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Speaking/writing practice section


1. Complete the chart below with notes about the different stages in your 'computer history'.

For example: 1985: First used computer at school. Add more boxes to the chart if you want to.

Possible stages: · first computer game · first computer lesson at school/college · first programming language learnt · first software used · first computer course/qualification · first job involving computer · first steps on the Internet


Ask a partner about their computer history. For example:

'When did you first...? 'How long ago did you...?' How old were you when you...?

Tell the rest of the class about your partner. Do most people in your group have similar computer histories?

2. Describe this diagram showing how Java works.

3. Try to find the information about any recently developed programming languages (e.g. used to interact with the Internet through voice recognition) or the one that has not been described above. Make a report about it. Specify its development history, main characteristics and uses.

4. Try to find out more about Java applets at http:/java.sun.com. Make a report including as many pictures as possible.

5. Using the power of your imagination try to think of possible future computer programs.

What will they be used for? How will they help make our lives easier?

In your opinion, what will the program writing process in future be like? How will it be improved?

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