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Customs Declaration

Text 1

Reading and Speaking

Exercise 5. Ask your friend about:

- how the objects are described in the Customs form;

- what the term “for official use” means;

- why these remarks are important.

Exercise 6. Complete the text below using the words from the box.


through the “red corridor”, purchases, be questioned, to avoid, false, laws, subject to declaration, stamped, renewable, the border, identifies, amount


When a person goes on business abroad he is to fill in the Customs declaration and to keep it for the duration of his stay abroad. It is not (1) ______ in case of loss. What is a ‘Customs declaration form’? It’s a simple form that (2) _______ who the person is, where he lives and whether or not he has made any (3) ________ that are to be declared.

Just like travelling anywhere outside the country, passengers are allowed a certain (4) _______ of tobacco, liquor that can be brought into the country. Persons giving (5) ______ information in the Customs declaration or to Customs officers shall render themselves liable under the (6) ____ of the country.

If the traveller has any goods or items that are (7) _______, he should fill in a special Customs declaration form and pass (8) ________ at the Customs point at the border. If he doesn’t have anything to declare, he may cross (9) ______ through the ‘green corridor’.

If the passenger brings in something that he thinks may (10) _______ when he comes out of the country, it’s better to declare it. The traveller must keep the (11) ________ declaration until the end of the trip (12) ______ problems when leaving the country.


Exercise 7. Read Text 2 to find the English equivalents for:

широко практиковаться в мире; каналы связи; представлять; законодательные акты; постепенно; таможенные органы; участники ВЭД; декларирование через Интернет; осуществлять таможенное оформление; выпуск товаров; декларант; электронное уведомление; квитанция; ускорять процедуру таможенного оформления; набор документов; подвергать риску; воспользоваться преимуществами; принимать электронную декларацию; воплощать программы.

Text 2*

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