
6. I can’t make a digital map as/since I don’t have any mapping software. As/since I don’t have any mapping software, I can’t make a digital map. f. We can also introduce the result of situation by using a result phrase, such as as a result, or time expression such as in the end, eventually. These is usually used in formal speech and writing.


4. Make up your own sentences to given explanation a-f in exercise 3.

5. Think up a story using as many expressions of purpose, reason and result as possible.


1. In the magazine article which follows, a number of software developers express their opinions on the future of software technology. Read the article and decide which opinions are expressed by the speakers.



In general, customers are getting what they want.

In general, customers are not getting what they want.

Software is too complex.

Software is not complex enough.

Software developers know what users want.

Softwaredevelopers don't know what users want.

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